Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 2158 Tang Feng’s hatred

Meiyu frowned and said, "Mrs. Bai, I'm afraid we can't stay here for too long. The previous guard sent a signal and reinforcements will come from Jingli soon."

Bai Ruozhu nodded and said nothing. This was also a problem. She could hold this area and immobilize Jiang Dan, but if Jiang Dan didn't come out at this moment, they would have no choice but to withdraw.

When Jiang Dan comes out again in ten days and a half, I'm afraid no one will be able to find her.

What should I do? Are you just going to let her go?

Not to mention that Tang Feng was unwilling to give in, so was Bai Ruozhu!

At this time, the hidden formation nearby failed, and the unconscious Princess Fu'an was exposed to everyone.

"You decide what to do with Princess Fu'an." Bai Ruozhu handed the choice to Tang Feng.

Gao Juan had already taken off his disguise, walked into the room and winked at Bai Ruozhu, wanting to see how Tang Feng would make his decision.

"I wish I could kill her with one knife, but she's too cheap!" Tang Feng said through gritted teeth, his voice a bit sinister, and anyone who was close could hear the crunching sound of his teeth.

"We have to evacuate. It's not convenient to bring more people." Bai Ruozhu said directly.

Tang Feng snorted coldly, "There is no need to take her with me, I just want her life to be worse than death."

After he finished speaking, he picked up the sword that Jiang Dan had dropped on the ground and walked towards Princess Fu'an step by step.

He saw him raising the knife without hesitation, and one of Princess Fu'an's arms was chopped off!

Blood sprayed all over the ground. Before Bai Ruozhu could react at all, he saw Tang Feng raising his sword again...

The severe pain made Princess Fu'an wake up. She screamed in pain and twisted her body. When she saw clearly that it was Tang Feng, her eyes were filled with hatred and sadness.

"Tang Feng, don't kill me!" Princess Fu'an begged, "For the sake of our relationship as husband and wife, don't kill me. I, I will definitely not let anyone chase you. If you want to go back to Danliang, you can go back to Danliang." Bar."

Tang Feng sneered, his smile so captivating that tears flowed from his eyes.

"Didn't you say that before? Didn't you say that even if I lay on the ground like a dog and begged you, you wouldn't let me go free? Why did you change so quickly? You bitch, I don't deserve my trust in you. , but what did you do to me? Give me five stone powder every day and make me look like a human and a ghost. Do you think I will let you go? "

Princess Fu'an was shocked and cried, "I was forced to have no choice. That Jiang Dan threatened me, but I didn't dare to disobey. I just pretended to submit to her and was thinking of ways to deal with her. I did this all for us." In the future, we cannot kill her, and none of us will be free."

She covered her broken arm in pain and crawled towards Tang Feng's feet little by little, "She has been monitoring me, and I don't dare to say anything to you. You know she is elusive. But I only have you in my heart." Otherwise, why should I save your life? Five Stone Powder can't kill anyone, so I can only use it to paralyze Jiang Dan, otherwise she will kill you."

What Princess Fu'an said seemed to be true. She looked at Tang Feng with an expression of deep and unrepentant love. But she forgot that her arm had just been cut off by Tang Feng. No matter how passionate and unrepentant she was, she would still be angry, right?

Pretending too much is false.

Tang Feng laughed, and his smile was extremely sarcastic, "Who helped Jiang Dan plot against me in the first place? Who poisoned me? If you hadn't taken action, how could I have been robbed of my treasure by her, and how could I have been robbed by her?" Threatening safety? Without your help, she is just an ant in front of me that can be killed at any time. Stop pretending. It’s not like I haven’t seen you fooling around with her before. I really feel sorry for marrying a woman like you. nausea."

After he finished speaking, he raised the knife and dropped it. Along with Princess Fu'an's scream, the other arm also flew out.

The scene was so bloody that Yi Zi was so frightened that he hid outside the door with a pale face. Bai Ruozhu glanced at Gao Juan, "What, Tang Feng is not an indecisive person, right?"

The corner of Gao Juan's mouth twitched. Not only was he indecisive, he was simply bloodthirsty and cruel.

But it wasn't over yet. Tang Feng once again raised his sword and chopped off one of Princess Fu'an's legs. Blood flowed into a river, and the room was filled with a strong smell of blood.

He looked at Bai Ruozhu and said, "Ruozhu, give me some medicine to stop the bleeding. I don't want her to bleed to death like this."

Bai Ruozhu threw the medicine to him without thinking.

Princess Fu'an on the ground was crying and screaming in pain, and her eyes fell on Bai Ruozhu again, "Bai Ruozhu, I beg you, please let him let me go. We are all women, so please have mercy on me."

Bai Ruozhu's expression was very indifferent, as if he couldn't see her at all, and said coldly: "There are too many women in the world, and I can't sympathize with every one of them, especially a woman like you who is cruel and deceptive. "

"It's useless for you to beg anyone today. I'm going to chop off your hands and feet, then put you in an urn, apply some honey on your body, and wait for the ants to bite you. What do you think?" Tang Feng said again. laughed.

Princess Fu'an's face turned pale with fright, and she yelled in an emotional breakdown, "You lunatic, you lunatic, you are going to die!"

Bai Ruozhu frowned. Tang Feng's hatred was too heavy. It would be bad not to let him vent it, but time was really running out.

"Tang Feng, it's time to leave, otherwise it will be difficult to leave." She said.

Tang Feng said no more and swung out his sword, cutting off Princess Fu'an's remaining leg. Princess Fu'an fainted.

Tang Feng's eyes were filled with scarlet red, he dropped his sword and walked out. Bai Ruozhu saw it clearly and guessed that Princess Fu'an might have done other things to Tang Feng besides the Five Stone Powder, other things that made Tang Feng hate her to the bone.

It's just that she won't ask further questions, and she only hopes that Tang Feng can come out of this matter soon.

Everyone quickly pulled out of Penglai Pavilion. No one saw Jiang Dan appear until they left. She would not be stupid enough to show up at this time and be chased.

Bai Ruozhu and the others retreated quickly. On the way, Yizi kept arranging psychedelic formations, which could confuse the enemy for a short time and affect the speed of the pursuers. She also left some poison in the formation, hoping that the wind would not blow later, otherwise the medicine would be blown away and would have no effect.

In the beautiful space, Jiang Dan, who was covered in blood, wrapped up the wound on his left arm. He looked out and quickly returned to the space.

She was sure that she had moved her location and was near the hot spring pool.

But she doesn't want to go out now. As for Fu'an's life and death, she doesn't care about it now. Only by living can she take revenge. As for women or men, there is no shortage in this world.

At this moment, the space around her was distorted. Before she could notice the danger, a figure appeared in front of her.

A pale hand suddenly stretched out and pinched her neck tightly, "You shouldn't threaten her!"


I will update 8,000 today and 10,000 tomorrow. You can guess what Tang Feng went through. Of course, I am my mother, so I just won’t tell~

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