Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 2067 Feng Cheng appears

Fortunately, soon, those machine puppet flying insects lost their power and fell to the ground one after another. If you look closely, you will see that the metal on their bodies is melting and corroded by the poison.

Some of them flew slowly. When everyone saw that they were safe, they immediately raised their swords and killed them all.

When all the puppet bugs were dead and the people in the Wei Hall put away the barrier, they all let out a big sigh of relief.

The tenth elder picked up a machine puppet insect from the ground, looked at it carefully, and couldn't help but sigh and said: "It's so scary! There is such a sophisticated and powerful thing."

Xiao Shao wiped the sweat from his forehead and said: "The power of these things is too great. It was very difficult for us to set up the formation. Is the machine beast so powerful? And his body is so small, how can he be so big?" strength?"

The tenth elder shook his head, and he couldn't explain the reason. All I know is that these puppets do not exist in the Jiuli tribe.

Bai Ruozhu didn't say anything. After all, she promised Feng Cheng not to tell Feng Cheng about what happened in the test center. Otherwise, they would be surprised if they knew that there were such powerful puppets in the test center.

As a result, everyone's mood became even lower and even in a state of panic. Not only because of the changes in the surrounding scenery, but also because these fast, powerful and staggering numbers of puppet bugs gave them such a shock. They still don't know what will happen next, and what dangers will they face?

Bai Ruozhu's expression was unclear. She thought about the secret of the center of the trial. There were difficulties and dangers there to prevent the Jiuli people from reaching the teleportation array in the middle, so that they could not know that they were exiled by another group of people. civil. And here is another secret realm, so complicated, full of dangers, and unfathomable. Is there any secret hidden in it?

Is there any teleportation array leading to other places in the center of this secret book? Bai Ruozhu felt that it was impossible to arrange two teleportation arrays in one place. Wouldn't this be unnecessary? These secret realms require a large number of puppet beasts, including mechanism formations, which require manpower and material resources. She believes that those people will not do such useless things, right? Is there a path from here to another place?

Suddenly, an idea popped into her head. Could it be that the Jiuli tribe was just a transit point for them? Can they come to the Jiuli tribe and then lead to another place? But this secret realm has not been opened for more than a hundred years. Don't these people no longer use it?

Unable to think of a clue, Bai Ruozhu didn't want to think too much, and simply said: "Since we can't think of any results now, let's rest first and recharge ourselves before we can continue our journey tomorrow."

Elder Su nodded and told everyone to have a good rest and not to think too much. There is always a way to solve the problem.

"Yes, with the blessing of our Jiuli ancestors, God will not destroy us." The fifth elder said.

Bai Ruozhu was thinking about the Jiuli ancestor, and was afraid that the mysterious Feng Cheng could be the one who could save them.

She vaguely felt that in the center of the trial, she had saved her life. She went deep into the center and learned some secrets, and Feng Cheng would appear to stop her. So as long as they stay here safely for long enough, or get close to the secrets here, maybe Feng Cheng will come out to stop them.

Although Feng Cheng said he would not interfere in Jiuli's internal affairs, which seemed cold and unkind, Bai Ruozhu knew that it was impossible for him to kill the Jiuli people, so she knew it from his attitude towards him and Feng Jizhi after they broke into the trial center.

Therefore, she felt that it was probably Feng Cheng who pointed out a way to send them out.

After thinking about it this way, her mood suddenly became brighter and she was no longer under so much pressure. When no one was paying attention, she had a thought and sneaked into the space.

Fortunately, Little Dengdeng and the others were already asleep. Rabbit jumped over and looked like he was asking for credit. Bai Ruozhu thought about it and rewarded it with a red fruit.

Sure enough, the rabbit's eyes were bright and he ate the red fruit with a bang.

It seems that it likes to eat the fruits of the forest. Bai Ruozhu told the rabbit a few words, telling it to take good care of Deng Deng and them, and that there would be rewards when he turned around. The rabbit nodded desperately, stood up, and bowed with its front paws. It looked so cute that Bai Ruozhu's heart almost melted.

After explaining everything, she was about to go out when she suddenly felt a wind blowing in the space. She was surprised. Wind never came out of thin air in the space. What happened today?

Then, a pale color appeared, and Feng Cheng in white appeared in front of her.

Bai Ruozhu was so frightened that he took a few steps back and asked, "Why are you here?"

"It's just a small world. As long as my strength is higher than yours, I can create a gap in your small world and get in. Don't worry, I just want to say a few words to you and then go out. I won’t do anything to you here.” Feng Cheng said.

Bai Ruozhu secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and then murmured in her heart, Xiaotiandi? Could it be that space is a very ordinary thing in their eyes? It seems that he is not too surprised, maybe he also has space!

"So many of you came to this secret realm, are you looking for death? Do you know what the hell this place is?" Feng Cheng said angrily, but after thinking about the civil strife of the Jiuli tribe, he also understood the people who entered here. It was to seek refuge, which was tantamount to being forced into a desperate situation.

His heart softened a little and he sighed and continued: "Since you know a lot of things and have probably thought of them, I don't want to hide them from you. The secrets here are not something you can touch. If If you discover something, or you accidentally activate the formation, or someone walks in, it will cause a huge disaster. So, if you have the chance, go out as soon as possible!"

"How to get out?" Bai Ruozhu asked in surprise, finally someone could show the way.

Feng Cheng opened his mouth, but then said: "Now is not the time to go out. If you go out, you may not escape death. Why don't you stay in peace for two days and I will show you a clear way!"

"How can you stay with peace of mind? The scenery around Leng Buding will change, and a bunch of puppet beasts will come out without knowing it. Maybe your life will be lost here, how can you stay with peace of mind?" Bai Ruozhu asked.

Feng Cheng suddenly laughed, his pale mouth widened, and his whole face became a little more colorful, "There's nothing you can do about it, how many puppet beasts have you killed?"

Bai Ruozhuqian laughed twice, "I don't want to either. If I don't kill them, they will kill us. Didn't you see a piece of meat being bitten off someone's hand?"

Feng Cheng did not continue to dwell on this issue with her, and said with a cold face: "This time Jiuli suffered such a catastrophe, his vitality should be severely damaged. Even if you go out and suppress the rebellion of the second elder and the others, you want to open up the clan." The big barrier in the middle is also difficult, but your second brother’s side is a breakthrough, you can let him try it!”

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