If it was really Feng Lanying who did it, she might be able to find some clues from the conversation. If it wasn't her, it would be nice if she could confirm it.

Bai Ruozhu didn't want Feng Lanying to do such a thing from the bottom of her heart, but it was impossible for her to completely trust Feng Lanying. After all, the two had little friendship and not much contact. Even if they didn't remember the past grudges, they couldn't become friends who trusted each other.

Bai Ruozhu walked up the mountain road. She knew that Feng Lanying was difficult to find, so she could only try. There were so many people in Sheshan, and as long as he wanted to hide, there was no way to find him.

Fortunately, she soon discovered a pile of extinguished bonfires. She went over to test the temperature, and it was still a little warm. It could be seen that the fire had not been extinguished for a long time. Feng Lanying might be hiding nearby. The bonfire was where she made lunch for herself.

Then she found some traces on the ground, so she followed the traces and found some caves.

There is more than one cave here, some distance apart from each other, and it is not known whether they are connected inside the mountain.

Bai Ruozhu didn't intend to search for them one by one, let alone enter their territory rashly, so she called outside: "Feng Lanying, are you there? Come out and talk."

A somewhat sinister voice came from behind: "Why do you suspect me?"

When Bai Ruozhu turned around, she found Feng Lanying standing on a tree not far behind her, squatting like a monkey.

"Why do you know everything?" Bai Ruozhu raised his eyebrows. Since he was hiding in the mountain, why did he care about the affairs of the clan below?

"There has been a lot of commotion these days, and there are people running to the mountains to look for people. Can I not know?" Feng Lanying rolled his eyes and jumped down from the tree.

"If I say that I don't doubt you, that would be too hypocritical. I definitely have some doubts, but more importantly, I want to come to you to ask about the situation and see if you have any clues." Bai Ruozhu said.

Feng Lanying laughed: "You are quite magnanimous, much better than those hypocritical people."

Bai Ruozhu also laughed, "How is it? If you have any clues, tell me."

At this time, she was basically certain that Feng Lanying had nothing to do with this matter, otherwise Feng Lanying would not have said it so easily.

Feng Lanying took out a rag from his cuff and threw it to Bai Ruozhu, "Look, this must have been scratched off someone's clothes. I found it when I was looking for prey on the mountain. I thought it was weird at the time, so I put it away. The next day someone went up the mountain to look for the missing person.”

"Why don't you show it to them?"

Feng Lanying showed disdain, "If I give it to them, they won't suspect that I'm in love with me? I'm too lazy to talk nonsense to them."

Bai Ruozhu didn't explain much. In fact, not everyone did not miss her. Especially since everyone was from Jiuli, many people sympathized with her experience.

But Feng Lanying couldn't hear these words, at least not now.

She held up the cloth and took a look, but she didn't see anything behind it. There's no poison on it, and it's not rotten over time. The fabric should be 80% new. I don't know if it was left over from the man's accident, or if it was scratched when he went up the mountain before the accident. But these tribesmen are busy. Who would go up the mountain for no reason?

"Any other discoveries?" Bai Ruozhu asked.

Feng Lanying shook his head, "I'm hiding in the mountain and don't want to come into contact with people here. Even if someone comes up, I will stay far away. What else can I find? But it seems that no one has gone up the mountain recently. Everyone is busy down there. But come on!”

"Okay, then I'll leave first. Be careful here. If you're really bored up there, go down." After that, Bai Ruozhu waved to her to say goodbye.

Feng Lanying snorted, "What are you going to do down here? You are the only one who can do better. Everyone else suspects that I am the murderer. Wouldn't it be annoying to go down there?"

The second elder has done so many bad things and killed so many clan members. Even if Feng Lanying switches sides in battle, even if he also hates the second elder, there will still be clan members who hate her. After all, she is the second elder's only granddaughter.

Bai Ruozhu sighed, waved to her again, turned around and went down the mountain.

Feng Lanying flashed and left, and soon she changed her hiding place.

Bai Ruozhu returned to the clan and told the elders the truth about the situation.

"Although Feng Lanying is a bit evil now, she is still so frank and straightforward. If she really did it, I think she might not mislead me in such a roundabout way, and would even be arrogant to let us know that she did it." Bai Ruozhu said My own opinion.

The tenth elder nodded and said: "I don't think the Feng family girl is like this. If she really wants to take revenge, she doesn't need to hide in the mountains. She stays down here and relies on the sympathy of the few of us for her, so she won't drive him away. Let’s go? Wouldn’t that give her a better chance of taking action?”

The Sixth Elder didn't think so. He raised his eyebrows and said, "She is hiding in the mountain, far away from us. If something happens to someone, we can't blame her. And even if she is found to have done it, wouldn't it be very difficult to stay in the mountain?" So you can escape?"

In the end, no one came up with any results from the discussion. The fifth elder took the cloth and asked someone to find out which missing person's clothes the cloth belonged to.

After asking for a long time, the family members of the missing people all said that the clothing material was not theirs, and none of the missing people had clothes made of such fabric.

Only then did everyone realize that this seemed to be a new clue. Since it was not the missing person's clothing, it might be another one. Could it be the murderer they were looking for?

The fifth elder immediately arranged for the personnel of the Discipline Hall to track down who in the clan had gone up the mountain recently and whose clothes had nicks or patches.

The messengers all took orders to go out and investigate.

"Sun Xu, let's go over there and ask." A young man pulled his companion and said.

The young man named Sun Xu's eyes flickered, and he suddenly frowned and said, "I feel a little uncomfortable in my stomach. I'll go back and use the cleaning room first. You go first, and I'll find you later."

Sun Xuyun then turned around and returned to his home. When his mother saw him coming back at this time, she asked a little strangely: "Is there anything going on in the Discipline Hall today? Why did you come back early?"

Sun Xu said without raising his head: "I feel a little uncomfortable, so I'll go later."

When Sun Xuniang heard this, she became worried, "Why are you feeling uncomfortable? Do you want to see a doctor?"

"It's okay, I just have a headache, please leave me alone!" He said impatiently, his voice becoming louder. Sun Xuniang was stunned. Her son always had a good temper and rarely spoke loudly. What happened today?

Could it be that the Discipline Hall is too busy? He was so anxious that he couldn't find the murderer. Was it caused by his anxiety?

Sun Xu's mother sighed silently, closed the door for him, and turned to go about her own business.

At this time, a dark light flashed in Sun Xu's eyes. He snorted coldly and went to open the closet and look for clothes.

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