Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 2131 The secret in Achun’s letter

When the Third Elder came back in the evening and mentioned this matter during dinner, he stroked his beard and said: "Looking at the martial arts moves, the woman named Yin is probably from the Ten Thousand Poison Palace."

"The Palace of Ten Thousand Poisons?" Bai Ruozhu thought it sounded familiar, but it didn't seem like he had heard it after time travel.

"It is a martial arts sect. No one in the sect follows any moral principles. Everything they do depends entirely on their mood. In addition, they use poison and cruelty, so their reputation is not very good." The third elder said, "So their His whereabouts are unpredictable, and his sect’s location is also very secretive, just for fear that his enemies will come looking for him.”

"No wonder she can plot against Ah Chun." Bai Ruozhu sighed, I'm afraid the people in Ten Thousand Poison Palace are not simple.

The third elder said unhappily: "That kid Jiang Yichun has provoked so many people. He doesn't even know what he is doing outside to attract bees and butterflies. The people in the Ten Thousand Poison Palace are the ones who are determined to retaliate. I'm afraid she will find him again in the future. You’re in trouble.”

Bai Ruozhu said with a smile: "She is not my opponent. I just didn't want to cause more trouble, so I didn't kill her. But if she is ungrateful, it won't be as simple as humiliating her next time."

"You're right, we Ji family members can't be afraid of trouble. Anyone who dares to bully us will be beaten back. Grandpa will support you!" the third elder said with a smile.

Bai Ruozhu felt warm in her heart, and she thought of her grandfather in her previous life. Although his grandfather was extremely strict when he taught her medicine, and would beat her with a cane if she couldn't memorize the names and effects of medicinal materials, she knew that her grandfather really cared about her. , being strict with her also hopes that she will have the ability to settle down in the future.

Fortunately, she gained a skill after traveling through time.

The way the third elder looked at her was very similar to that of his grandfather in his previous life. He cared and loved her from the bottom of his heart.

After dinner, Bai Ruozhu went to see Yi Zi, played with the children for a while, and then returned to the room and entered the space.

She took out some poisonous powder she had secretly hidden before and studied it. It was a bit of poisonous powder that fell out of Yin Xiangman's body when she cut him with a dagger. She put it away quietly when Yin Xiangman wasn't paying attention.

Yin Xiangman hid the poisonous powder close to her body, but did not use it on her. Either the poisonous powder was not very effective, or it was too precious, and Yin Xiangman was reluctant to use it.

She fiddled with it for two-quarters of an hour and finally confirmed her guess.

"It's the poison in the "Poison Classic", and it's a part that I don't have." Bai Ruozhu muttered, and her eyes lit up. Could it be that Yin Xiangman owned a part of the "Poison Classic" that she didn't have, or? Does Yin Xiangman have any sect?

In her previous life, she learned the "Poison Sutra" but had no chance to use it, so she didn't have much feeling about it. Now because Poison has helped her help her family and defeat her opponents time and time again, she is even more interested in Poison.

This kind of desire is not the kind of bloodthirst that likes to poison people, but a desire to improve strength.

Just like a medical student who competes with a master to compare their medical skills, and a martial arts practitioner who encounters a master and has to pass a few tricks. She saw Yin Xiangman poisoning today, and her whole body became excited. It was like the feeling of meeting an opponent. .

This made her work harder to study poison. She defeated Yin Xiangman today. It was only because Yin Xiangman was not good at studying, but Yin Xiangman still had a master, and there were other masters of poison in the world. How could she defeat Yin Xiangman? What about making yourself stronger in poison arts?

The "Poison Sutra" is her biggest reliance. If given the chance, she will collect the entire "Poison Sutra" so that she can go further in the poison art.

She quickly studied the ingredients of the poison. It said that the poison was very special. It was a chronic poison that could poison people without anyone noticing. Bai Ruozhu could only figure out the medicinal materials contained in it, but could not analyze it. As for the specific dosage, because there are many ingredients, it may take a lot of time to test out the ratio.

So she did more research on how to detoxify this poison, lest she fall into Yin Xiangman's trap one day.

Bai Zepei and Si Yihuan had arrived at Shuimo City to the east of Duanyang City. The two of them took a group of subordinates to find an inn to rest. Not long after, someone came to report that the inn had received a letter from Jiang Yichun to the capital, because it was not Jiang Yichun sent it himself, and the people below noticed it, intercepted the letter and brought it back.

Bai Zepei glanced at the words on the envelope and said, "It's Jiang Yichun's handwriting. He should have arranged for his guards to send it out. Okay, give it to the inn again tomorrow and let them send it to the capital as quickly as possible."

He said and handed the letter to the guard below. Just as the other person was about to take the letter, he thought of something and took his hand back.

"You go ahead and do your work first. We'll talk about this later." Bai Zepei said.

The subordinates were a little confused. Just now they said it was Mr. Jiang's handwriting. Why were they hesitant again? Could it be that Master Bai is afraid that he has seen it wrong?

He didn't dare to ask any more questions, bowed and left.

"Why did you leave the letter? No matter how angry you are, you can't keep the letter to the emperor. We can't bear this responsibility." Si Yihuan is an official lady after all, so she knows the importance of this.

Bai Zepei smiled at her, "Who said I was going to be escorted? I just wanted to make sure to avoid getting it wrong."

"Oh, you look good then. I'm exhausted. I'm going to bed first." Si Yihuan yawned and put his slippers on the bed.

Bai Zepei said with some distress: "Following me will make you suffer. Don't run around here and there in the future."

"No, I don't know how interesting this journey has been." Si Yihuan's voice became weaker and weaker, and he soon fell asleep.

Bai Zepei laughed, but he was really exhausted and fell asleep so quickly.

He walked to the table and sat down, carefully opened the envelope and took out a thin piece of letter paper inside.

It was also Jiang Yichun's handwriting. Bai Zepei looked at it carefully. It probably said that he was ill and tired of the dangerous life, so he wanted to retire from the world. I hope the emperor would understand it directly, but Bai Ruozhu was not mentioned in the whole text.

Bai Zepei was a little annoyed and almost wanted to crumple the letter. Since he said he was going to retire from the world, why didn't he accompany his little sister? And left with another woman?

But soon he picked up the letter again and read it. If Si Yihuan woke up now, he would definitely wonder why he stared at the thin page of letter paper for so long. This time was enough for him to read it dozens of times, right?

About half an hour later, Bai Zepei rubbed his sore eyes and muttered: "It's almost half untied."

He also had doubts in his heart. He felt that Jiang Yichun must have expressed his attitude to the emperor when he left the army. Why did he specially write a letter to him?

So he read it a few more times, and he really discovered the hidden secret!

It was a secret communication language that Jiang Yichun learned from the secret guards. The letter seemed to have a literal meaning, but through some intricate arrangements, it concealed some deeper meanings. Although Jiang Yichun is not a secret guard and has never been exposed to those secret words, who made him pass the Qizhi card? The wisdom path is so powerful that he can spy on people's hearts, so how could he not be able to decipher some secret words?


One more update~

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