Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 1989 Poor people must be hateful

Bai Ruozhu secretly cursed that it was deserved and did not intervene. She just watched silently from the side. She did not believe that this place would really be sealed. No matter how bad things get, Auntie and the others will find ways to save her. Instead of getting anxious and panicking, it is better for her to calm down and figure things out.

Those women tortured the madam and wanted to take revenge on Yang Laosan and the others, but Yang Laosan cursed and they did not dare to come forward.

Looking at these cowardly looks, Bai Ruozhu knew that they had been dealt a cruel blow by Yang Laosan, leaving a shadow in her heart and losing the courage to hate them.

Yang Laosan was injured, so he crawled over with some difficulty, took the madam's hand and asked, "Chun Rong, how are you? Are you okay?"

The madam laughed miserably, "Is everything okay?"

Her eyes were so painful that she couldn't open them, and she couldn't help but shed tears. She hadn't cried in many years, and this time she really wanted to cry even if she didn't want to.

Her real name was Zheng Chunrong, and she was the daughter of a small family, but her father got addicted to gambling and lost everything in the end, so he had to sell her, who still had some lust, to the casino owner.

The owner of the casino was a sixty-year-old man, and he had several concubines at home. Zheng Chunrong lived a very difficult life, and was even almost killed several times.

And her husband was also a pervert. He said he liked her beautiful body, so he had her tattooed with large peony patterns, saying that she would look graceful and luxurious. But she knew that every time he looked at her, his eyes were full of sarcasm and contempt, but he also liked to play with and torture her in various ways.

In every painful day, she kept asking herself, why can other women live a comfortable life, why should she have to go through this?

She began to become ruthless little by little, using tricks to win the man's heart, and even hooked up with Yang Laosan, the most trusted subordinate of the casino owner.

Soon, the owner of the casino died of illness, and many people in the clan were fighting for property. However, she had already taken a lot of money and opened this brothel with Yang Laosan.

Every time she saw those young women who had been arrested, she thought of her former self and laughed crazily in her heart, feeling that the world was finally fairer.

Even now, she can't escape death, but she doesn't regret it.

She suddenly raised her head and said to the women: "Even if you are forced to accept guests, you are still acting like cowards. If you meet someone who is sincere to you, you will not have a hard time. But now that woman has barged in, not only has she harmed You will die here, and even after you die, you will not lose your good reputation."

The captured women became panicked. They were often tortured. Although their bodies were innocent, most of them were disheveled. If someone found them like this, they would probably not be able to explain clearly.

A woman with thick eyebrows suddenly screamed, "I don't want to die! I don't want to die!"

While shouting, she rushed over and took Bai Ruozhu's arm, saying, "Can't you save us? Open the door quickly and let us hide. Don't let others see us!"

The woman who had fled in panic also rushed over, "Are you saving us or harming us? Let us out quickly!"

Fortunately, there were some people who were sensible and tried to persuade them, saying that if Bai Ruozhu and the others hadn't broken in, they would have continued to be tortured today.

It's a pity that the woman who lost her mind and was frightened by the fear of death couldn't listen to any reason at all.

With a tear, Bai Ruozhu's sleeves were torn, and her eyes narrowed. She could sympathize with these women, but that didn't mean that she was the Holy Mother and could tolerate their kindness and revenge.

"Shut up!" She shouted coldly, calming everyone all at once.

She didn't want to talk nonsense to them anymore, so she threw the women who made trouble with her back into the cell and closed the cell door again.

"You need to calm down. Since you are complaining that I saved you, then stay inside and don't come out." Bai Ruozhu said.

Seeing that Bai Ruozhu could carry a person with one hand, the other women who were not causing trouble took a few steps back in fright. They were thankful that they had not followed suit just now.

Immediately, Bai Ruozhu walked towards the madam. She kicked the old madam hard in the chest and knocked her to the ground.

The embroidered shoes stepped on Zheng Chunrong's scratched and bruised face, and twisted it hard, "Sowing discord? You are really good at it."

Yang Laosan hurriedly grabbed Bai Ruozhu's leg, but Bai Ruozhu kicked him away.

"Don't hurt her. If anything happens, come to me." Yang Laosan got up and said while coughing.

Bai Ruozhu couldn't help but sneered, "I didn't see that you were still infatuated with her, but you know that when I caught her just now, she was sleeping with a fat man."

Yang Laosan's expression changed greatly, and then he shook his head desperately and said, "She can't help it. If we want to gain a foothold in the city, we can't offend the county magistrate. She also wants to keep us safe."

Bai Ruozhu cursed secretly. The fat man she had just knocked out turned out to be the county magistrate. Fortunately, Jian Qi asked her second brother to go to the county government office to transfer manpower, but she stopped her. Otherwise, if the county magistrate got the news, he must be You must act in advance and send people to silence all the women you catch, otherwise Lan'er will be in danger.

This is great, her second brother came to inspect and really made a fool of himself.

She ignored Yang Laosan and fed Zheng Chunrong a pill, and then asked her how to open the secret room. As a result, Zheng Chunrong said with a dull expression: "It can't be opened. If someone outside forces it to open it, the explosives in the trap will If set ablaze, this place will be reduced to ashes.”

The captured women screamed and Bai Ruozhu glared at her. They all became quiet again. After seeing Bai Ruozhu's ability to deal with Yang Laosan and Zheng Chunrong, they no longer dared to mess with her.

At this time, footsteps came from outside, followed by the second brother's voice: "Open the secret room, or I will chop off your dog's head!"

I think the second brother has already contacted my aunt and the others and discovered that she was locked in a secret room.

Bai Ruozhu ran to the door excitedly and shouted: "Second brother, I'm inside, don't move around yet!"

Unfortunately, the second brother outside didn't respond and said angrily: "You don't know? Then you don't have to live anymore."

Oops, I can hear sounds from outside, but I can't hear her words from outside.

The sounds outside became chaotic and unclear, so Bai Ruozhu couldn't tell what was going on. Then she heard her second brother say loudly: "dig, I don't believe you can't dig a secret room!"

This shout was very loud, so it was heard very clearly. Zheng Chunrong, who was not far away, sneered and made an expression as if he was waiting to die.

I don't know which woman screamed in fear first, and then there was a scream. Bai Ruozhu covered her ears and threw the dagger in her hand, directly inserting it into the ground at their feet.

"Shut up, everyone!" she shouted sternly, but those people were frightened crazy and couldn't stop at all.

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