The woman looked ashamed and spoke slowly.

"My name is Yi Zi, and Mrs. Pan gave me this name."

"Stand up and continue talking. It won't be uncomfortable for you to kneel like this. It's awkward for me to look at." Bai Ruozhu interrupted her.

The woman glanced at Bai Ruozhu gratefully, stood up with the little monkey in her arms, and gently touched the little monkey's head with her slender hands to calm its nervousness.

"Madam is a charitable person, I will let Xiaomao return your things." Yi Zi said.

"How can a monkey steal a whole car of stuff?" Jian Qi asked suspiciously from the side.

"Although Xiaomao is small, he is very powerful, and he can also use hidden formations." Yizi nodded towards Xiaomao, Xiaomao squeaked twice, stretched out his paws, and Yizi suddenly disappeared. .

But soon the two of them reappeared in the same place. It could be seen that they had not moved just now, they just used the formation to make them invisible.

Bai Ruozhu took a serious look at Xiaomao this time, not expecting this thin little monkey to have such ability.

And this Yizi doesn't look like a treacherous person, otherwise he would have found an opportunity to escape when he had just escaped.

"I was an orphan since I was a child. I have been begging on the street as long as I can remember. Once I was almost beaten to death by other begging children. Mrs. Pan passed by and saved me. She also spent a lot of money on medical treatment. Originally, she wanted to I was taken care of by the Pan family, but my injury didn’t heal, so my master took notice and accepted me as his apprentice.”

Yi Zi said with a faint smile on her face, "I was sure that Mrs. Pan was a good person at that time. I felt that if my mother was still alive, she would be as gentle as Mrs. Pan, so she refused to become a disciple. But Mrs. Pan persuaded me to be a good person. Learning skills from Master is more promising than going to Pan's house. Even if she accepts me as an adopted daughter, what good marriage can an adopted daughter of a merchant family have in the future? It's better to learn some skills to change your own destiny. Mrs. Pan is very powerful, and she He said that the master was an expert and that if I succeeded in my studies, I could protect her."

"My name was also given by Mrs. Pan. Later, I studied with the master for ten years. During this period, I also came back to visit Mrs. Pan. I always said that when I started training, I would stay with her for a while and be her bodyguard. But I didn't wait until I started training. , my master leaked the secret because of saving people, and passed away due to the backlash of heaven. I buried my master and rushed back, but she was already dead." Yi Zi said with her eyes red again.

"Master's death was a big blow to me. In addition, she died suddenly of illness and the Pan family moved away. I suspected that she was killed by someone, so I devoted myself to finding out the truth. At that time, the house was in Selling, I was afraid that everything would change after being sold and I wouldn’t be able to find out, so I pretended to be a ghost and scared away the people who bought the house.”

Yi Zi said and sighed, "But after half a year of investigation, I found that Mrs. Pan did die of illness, and her family were very good to her when she was sick. Even Master Pan left here because he was too sad. I once went After investigating the Pan family’s countryside, my guess was finally overturned.”

"Then now that everything has been found out, why do you continue to play tricks and frighten the Pan family servant so much that he breaks his leg?" Bai Ruozhu asked with a frown.

Yi Zi's face dropped when he heard this, "It's because the old servant misbehaved. After Mrs. Pan passed away, the house left behind should continue to observe filial piety. He saw that the house not only failed to keep filial piety for Mrs. Pan, but also moved into Mrs. Pan's house. , drinking and eating meat there every day, and even hooked up with other people’s wives, and wanted to do that shady thing in Mrs. Pan’s room. If Mrs. Pan is still alive, she will definitely be angry.”

"What about the Taoist priest who was scared out of his mind?" Bai Ruozhu asked again.

Yi Zi showed a look of helplessness, "The rumors among the people are too mysterious. The Taoist priest has no ability and just pretends to deceive others. I frightened him with just a small formation. He probably did too many bad things and was frightened at that time. He was so upset that he quickly left the town, but I saw that he was just scared, but not crazy."

"Since the Taoist priest and the old servant have been driven away, why do you continue to pretend?" Bai Ruozhu asked.

Yi Zi lowered her head in shame, "Madam liked this place very much when she was alive. I don't want her house to be occupied by others, but I also know that this is not an option, so I am trying to raise money to buy this place, but I don't understand either. How to make money? I learned some little skills from my master about how to set up formations, but I haven’t mastered it yet. In addition, I am young, and it is difficult to gain the trust of others. A few days ago, I was worried about having no money with Xiaomao, and it turned out... …”

She glared at Xiaomao as she said, "Don't pretend to be wronged. No matter how difficult it is, you shouldn't steal other people's things."

Xiaomao covered his face with his hands and squeaked twice, as if to say that he knew he was wrong and he was ashamed.

"Take them to get those things. You haven't eaten anything secretly, have you?" Yi Zi asked.

Xiaomao waved to her and squeaked.

Bai Ruozhu looked at the exchange between one person and one monkey, and thought of the relationship between herself, Xiao Maoqiu and Xiao Hei, and her eyes softened a little when looking at Yizi.

Soon Xiao Mao showed the way, and everyone arrived under a tree in the backyard, and soon they dug out a pile of things.

In addition to these, there are also roast chicken wrapped in lotus leaves and meat sesame cakes wrapped in oil paper. If the monkey has treasures, he will bury them. Forget the stolen medicinal materials. If you bury the food, aren't you afraid of ants and bugs crawling inside?

Yi Zi glared at the monkey with a depressed expression, "Xiao Mao, you went to town to steal food again, you will kill me sooner or later!"

Xiao Mao stretched out his arms to hug her neck and started to cry. Not to mention how aggrieved it was to be like that. As a result, Yizi also started crying and said, "I'm useless, and I can't buy you delicious food."

Bai Ruozhu asked Jian Qi to check it. Sure enough, all the lost things were here. There weren't many valuable things, they were just some spare medicinal materials. Bai Ruozhu didn't want to argue anymore and said to Jian Qi: "Just take the things back."

Yi Zi raised her head and looked at her, "I will surrender to the county government office when it gets daybreak."

Bai Ruozhu didn't stop her. Regardless of Yi Zi's reasons, if she was wrong, she was wrong. She should pay the price for her mistakes and accept the punishment she deserved.

Just like Bai Ruozhu knew something in his previous life, the waiter at a hot pot restaurant had a dispute with a customer and poured boiling water directly on the customer. Afterwards, some saint said that the customer's words were inappropriate, and the waiter was also made anxious. But Bai Ruozhu always felt that the waiter broke the law and hurt someone. If he was wrong, he was wrong. If people in this world were dissatisfied with something and hurt someone, wouldn't it be chaos?

So for so long, unless she was provoked severely, such as Wu Wanqing poisoned Deng Deng and Hong Lian used evil magic to control her and A Chun, she had murderous intentions. The most she could do to others was a small punishment, otherwise If anyone offends her, she will poison him to death. Wouldn't that make him a female devil?

Of course, Yi Zi wouldn't be beheaded in this matter. At most, she would be slapped with a stick and asked to pay compensation to the old servant of the Pan family who broke his leg.

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