Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 1966 He was not killed by his biological father

"Mom, just hope you're okay. Why are you crying so hard? You scared me to death!" Lan'er sniffed and said.

"I..." Ji Ling opened her mouth, but had no intention of saying more. She relived the most painful memory. Wouldn't speaking out also make her daughter recall the experience of being used to raise gu by her own father?

Thinking of this, she planned to change the topic, turned to look at Bai Ruozhu and asked, "Ruozhu, what did you tell me about the truth just now?"

Bai Ruozhu sighed, "It's a long story, let's sit down and talk."

Everyone sat down at the stone table next to Lan'er, lit candles and started talking.

Bai Ruozhu started talking about entering the illusion and continued until the great elder suddenly attacked Wei Yu.

"Damn it, how could the Great Elder do this? Didn't he think of ways to help Wei Yu?" Feng Jiu slammed the stone table hard. His mood was very complicated. He didn't expect that trial would happen when he was a teenager. Such a big thing happened, and I didn't expect that it would be the Great Elder who pushed Wei Yu into adversity in the end.

He used to hate Wei Yu very much because Wei Yu married Ji Ling but treated her badly and killed their child. He felt sorry for Ji Ling and hated Wei Yu so much. But thinking about it from another perspective, they are both childhood playmates, and their relationship is naturally extraordinary. How could you want to see your friend become like that?

Moreover, Wei Yu was two years older than him and Ji Ling, and he was a genius. He was the idol in their group. Feng Jiu also admired and envied Wei Yu when he was a child.

"I think the illusion is all in your memory, and there is no need for Mad Gu to wrongly accuse the Great Elder." Bai Ruozhu said.

Ji Ling was stunned for a long while, and Feng Jiu looked at her worriedly, feeling a little uncomfortable in her heart.

After a long while, Ji Ling sighed heavily and said: "The Great Elder is self-willed. He claims to be impartial, but in fact he just does unhuman things for the sake of his dignity. Back then, he forcibly arrested my mother and me as a newborn. When I returned to the tribe, I abandoned my unawakened younger brother and imprisoned my mother for many years. My mother also felt that she had failed her younger brother because she had been living in pain and guilt."

"Originally, I thought that my mother violated the clan rules. Even if the elder was too strict, there was nothing she could do about it. Now it seems that he is a hypocritical villain who only wants to maintain his own image and reputation. The so-called sake of Jiu The Li people just don’t want anything to happen to the Jiuli people when he is in power!”

Bai Ruozhu also gritted his teeth, "Is the old man still alive now? He should give you an explanation for this matter. Why didn't he discuss it with other elders in the clan and just wanted to kill Wei Yu because he was good at making opinions? As a result, Wei Yu was harmed. His soul was traumatized and his body was completely taken over by Gu madness, but he did not dare to tell everyone the truth, and it was in vain that Wei Yu trusted him and went to him for help."

"Still alive, but in poor health. He no longer cares about the affairs of the clan. The position of great elder will soon be handed over to someone else, most likely Elder Su." Feng Jiu said.

"Elder Su is much more magnanimous than him. Before, he looked down on my father and spoke harshly, but he was willing to reflect and make amends when he knew he was wrong. But has the elder ever told the truth in these years?" Bai Ruozhu asked.

Ji Ling shook her head absentmindedly, "He never mentioned Wei Yu again, and we don't want to mention it either."

Yin Mei, who had been silent until now, suddenly spoke and said: "I heard that when Patriarch Wei Aofeng was alive, he once had an enemy. That person was a noble of the Quanrong tribe. He not only knew the secrets of the Quanrong tribe, but was also good at raising poison. , once killed many people in Jiuli, and was finally surrounded and suppressed by Wei Aofeng. I think it was that Gu who went crazy. This man was so scheming that he actually used evil magic to create an opportunity to resurrect the dead. It was terrible."

Ji Ling's eyes turned red again. She opened her mouth, but closed it again. She even glanced at Feng Jiu carefully.

Bai Ruozhu could see clearly that her aunt was worried about the real Wei Yu, but she also wanted to estimate Feng Jiu's mood.

Feng Jiu had waited for her for more than ten years without any regrets, and her heart was slowly occupied by Feng Jiu. What she thought about most at the moment was Feng Jiu's mood.

Unexpectedly, Lan'er next to her burst into tears.

"Great, it turns out that bad guy is not my father, and I was not killed by my own father. That's great!" Lan'er said while crying, like a child who has not grown up.

Ji Ling went over and hugged her, "Lan'er, be good, stop crying. We will definitely kill that bad guy and avenge your father."

Lan'er nodded vigorously, "I will work hard, my Phoenix Gu will not be weaker than his Phoenix Gu."

Ji Ling's face changed greatly, "Don't think about raising the phoenix gu. Mother will find a way to take the phoenix gu out of your body. You will get married in the future."

Lan'er's face darkened a bit, she gritted her teeth and said, "Mom, it's useless. If you take out this body, you will die. And since I am tied to the Phoenix Gu, I may lose my soul or fall asleep again." long time."

"How could this happen?" Ji Ling swayed and was about to faint, Feng Jiu hurriedly supported her.

"Don't think too much now, you will find a way later." Feng Jiu advised.

The sound of the watch sounded outside. It was already the third watch. Everyone went back to rest with a heavy heart. Only then did Bai Ruozhu notice that Jian Qi looked bad.

"What's wrong with you?" Bai Ruozhu asked.

"I was killed once by a Gu madman inside. I have a headache." Jian Qi said.

"When? When he escaped from Jiuli?" Bai Ruozhu asked hurriedly.

Jian Qi nodded, and Bai Ruozhu's head turned rapidly. Being in the illusion does not mean that he will not die. If someone is killed, he may really think that he is dead, and fall asleep in the illusion, never to wake up again. It seems that Jian Qi knew it was an illusion from the beginning and would not regard himself as really dead, but now his soul has been somewhat traumatized.

"Go and have a good rest. You need to get enough rest now, otherwise your head will hurt even more." Bai Ruozhu lowered her face and ordered.

Jian Qi also knew that his situation was not good, so he did not dare to persist anymore and went back to his room to sleep.

It took about three days before Jian Qi's complexion improved a little and his energy improved a lot.

The epidemic in Linchuan City is completely under control, and those in quarantine have passed their infectious period, and those who are found to be fine have been released back home. Those who were mildly infected had almost recovered and were sent to the observation area.

Things were proceeding in an orderly manner, and the good news spread to Beiyu City and the army. Prime Minister Si and the emperor who had gone east breathed a sigh of relief, and King Rui's treacherous plan finally did not succeed.

In the army camp, Jiang Yichun was looking at the pictures, eating the dried fish and meat that Ruozhu brought him, and thinking about some follow-up arrangements.

"Sir, this is your dinner." A woman's voice came from outside, and a tall and heroic woman came in carrying a tray.

Jiang Yichun frowned slightly. He had seen this woman several times. She was the daughter of the head of Qingfeng Village, a mountain bandit who had taken refuge on the way. Her name was Yue Lin.

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