Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 2135 Follower

Feng Cheng's eyes dimmed. So in her eyes, he was just a sneaky person?

He thought that since they had experienced life and death together, their feelings would naturally be different. It turned out that he was just being sentimental. No, it should be said that he had known for a long time that he was being sentimental, but he was still worried about her leaving.

When Bai Ruozhu saw that he was silent, the unknown fire in her heart slowly extinguished.

She shouldn't lose her temper like this, just because it's not Ah Chun who disappoints her, so she shouldn't be angry with him.

"I went to Taolin to find you. If you didn't show up, you just didn't feel the need to say goodbye to me. Did you already decide to follow me?" Bai Ruozhu's voice softened a little.

Feng Cheng still didn't speak, looking a little awkward. Bai Ruozhu was speechless. Who was following whom?

The carriage in front had stopped, and everyone turned back to look at Feng Cheng from a distance, wondering what was going on.

Jian Qi was a little surprised. He had always thought that Feng Cheng was the guardian spirit, at least that's what the Jiuli people said.

Jing Lei, Mu Yu, and Yi Zi didn't know Feng Cheng and were curious about who this person was. Only Xiao Deng Deng smiled and said, "Is that Uncle Tao Hua? I want him to play with me."

After saying that, Xiao Dengdeng jumped out of the carriage and ran towards Feng Cheng.

"Uncle Taohua? What the hell is this?" Mu Yu muttered.

What the hell, I learned this saying from Bai Ruozhu. Mu Yu was a little amused and thought this kind of saying was very interesting, but ended up saying that he was addicted.

Jing Lei's expression changed, and he whispered: "Is it a rotten peach blossom?"

The two of them looked at each other, and both became a little worried. Their master was not here, and although he ran away for no reason, the woman his master loved so much could not be pried away by others, especially such a pretty boy.

So, Mu Yu winked at Jing Lei, turned around and rushed towards Feng Cheng.

"Hey, what do you do? You're following us sneakily, don't you have any good intentions?" Mu Yu moved very quickly, rushing in front of Xiao Dengdeng, and then pushed Feng Cheng's chest, looking like He looked like he wanted to scare Feng Cheng.

As a result, the picture of the pretty boy being pushed down did not appear, but Mu Yu was shaken and was knocked back a few steps. As a result, her feet became unsteady and she sat down on the ground.

Little Dengdeng stretched out her fleshy little hands to cover her eyes, and muttered: "That's too shameful."

Jinglei, who was following behind, was stunned. Although Mu Yu was a joke, his skills were unmistakable. They had worked together for many years, and he knew this. Uncle Taohua didn't move at all and was able to knock Mu Yu to the ground. This internal strength was terrifying.

Mu Yu got up from the ground, her face turned red from holding back, and asked angrily: "What do you mean?"

"Okay, everyone, don't take action." Bai Ruozhu said hurriedly. Although her men were beaten, which made her a little unhappy, it was undeniable that Mu Yu made the move first, and Feng Cheng didn't fight back at all, so she wasn't that bad. Unreasonably looking for trouble with Feng Cheng.

She secretly glared at Mu Yu and signaled him not to act recklessly.

"Uncle Taohua, you are so powerful, please teach me some martial arts!" Xiao Dengdeng said with peach blossoms in her eyes.

Feng Cheng's lips twitched, "My surname is Feng, you should call me Uncle Feng."

Bai Ruozhu couldn't help but curse, calling you Grandpa Feng and Grandpa Feng is enough.

"Are you from the Feng family? Why are you following us?" Mu Yu asked in surprise.

Feng Cheng was too lazy to pay attention to him, while Xiao Dengdeng looked at Mu Yu and said, "Brother Mu Yu, you are too fierce."

Mu Yu rubbed her butt and butt in grievance, "How could I be so cruel? It was obviously him who hit me."

"You lied. I saw you beating Uncle Feng, but you were shocked back because you were not strong enough." Xiao Dengdeng said seriously.

Mu Yu was blushing now. It was so embarrassing to be exposed by a child!

With so many people gathered here, Bai Ruozhu couldn't bear to let Feng Cheng down so much, so he said helplessly: "Let's continue on our way."

Feng Cheng didn't say anything and followed directly. Bai Ruozhu paused and turned to look at him, "It would be faster for you to find someone yourself."

"No!" Feng Cheng uttered two words and continued to follow. Bai Ruozhu was stunned. Why did he sound like a child?

She had no choice but to pull Xiao Dengdeng into the car, and Yizi hurriedly followed, but she kept looking at him secretly, feeling very curious. Jian Qi was even more curious and always wanted to find an opportunity to ask Bai Ruozhu whether he was a human or a guardian spirit.

The carriage continued to move, but there were more people in the team outside. Jian Qi and the others were all riding horses, but Feng Cheng was following on two legs, but his movements were carefree, and he followed easily for some reason.

Bai Ruozhu glanced at him through the cracks in the car curtains, shook her head helplessly, and just pretended that he didn't exist.

When they were resting, Bai Ruozhu asked Jing Lei to go hunting and asked Mu Yu to make a bonfire. She prepared to eat. Since they were not in a hurry, why did it have to be so painful to eat dry food?

Feng Cheng disappeared in a blink of an eye. Bai Ruozhu took a look and guessed what he was doing. Sure enough, after a while, before Jing Lei came back, he had already caught two pheasants and returned.

"One is my food, and the other is processing fees." His tone was a little stiff, his face was hanging down, as if he was angry.

Bai Ruozhu was unhappy and thought, "I'm not angry yet. I'm the one being followed, okay?"

She ordered Mu Yu to clean the chicken, and Jing Lei also returned at this time. Lunch was quickly cooked. Bai Ruozhu cooked some mushroom soup, then roasted the game on the fire, and spread it with her special sauce. After a while, the fragrance wafted out.

After the game was roasted, Bai Ruozhu first gave Feng Cheng a roasted pheasant, which was what he had agreed to before.

"Thank you." Feng Cheng's voice was very soft. As a result, he tore off a chicken leg from the roasted pheasant and handed it to Xiao Dedeng, "I'll share this with you."

Little Dengdeng happily took it, blew on it and took a small bite, "Mom's craftsmanship is so good!"

Feng Cheng also had a smile on his face and nodded slightly.

After everyone ate game and drank some cooked mushroom soup, they just settled in and continued on their way. Unexpectedly, Feng Cheng actually taught Xiao Dedeng, and taught him several moves in succession.

Ever since Jiang Yichun found out that Bai Ruozhu had left the Jiuli tribe, he didn't dare to get too close. Not long after, he discovered that she had taken someone to Duanyang City, and then headed southeast, which was the way to Chengshui Country.

His heart skipped a beat, was Ruozhu looking for him?

For a moment, he felt sweet and excited, but then came worry and pain. He didn't want her to go to Chengshui Country.

Or maybe she found out about Tang Feng and went to find him? Jiang Yichun made an excuse for herself, but what if she went to Chengshui and found that he didn't go back at all, and those cruel words were just an excuse to avoid him?

Thinking of this, he became a little anxious. He hurriedly sent a letter to Gao Deng and rushed towards Chengshui.


Gao Deng: (waving his fan) Damn, your wife is going to find you.

Jiang Yichun: Go and cover me.

Gao Deng: If you don’t go, your wife will kill me.

Jiang Yichun: I’ll give you a hundred monthly passes. Do you want to go?

Gao Deng: If I don’t go, won’t I ask for the monthly ticket myself? (Winning eyes and fanning) Dear beauties, the beautiful uncle is asking for monthly votes. Please give me some!

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