Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 1994 Dog bites dog

As for the most noisy Ms. Li, Bai Ruozhu couldn't sympathize with her at all.

"Where's the round-faced girl?" Bai Ruozhu asked.

"Because she disappeared, her mother became seriously ill and passed away a few days ago." Jian Qi's voice was a little lower. If the girl's mother could carry her for a few more days and see her lost daughter, she would also be able to see her lost daughter. I can rest in peace.

Bai Ruozhu was also a little sad, and then heard Jian Qi continue talking.

"Her name is Sun Duo'er. She lives in a rural village outside the city. She came to the market with her mother. The two of them sold some embroidery work and were about to leave. Halfway through, her mother told her that she had calculated the money wrong and asked her to wait where she was. , I went back to find the owner of the embroidery village, I don’t want to go back to the same place, Sun Duoer has disappeared." Jian Qi continued.

"No wonder her mother couldn't feel at ease. She should have returned with her daughter at that time." Bai Ruozhu said.

Jian Qi shook his head, "Yang Lao San became more and more bold. Even if Sun Duo'er's mother was with her at that time, Yang Lao San and the others would have knocked the woman unconscious, then grabbed Sun Duo'er and left. Sun Duo'er's family is called Many people from the village came to the city to look for her, and she went to the county government to report her, but it turned out that she was hidden in a basement like that, and Ma Quanli was protecting her, so how could she be found?"

"That Ma Quanli should be beheaded. Unfortunately, he is an official and cannot be executed on the spot. He can only be escorted back to Beiyu City and let the court make arrangements." Bai Ruozhu gritted his teeth, "I can only watch Zheng Chunrong and Yang Laosan beheaded."

Jian Qi suddenly smiled, a very fast smile, and then he lowered his head and said, "Death is too cheap for them. They have been tortured in prison for the past two days. They really wish they could die immediately."

He briefly talked about it. It turned out that the prison warden who visited the cell had lost his sister many years ago. Although it was decades ago and had nothing to do with Zheng Chunrong and the others, who caused them to run into her?

The prison boss couldn't find the person who abducted his sister, so he directed all his anger at Zheng Chunrong.

In addition, some of the jailers knew the victim's family, and they also hated Zheng Chunrong and tortured them in private in the past few days.

When Bai Ruozhu said this, various torture methods were still going on in the prison.

The country of Danliang does not allow private torture instruments. The prisons originally did not have such torture tools, but who allowed Zheng Chunrong and Yang Laosan to harm so many people? If they did not torture them, the jailers would feel sorry for the abducted women. .

Ma Quanli was so frightened by the screams that his body shivered. He squatted in a corner of the cell, trying to shrink himself into a small ball to reduce his sense of existence. If anyone saw it at this time, they would think there was a meat ball there.

In the cell opposite, Zheng Chunrong couldn't stand the torture, so she usually tried to hide from the tiny needles that pricked her, while tearing off her clothes. Soon, most of her clothes fell off, exposing half of her body.

Peony was originally dignified and beautiful, but the tattoos on her body gave off a seductive and provocative smell. She saw that the eyes of several jailers were straightened, and she was secretly relieved. She was very aware of the attraction of the flesh on her body to men.

"Masters, you must be tired. Let the little girl take care of you." She said and stretched out her hand to rub the shoulder of a jailer. Although she was still in severe pain, she tried her best to look seductive.

The jailer shivered, his body suddenly became hot, and his eyes glowed horribly.

Yang Laosan's face turned green with anger when he saw Zheng Chunrong sticking to the jailer and touching him shamelessly.

"Chun Rong, that's enough, I'm still here!" He shouted angrily.

Zheng Chunrong glared at him fiercely, "Shut up, when did I ask for your opinion when I did something? If you have the ability, don't let me suffer. Can you prevent disaster for me?"

Yang Laosan closed his eyes in pain. He betrayed his master for her, arrested many good women for her, and committed a heinous crime for her. Now they are about to be beheaded, but she only In order to avoid suffering, she didn't care about his mood at all. Did she ever have him in her heart?

"Tell me the truth, are you sincere to me, or are you always using me?" he suddenly asked loudly.

Zheng Chunrong sneered, "Zhenxin? Zhenxin has been feeding the dog for a long time. Aren't you taking advantage of me?"

Yang Laosan fell to the ground, her heart completely cold. She actually felt that he was also using her. What was he using her for?

She spoke without stopping her body and hands, which immediately attracted the attention of several jailers.

"Ahem!" A cough suddenly sounded, and the prison warden not far away glared at him, "Ma Quanli is still locked up on the other side, how come you guys are loose? You can't find a woman anywhere, why risk your life?" ?”

Several jailers were startled and suddenly realized that Ma Quanli, a negative teaching material, was locked up next to them. Did they forget about it now? Do you want to go to jail like Ma Quanli?

The jailer who had been raped by Zheng Chunrong reacted and kicked her away, "Get out of here, why can't I find a good woman? I'm disgusted to see someone like you who is ridden by thousands of people!"

Several other jailers also secretly cursed themselves for being obsessed with sex, and stopped looking at the woman who was half peony and half snow-skinned.

Zheng Chunrong fell to the ground, and Yang Laosan next to him laughed like crying. Tears of laughter flowed from his eyes, "You deserve it, you deserve it! They are right, you are a guy with thousands of people | riding, how could I?" Are you blind and attracted by it?"

Zheng Chunrong suddenly got up, rushed over and slapped Yang Laosan hard, "Why are you so crazy? Shut up!"

Yang Laosan, who didn't want to keep obeying her words, hit her with a backhand, knocked her to a corner of the cell, and said harshly: "Bitch, are you worthy of beating me?"

Seeing that the two men were at odds, the jailers simply sat aside and watched the excitement with great interest.

And Yang Laosan completely gave up on Zheng Chunrong, and all his love turned into resentment. He tortured Zheng Chunrong fiercely. The whole night, Zheng Chunrong cried and begged for mercy. Even though he fainted from the pain, Yang Laosan San could still press acupuncture points to wake her up, and then continue to beat her.

The head of the cell is someone to watch, as long as no one dies in the cell, no matter what the two people do.

The next day, the two were taken to the execution ground. Zheng Chunrong could not even walk. The exciting situation of the previous night was also spread by the jailers, and soon reached Bai Ruozhu's ears.

"She deserves it!" Bai Ruozhu laughed, "She shouldn't have died so happily. She should have been tortured by Yang Laosan every day for ten days and a half, and let her have a taste of those captured women. The taste of torture.”

Bai Zepei laughed beside him, "You are still too soft-hearted. Ten days and a half month are not enough. If I were not afraid of what would happen if we left, I would rather let her suffer for half a year."

Bai Ruozhu shrank her neck, she finally saw that the second brother was someone who could not be offended.


Submit 8000 words, continue tomorrow~

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