Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 2038 Jiuli’s biggest secret

What the hell is this?

A dense swarm of insects crawled out. They looked like ants, but were much larger than ants. Their legs were like centipedes, long and thin, with many pairs of legs.

Bai Ruozhu didn't have time to count how many pairs of legs those strange insects had. The moment she saw them, she had one thought: run away!

This place is too unfavorable for her, they are all puppets, and her poison is useless.

She used Qinggong to run away while using a dagger to block the machine monster's attack, and a thought quickly popped into her mind.

These things are lifeless and cannot be poisoned to death, but she can use poison to paralyze them.

She also thought about what someone had done to welcome guests, using the medicine of the cord core to destroy the railing on the second floor that welcomed guests, causing the railing to break and also hurt the guests.

Most machine puppets are made of wood and metal. As long as she destroys the wood or metal with poison, will they still become arrogant?

Thinking of this, Bai Ruozhu felt confident again. She ran away quickly and quickly made a small formation to hide inside.

She quickly took out a few bottles of medicine and mixed them together. With just a little effort, the puppets caught up with them again.

This time she didn't run away anymore, she just spilled the potion and poured it around her, as if drawing the ground as a prison, drawing a circle around herself with the potion.

She quickly formed seals and used magic to protect herself, and then she saw densely packed strange machine bugs surrounding them, but soon their slender legs were broken first, and then their tails. It took less than a stick of incense to break them. By the time we arrived, there were already a large number of severed limbs on the ground.

Bai Ruozhu raised the corner of her mouth slightly. Sure enough, sometimes if you look at things from another angle, you can find a different answer.

The most powerful one also moved much slower and soon collapsed on the ground.

Seeing that there was no danger, Bai Ruozhu carefully picked it up with a dagger and inspected it carefully.

These machine puppets are not controlled by anyone and cannot be compared with those controlled by their masters. However, they are well made and made of very special materials. They are much better than the machine puppets in the Jiuli tribe.

Bai Ruozhu felt a little confused. At least these puppets were better than her aunt Ji Ling's machine puppets. And the puppets she had come into contact with Feng Lanying, including the puppets Feng Lanying borrowed from her parents, were not as sophisticated as the puppets in front of her.

If there is a better puppet, why not use it yourself and throw it in the trial place just to test the young people who participate in the trial? Isn't it too wasteful?

And Feng Lanying's father, isn't he a machine master who is obsessed with studying machine puppets? Didn't he take some out from the place of trial?

Is this what Jiuli's clan rules are like? Bai Ruozhu was a little confused. She wanted to take these machine puppets into her own space and go back to her aunt to study them, but she was afraid that someone was watching secretly, so she had to give up.

In the end, she picked up the core part of the most powerful one and put it into her sleeve.

At this moment, she didn't know that she was in the center of the trial area. It was not possible to get there with strength, but also required a lot of luck. It was very likely that no one would be able to enter for several years, so most people from the Jiuli tribe were I’ve never seen the mechanism puppet inside.

She continued to walk forward, and soon she saw a small stream. The stream meandered down, making a gurgling sound, and extended to the south like a jade belt.

Bai Ruozhu carefully checked her surroundings and made sure there was no danger before walking over. She looked at the water in the river again and confirmed that it was not poisonous, then quickly washed her face and tidied herself up.

Just as she was washing her face, some small black shadows slowly emerged from the bottom of the creek and quickly gathered in her direction.

Bai Ruozhu opened her eyes suddenly, her perception was very strong, and she felt a huge crisis just now.

Sure enough, in the next second, black thorns bounced towards her. Fortunately, she used magic to protect herself and escaped.

Those black spines fell back into the water, turned into tiny swimming fish for an instant, and then hid back in the mud at the bottom of the creek.

Bai Ruozhu's eyes widened in shock. Are those also machine puppets? How can it be so small and still have such strong sneak attack capabilities?

She formed a seal with her hands and cautiously approached the water's edge again. Soon another group of small fish appeared and turned into spikes to attack her again. They were blocked by her spell and fell back into the water and turned into small fish again.

Bai Ruozhu caught one with quick eyesight. She padded it with her sleeves to prevent her hand from being cut. Then she used some metal-melting medicine to finally calm down the jumping little fish.

She left the creek and found a safe place to inspect the caught fish. The more she looked at it, the more exquisite she felt. However, she also found that after these small fish turned into spikes and attacked, they could not change for a period of time, so they remained unchanged. Unable to hit it, it sank back into the sand.

Of course, this does not mean that they are intelligent, but that they are designed to be so by the manufacturer.

Bai Ruozhu was just getting started in machine art. Faced with such a powerful production method, she just felt that her brain was not full and she could not guess how these machine puppets were made.

Fortunately, she found a way to crack it and continued walking forward with the poison. Soon she encountered several waves of machine puppets, which paralyzed her again.

Finally, several standing stone pillars were revealed in the distance. They were arranged very neatly and seemed to have some special purpose.

Bai Ruozhu approached cautiously, feeling more and more that he had reached a certain central area. This place was like the center of the circle in the trial place.

"Hey, why does it look like a teleportation array?" Bai Ruozhu couldn't help but muttered. Others might not think much of it, but the rootless stone pillars here looked like the teleportation array in a game she had played in her previous life. That game requires the player to click on the stone pillars in the correct order, and then the stone pillars are lit up to open the teleportation array and connect to another map.

She did not dare to touch the stone pillar rashly, but carefully inspected it. She circled around the rootless stone pillar and soon discovered that there were some carved lines on it. Looking carefully, it seemed to be murals and some simple words.

She read it carefully and soon became immersed in the simple pictures. When she finished reading the fifth stone pillar, the expression on her face became extremely strange.

"Is this the biggest secret of the Jiuli clan?" Bai Ruozhu said in a daze.

And is this rootless stone pillar really connected to another place? She suddenly felt a sense of fear in her heart. She seemed to have discovered something extraordinary. She didn't want to know any secrets at all. Wasn't it said that the more she knew, the faster she would die?

Now that she thought about it, she planned to turn around and return immediately, even if she didn't continue the trial or anything like that, but she didn't want to take risks, even if she was a coward, it didn't matter. She had a family, a lover, and three children, and many things had to be changed. Much consideration.

Just when she was about to turn around, a faint red light suddenly emitted from the stone pillar...

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