Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 2147 Zhou Jue’s thank you gift

When Zhou Shibin saw this scene and there was still some ink on the paper that was still wet on the ground, he didn't have any more doubts.

"What are you drawing? Drawing symbols?" he asked.

Bai Ruozhu frowned and said, "What kind of painting talisman? I have a toy store under my name, which sells such picture books. The business is very good."

"So you drew it yourself?" Zhou Shibin asked in surprise.

"There are also paintings by my subordinates. If I don't train some professional talents, I will be exhausted myself?" Bai Ruozhu said casually.

Zhou Shibin walked over and took a closer look at the paintings, only to find that they were small animals with unique lines and human-like movements, which was very naive.

Seeing that he was completely attracted by the painting, Bai Ruozhu was secretly relieved.

If Zhou Shibin discovers Zhou Jue, the consequences are unimaginable. Although she and Zhou Jue are both enemies and friends, she is just helping Ji Ziran at this moment.

In fact, the paintings spread out to dry on the ground were not freshly painted. She did not have the ability to complete a painting in one stroke. She had painted these before but not bound them, and they came in handy at this moment. As for some of the wet ink stains on the paintings, she quickly dipped in ink and traced them a few times on the original basis. Some of them did not need to be traced at all. After all, the previous painting should have been done.

Sure enough, Zhou Shibin had no suspicion.

"Why didn't you look for me when you arrived in the capital?" Zhou Shibin asked, "I thought we were already allies."

Bai Ruozhu put down the brush in his hand calmly and said: "Since we are allies, I should have something I can use, right? Let me feel it out first, so I will have more confidence when I cooperate with you."

"Then what did you touch?" Zhou Shibin raised his eyebrows.

"I went to see the maid of Princess Fu'an. I don't want to be an old acquaintance." Bai Ruozhu said with a smile.

"Oh? Let's talk about it." Zhou Shibin became interested.

Bai Ruozhu deliberately didn't speak in a hurry. He poured the tea and took a slow sip before speaking.

"I once went to the barbarian tribe in the west and encountered a large sandstorm. In the sandstorm, I met a brother and sister. I wanted to save them but my ability was limited. In the end, the sandstorm passed. My brother survived, but my sister died. ”

Zhou Shibin was a little anxious, "What does this have to do with Fu'an's maid?"

"She is the sister who died." Bai Ruozhu said with a smile.

"suspended animation?"

"It is said that the brother and sister were buried in the sand for so long, and her brother was able to survive. He said that he practiced the family's Qi Kumbhaka Kung Fu, but it was a pity that the sister did not practice it well, so she did not survive. After that, the brother buried the sister again, and then He went to Danliang with us, and took advantage of our guilt for not saving his sister, so he became a guard beside my husband."

Bai Ruozhu said with a smile, "You should have thought about it later, right? He found an opportunity to sneak attack on me, and I almost killed him. Then I saw his dead sister yesterday. It can be seen that It was planned by the brother and sister from the beginning.”

Zhou Shibin frowned when he heard this, "These brothers and sisters are not simple. What are their backgrounds?"

Bai Ruozhu shook his head, "The situation was so sudden that he was killed before he could be interrogated. I only know that their surname seems to be Jiang."

"I'm going to find someone to check on this Jiang family. I'll contact you if I have any news." Zhou Shibin said before leaving.

Bai Ruozhu breathed a sigh of relief, "You come here as little as possible, I don't want to expose my whereabouts, and Princess Fu'an is not a fuel-efficient lamp."

Zhou Shibin looked at Bai Ruozhu's face as a middle-aged man and said, "Next time I will come here in disguise."

"Whatever you want." Bai Ruozhu said lazily, then stood up to collect the drawing paper on the ground. Zhou Shibin strode out and quickly walked downstairs.

Bai Ruozhu breathed a big sigh of relief, and did not dare to go to Zhou Jue's place to see them immediately. Fortunately, after a long time, there was no news that Shi Bin's people were around next week.

The next day, Bai Ruozhu gave Zhou Jue an injection. After writing the prescription, she handed it to Zhou Jue and said, "You have also seen that Zhou Shibin asked me to deal with Princess Fu'an together. He is cunning and you can't stay here anymore. Fortunately, all you need to do is drink the medicinal soup later, so you should leave the city as soon as possible."

"How do you know him?" Zhou Jue looked at the prescription in his hand, raised his head and asked.

"Don't you know that he infiltrated the Danliang Chamber of Commerce? He was once my competitor. He recognized me before and negotiated this deal." Bai Ruozhu said.

Zhou Jue was silent for a long time, "Sure enough, none of them are easy. It would be better if I quit earlier."

Ji Ziran was worried beside him, fearing that he would not be willing to go back to fight for power. When he heard the last sentence, he immediately looked into Zhou Jue's eyes excitedly, and saw relief in his eyes, and his heart settled down.

At this time, Zhou Jue suddenly looked at him and smiled at him, with a "you can rest assured" look.

When Bai Ruozhu saw the two men flirting with each other, she was immediately spoiled. However, the sight of the two beautiful men flirting with each other was really pleasing to the eye.

As a rotten girl, Bai Ruozhu pondered again, who is the attacker and who is the receiver?

It seems that Zhou Jue has a domineering and sinister nature, but he always pretends to be a woman to seduce Ji Ziran, so it seems that he may have suffered more.

Or maybe the attack and reception of the two people are switched?

Bai Ruozhu was extremely happy, while Jian Qi next to her looked at her with disdain. What kind of look is this, Master? How could he look at those two men with bright eyes?

When Bai Ruozhu came to his senses, he smiled at Jian Qi, "Forget it, you don't understand the world of fujoshi."

At the end of the day, Zhou Jue and Ji Ziran left, but Zhou Jue said that he would help Bai Ruozhu find out the news and send them to the inn within three days.

In the next three days, Bai Ruozhu did nothing. He either played with Deng Deng at the inn, or took Deng Deng and Yi Zi to go shopping and eat on the street. He did not go within the range of Jiang Dan and Fu'an.

This is someone else's base. It doesn't matter if she doesn't have any soldiers, so she'd better be careful.

Although Zhou Shibin would send troops to cooperate, how could she completely trust him? What if he wanted her to be cannon fodder?

On the other hand, she wandered around trying to find out the whereabouts of Ah Chun, but unfortunately she never had any clues.

Searching for someone in a vast sea of ​​people is like looking for a needle in a haystack. If the other person deliberately hides, it will be even more difficult to find. But one thing is certain, there is no movement in Prince Xu's Mansion in Chengshui, and there is no news of Prince Xu's return.

Or is Ah Chun hiding in the dark, guarding against Princess Fu'an?

There was no answer to everything. Bai Ruozhu could only calm down and take her time. She just hoped that Ah Chun was safe and sound. At least she had to find him and ask him clearly.

As soon as the three days mentioned by Zhou Jue arrived, someone came to deliver the letter. In addition to a thin page of letter paper, there was also a waist tag inside. Bai Ruozhu understood the function of the waist tag and couldn't help being surprised. Zhou Jue was What are you going to do? Aren't they enemies? ——

Today's update will be a little later, but we guarantee the fourth update. Updates will resume at 12:00 and 19:00 tomorrow~

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