Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 2045 Visiting the Xin Family at Night

"Ah?" Bai Yihong's reaction was a little slow, and he hadn't gotten what his daughter meant yet.

Bai Ruozhu smiled and pulled her father back to the house, saying, "Anyway, leave it alone and talk to my mother."

"You girl." Bai Yihong laughed.

Bai Ruozhu returned to the room with a smile. Soon she heard the sound of something hitting her window outside. The corner of her mouth twitched. Is this how Feng Jizhi informed him?

She opened the window, and a stone hit her again. She stretched out her hand to grab it, and then saw Feng Jizhi standing in the distance.

He gestured to her, "Let's go."

She jumped out of the window and followed him into the darkness.

"Everyone slept late today. Aren't you afraid of being caught?" Bai Ruozhu asked in a low voice.

"With my strength, unless it's a few elders, it's not that easy for others to discover, right?" Feng Jizhi said.

Bai Ruozhu still felt uneasy, so she reached into her sleeves. With a thought, she took out two pieces of black cloth from the space and handed one to him.

"It's better to cover your face to avoid any complications." Bai Ruozhu said.

Feng Jizhi didn't insist. He covered his face with a black cloth, then looked at Bai Ruozhu and said, "Fortunately you are wearing Jiuli's clothes today."

"When you are in the country, do as the Romans do." Bai Ruozhu replied simply.

"You know everything, right?" He mentioned the topic again.

Bai Ruozhu tensed up, "What do you know? About Xin Sheng?"

"You don't have to pretend to be stupid. I was threatened by the voice inside and couldn't tell anyone. You have been to the central area and achieved higher results than me. There is no way you don't know the secret." Feng Jizhi said.

Bai Ruozhu was now sure that he also knew, so he didn't bother to pretend to be stupid anymore, "Why did the other party threaten you?"

It seemed that Feng Jizhi didn't see Feng Cheng's people.

"I improved my strength and felt that I was strong enough, but I didn't expect that person to be able to suppress me with just a little pressure. I couldn't move on the ground." Feng Jizhi gritted his teeth. This incident was definitely the biggest problem in his life. It's a shame, he doesn't want to be suppressed like this, but the other person is too powerful.

"That's when I realized that I was like an ant in front of that man. He said that if I spoke too much, not only myself, but also my family and clan would suffer disaster." Feng Jizhi's eyes showed some fear again. , "He must be from over there. One person over there is so powerful. What about the whole clan? Is the Jiuli clan really like ants in their eyes?"

"I am not willing to give in, but I know that I am no match for them now. When I am truly strong, I will definitely seek justice for my clan!"

Bai Ruozhu opened her mouth, trying to persuade him not to be impulsive, but who could stop the young warrior from dying? This is the passion and pursuit of the young man. If this determination is gone, his eyes will lose their luster and he will become mediocre from now on.

"I know you won't be as excited as me, and you won't think about seeking justice from those people. I don't intend to ask you for help. I've just been holding this matter in for too long, and I feel so uncomfortable. Finally, someone knows the same thing as me. It's a secret." He smiled bitterly.

The trial center he entered last year has passed this year's trial, which means he has been hiding these words in his heart for more than a year!

Bai Ruozhu understood his mood at the moment, and she was very shocked when she found out. However, she did not grow up in the Jiuli tribe, and she did not have such deep feelings and sense of honor for the Jiuli tribe. But Feng Jizhi was different, so his The mood is more complicated.

"You are calmer than I thought." Bai Ruozhu said.

Feng Jizhi smiled bitterly, "You can't do it without being calm. You've seen that person's strength, right?"

Bai Ruozhu nodded, "How can you be sure that he is a person and not a ray of spiritual thought in the center of the trial or something else?"


As they talked, they stopped talking when they arrived near Xin Sheng's house.

Feng Jizhi made a gesture, led Bai Ruozhu around to the back of the house, and looked in through the crack in the window.

At this moment, Xin Sheng was still awake, holding a spiritual tablet and wiping it. Bai Ruozhu squinted and looked at it, which read "My son Xin Si".

At this time, it is usually the descendants who set up memorial tablets for their deceased elders. How can a father set up a memorial tablet for his son? It is said that this will shorten the life of a living person. However, Xin Sheng still insisted on setting up a spiritual tablet for his son, which shows how much he cares about his son.

The spiritual tablet was very clean and spotless, but Xin Sheng still wiped it gently, as if stroking the head of his sleeping son.

"Si'er, dad is useless, I couldn't help you get revenge." Xin Sheng muttered, and finally turned into tears, holding his son's spiritual tablet and crying.

Bai Ruozhu felt very strange, "I couldn't avenge you." Could it be that he helped the second elder poison her family to avenge his son?

Didn't his son die accidentally while going out for training? When did it become related to her family?

Could it be the grudges of Grandma and her generation? She'd better ask her in the morning.

Feng Jizhi next to him frowned, and he also noticed the problem in Xin Sheng's words.

Xin Sheng held the spirit tablet and cried for a while, then put the spirit tablet back, and then sat there in a daze.

Feng Jizhi thought for a moment and gestured to Bai Ruozhu, asking her to wait for him here.

Then he walked around to the front, put on his mask, and knocked on Xin Sheng's door.

"Who is it?" Xin Sheng wiped the corners of his eyes and stood up to answer the door.

"Uncle Xin, it's me, Jizhi." Feng Jizhi replied from outside.

Xin Sheng went over to open the door and welcomed Feng Jizhi into the hut.

"Why are you here so late? What's the matter?" Xin Sheng asked.

"No, there was a celebration banquet for the Bai family brothers and sisters today. I drank a few more drinks and went back a little late. I happened to pass by your place and saw that the lights were still on, so I wanted to come and see you." Feng Jizhi said with a smile.

Xin Sheng got him a cup of tea and said kindly: "Young people should drink less. Drinking too much will harm your health."

"Yes, I won't drink more in the future." Feng Jizhi immediately responded. He took a sip of tea and said, "Uncle Xin, I heard that the Bai family brothers and sisters said that you poisoned. This must be a misunderstanding. You must not Don’t worry.”

"How can I argue with their juniors? Besides, they are guests, so I have to give face to the third elder, right?" Xin Sheng said with a smile, "I just don't know how I offended them."

Feng Jizhi's eyes flashed slightly. It's not like no one had made trouble for Xin Sheng before. Xin Sheng's attitude was not like this. Although he didn't say anything bad about the Bai brothers and sisters at the moment, there was a hint of rejection in and out of his words. It can be seen that He was very unhappy with the Bai Ruozhu brothers and sisters.

No, based on his understanding of Xin Sheng, if it was just dislike, it would not be like this, it might be more of hatred.

The Bai family had just arrived and had no conflict with him. Why was this? Is it just because they are from outside? Is Xin Sheng xenophobic?

Feng Jizhi's eyes fell on the Xin Siling tablet beside him, and he sighed and said, "Uncle Xin misses Brother Xin Si again, right?"

Xin Sheng's eyes suddenly turned red, and he said emotionally, "Si'er died unjustly. I can't forget this hatred!"

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