Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 2144 Resurrection from the Dead

After a night of tender love, Ji Ziran fell asleep tiredly. When he got up early the next day, he found that something was wrong with Zhou Jue, and his body was very hot.

"Zhou Jue, what's wrong with you? Please speak." Ji Ziran asked anxiously.

Zhou Jue's face was flushed, but he didn't open his eyes. Ji Ziran thought of all kinds of things, and then he realized that he never woke up last night and had been lingering with him in a daze!

He raised his hand and slapped himself hard, angry that he didn't care enough to do this, but what should he do now?

Zhou Jue's men would go up the mountain every few days to deliver them some rice, noodles, vegetables, and daily necessities. But his men have just been here, and I'm afraid it will be at least three days before they come again.

He didn't know how to contact them, and it was even more impossible to expect Zhou Jue to contact them.

Seeing that Zhou Jue's body was even hotter, he simply went to rummage in the house, quickly took out a box, took out the thin human skin mask inside, and put it on Zhou Jue's face. Looking at Zhou Jue again, he has turned into an ordinary-looking farm man.

They have always been commoners, and the disguised face matches the clothes perfectly.

Then he quickly tied a sheet, branches, etc. to a simple bracket, placed Zhou Jue inside, and dragged Zhou Jue down the mountain with difficulty.

He didn't know what kind of disease Zhou Jue had, so he had to go to the capital to see a doctor.

In the inn, Bai Ruozhu and Jian Qi discussed the follow-up plan.

"Go around tomorrow and see if you can see the maid next to Princess Fu'an." Bai Ruozhu said.

If they recognize a person's face when they see them, subsequent matters will be easier to handle.

"Master, why don't you send someone deep into the tiger's den and let her catch her as a male pet, so that you can find out what's going on inside." Mu Yu said with excitement.

Bai Ruozhu narrowed her eyes, "Why do you think you are so handsome that you want to be a male favorite?"

Ever since Xu Man said that he had extraordinary looks, Mu Yu had been a little arrogant. Maybe it was because the child had never heard anyone praise him for his good looks since he was a child.

Jian Qi glanced at him sideways and said, "Xu Man's praise of you is just for Mr. Li's sake. Don't think too much about it."

Mu Yu was stunned for a moment, then her face turned red, and she said angrily, "I'm overthinking it. I'm just making suggestions. At worst, I won't speak."

"Okay, try not to use this method. Isn't it said that many male favorites have gone away and never come back? Don't think that if you are good at martial arts, you won't be afraid. This world is huge and there are too many powerful people. Maybe just do it. Got it." Bai Ruozhu said.

Jian Qi nodded. For example, Feng Cheng a few days ago was a master who appeared out of nowhere and was higher than what he had always known.

They discussed for a while and pretended to be wandering around the city, so that the next day they would go to a place where the maids usually go, so that it wouldn't be out of the ordinary.

The next day, Bai Ruozhu hid Dengdeng in the space. Although he also wanted to play, Bai Ruozhu felt that the maid might be dangerous. Although he wouldn't make a move with her from a distance, she didn't Don't dare to be careless in the slightest.

Bai Ruozhu took Yi Zi and Jian Qi to Xifang City. Most of the people here were civilians, so Princess Fu'an's maid always came here to arrest people.

If a civilian man is caught, the other party may not be able to do anything, but if a noble man is caught, there will be trouble later. Princess Fu'an doesn't want to cause such trouble now.

Bai Ruozhu and the others walked around but didn't see the maid appear, so the three of them had to find a stall to eat snacks.

"Will he not show up today?" Jian Qi asked in a low voice.

"Wait and see." Bai Ruozhu gritted his teeth. If they couldn't meet him today, they wouldn't be able to meet him tomorrow because so many people would come, which would arouse suspicion. She could only arrange for one of Jianqi and the others to lurk in the area to observe, but she couldn't see it with her own eyes.

Yi Zi was also a little anxious. Two days ago, Bai Ruozhu told her to use a special formation to deal with Princess Fu'an. The two of them also rummaged through Jiu Li's formation book, trying to find something similar to what Chi You used against Bai Ruozhu. That kind of formation.

Unfortunately, there hasn't been much progress yet. If we can see the enemy today, we may be able to make new discoveries.

Just when a few people had eaten their food and stood up to pay, someone in the distance shouted: "Make way quickly, make way quickly, don't block your majesty's horse!"

This sentence was like a secret code. People on both sides changed their expressions when they heard it. Some people even directly touched the pot ashes and smeared it on their faces.

The corner of Bai Ruozhu's mouth twitched. The man looked to be in his forties and had a shoehorned face. What on earth did he need to worry about? This worry is too much.

Soon, the sound of horse hooves was heard. Being able to ride a horse in the market here was quite arrogant.

A woman appeared with two male guards. The woman's face was very ugly, and her eyes were scanning the crowd like a hawk.

Bai Ruozhu's heart tightened. The distance was not that far. What if Jian Qi and the others were spotted?

"You guys should avoid it first," Bai Ruozhu said.

Jian Qi and the other three understood and immediately hid their figures and blended into the crowd.

Only then did Bai Ruozhu have the opportunity to carefully look at this maid who had an unusual relationship with Princess Fu'an. The so-called eating and sleeping together was probably not simple.

She didn't dare to stare at the other person all the time, otherwise she would be easily noticed by the other person. After a few glances, she took Yi Zi to look at the groceries next to her, but a familiar feeling suddenly appeared in her mind.

She seemed to have seen that face before somewhere.

By the way, she has seen it before!

Bai Ruozhu almost screamed. This woman was somewhat similar to Jiang Zhen. During the barbarian sandstorm, she kindly helped her, but she was buried in the yellow sand and died.

She should have thought that Jiang Zhen approached them with ulterior motives and wanted to take away space from her, so the initial encounter might have been artificially created, so that it would be convenient for her and Ah Chun to feel guilty towards Jiang Zhen. He approaches them.

She remembered that this woman's name was Jiang Dan, and she was buried in the desert. She had indeed died at that time, which showed how powerful the other party's breath-holding skills were.

Bai Ruozhu's expression turned serious. She touched the woman's sleeping point in order to pull her into the space, but she failed in the end. Being tapped on the sleeping point was all an illusion, which showed that she still had many abilities that she didn't know about.

As the woman approached, Bai Ruozhu hurriedly put away his thoughts and felt carefully, not to let the woman discover her disguise.

At this moment, the woman suddenly turned her head and looked in her direction, with scrutiny and excitement in her eyes. Bai Ruozhu felt her burning eyes, pretended not to notice, and continued to buy her own things.

Fortunately, after the woman glanced around, she looked away with some disappointment.

Bai Ruozhu breathed out secretly. It was Jiang Dan who just felt the space on her body, but he couldn't be completely sure?

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