Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 2050 Let’s leave

"What?" The tenth elder's eyes widened in shock, and several other elders were also surprised. Elder Su, on the other hand, lowered his head and showed no signs of surprise.

The great elder continued, "I saw the record of Gu Madness in the records of the previous patriarch. I knew how powerful that person was. He could use evil magic to resurrect his life, which was really dangerous. So, in order to avoid future troubles, I The palm hit the top of Wei Yu's head, but he didn't want Wei Yu to come back to life and run away. Later I found out that the person who came back to life was Gu crazy."

"I know I made a big mistake. If I hadn't acted decisively, Wei Yu might not have died. Maybe he could have suppressed Gu Madness, but everything was ruined by me!" He said, grabbing his hair in pain, "Later, I didn't dare to tell the truth to my clan members. I have been tortured by this incident for decades. The people I feel most sorry for are Ji Ling and the Wei family."

"If everyone knew the truth and knew that the real Wei Yu was innocent, Wei Yu's mother would not have committed suicide in public. If I had not beaten Wei Yu to death and let Gu crazy take away his body, Ji Ling's daughter would not have been arrested. Feeding Gu, this is all my fault."

As he spoke, he became agitated again and coughed up blood again.

"Great Elder..." Elder Su wanted to persuade him, but was stopped by his movements.

"It's wrong. I feel more comfortable saying it. I'm not worthy of being the great elder. Let's re-elect the clan leader in a few days." The great elder's voice became weaker and weaker, and he closed his eyes after speaking. He took some soothing medicine and talked for a long time before falling asleep, which was already pretty good.

The second elder was stunned. Why did he choose the clan leader? Shouldn't he be promoted to great elder?

The Jiuli Clan has not had a clan leader for a long time, because the previous clan leader used a lot of manpower and resources in the clan to hunt for treasures for his own selfish reasons, which caused many people in the Jiuli Clan to die. In order to avoid the same thing from happening, the Jiuli Clan did not When it comes to choosing a clan leader, over the years ten elders have jointly managed the clan to check and balance each other.

Will Jiuli now have a clan leader again?

"That woman Du Fei stole the great elder's jade token, is it really okay?" Bai Ruozhu asked suddenly.

The third elder's expression became solemn, "Send people out to capture her and bring her back. The barrier jade token cannot be left outside the clan."

Several elders showed serious expressions and hurriedly went to the meeting hall to discuss the matter, while Bai Ruozhu and Bai Zepei returned home.

"Jiuli is a valley. If someone opens the barrier and puts in a large number of enemies, the Jiuli people will become turtles in a jar." Bai Zepei said as soon as he returned home.

Ji Ling covered her mouth, "Du Fei doesn't have any deep grudge against the clan, can't it be like this?"

"Auntie, if she is caught using sorcery, what kind of punishment will she receive?" Bai Zepei asked.

Ji Ling hurriedly looked at Feng Jiu. She didn't know much about the punishments in her clan, but the Feng family knew more.

"Unless it is a serious crime like murder, most clans will not use the death penalty. If she uses evil magic, she will usually be imprisoned and suppressed. She will not be able to practice during the punishment." Feng Jiu added, " In Du Fei’s case, he should be detained for ten years.”

Bai Zepei took a sip from the tea cup and continued: "Ten years of confinement is not a capital crime, and being locked up in the clan does not mean that she will not be able to see her daughter. Why did she need to sneak attack the elder and escape? Not only is this a serious crime, but she may not be able to see her for the rest of her life. Why is she like this when she doesn’t have her husband or daughter anymore?”

Bai Ruozhu also frowned, "Yes, Du Fei's reaction was too intense, unless her original purpose was the barrier jade token."

Bai Zepei nodded, "I heard that the Quanrong tribe and the Jiuli tribe have been enemies for generations. It's not like they have never sent spies to infiltrate the Jiuli tribe before."

Feng Jiu and Ji Ling's expressions changed drastically. Ji Ling asked hurriedly: "Why didn't you say anything just now so that the elders and others could be on guard."

"There is no evidence, and the second elder is present, it is really inappropriate to talk about this matter." Bai Zepei said.

Feng Jiu nodded, "The second elder probably won't collude with outsiders. He will only covet the position of the first elder, but he absolutely does not want to admit that his daughter-in-law has decided to rule the clan."

Bai Ruozhu began to think about the reasons why Du Fei punished the clan. He heard that Feng Wen was obsessed with mechanism skills and would often not leave the secret room for ten and a half months to make mechanisms. Not only did he not have much affection for his daughter, he also had a weak relationship with his wife. Under such circumstances, Du Fei would inevitably not cheat.

"Apart from Du Fei going out for training when he was young, has he ever left the clan?" Bai Ruozhu asked suddenly.

Ji Ling shook her head, "I haven't paid attention to her in these years."

Feng Jiu also said he didn't know, but he said that he could check it at the clan records office. Anyone who goes out in the clan must apply and it will be recorded.

Feng Jiu left in a hurry, but Ji Ling started to cry a little absentmindedly.

"Aunt, are you thinking about Wei Yu again?" Bai Ruozhu went over and hugged her shoulders, while Ji Yun'er wiped her tears beside her.

"The Great Elder told the truth, which can be regarded as vindicating Wei Yu. I should be happy." Ji Ling wiped her tears hard.

"It's time to tell Lan'er and make her happy too." Bai Ruozhu mentioned Lan'er at this time, because Ji Ling was most worried about and worried about Lan'er.

"Okay, I'm going to talk to Lan'er right now." Ji Ling wiped away her tears and went upstairs.

Bai Ruozhu accompanied her grandma and talked to her parents for a while, and soon Feng Jiu returned and said to her: "I found out, except for the time when he was young, Du Fei left the clan three times. The longest one was once Years long.”

"She didn't say any reason for leaving the clan? Jiuli didn't just go out to play casually, right?" Bai Ruozhu asked.

Feng Jiu nodded and continued: "The first time I was looking for agency materials for Feng Wen, and I went there for more than half a year. The second time was for the same reason, and it was also the longest time I went out. When I came back, I was seriously injured. I said I was with someone. Injured by fighting for agency materials. The third time was five years ago. She went out for five months, saying that she was looking for medicinal materials to cure her internal injuries. After she came back, her old illness was completely cured."

"Has Feng Wen ever gone out with him?" Bai Ruozhu asked.

"Feng Wen, that mechanism madman, retreats in seclusion every day to refine the mechanism, and is unwilling to leave the door, let alone go outside the clan?" Feng Jiu said.

Bai Ruozhu looked at Bai Zepei, "Second brother, it seems that she has had many opportunities to interact with foreigners, or has she met a man who is better than Feng Wen and for whom she can give up everything?"

The whole family was stunned when they heard this, but Bai Zepei said calmly: "What's the truth, we have to wait and see, but I'm afraid the Jiuli tribe is not at peace. Is it really okay for my parents to stay here?"

Bai Ruozhu became worried upon hearing this. If the Quanrong tribe attacked, and everyone in the tribe would fight, how would parents without martial arts ensure safety? Even if she is with them all the time, there is no guarantee that she will be able to protect her family if the enemy is too powerful.

"Otherwise, let's leave as soon as possible. Grandma will go with us." Bai Ruozhu looked at Ji Yun'er and said.


I promised you the fourth update~

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