Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 2176 What does she give him in return?

The second brother and Si Yihuan rushed out on horseback. Jiang Yichun protected them all the way, using his sword to deflect the flying arrows. Bai Ruozhu sleeve arrows were fired at them several times, and several more guards fell to the ground.

This time the firepower was reduced a lot.

Seeing that it was almost done, Bai Ruozhu jumped on Xiao Hei's back and chased after Jiang Yichun and the others.

Someone who was neither poisoned nor injured quietly chased him out of the city gate and pointed his bow at Bai Ruozhu's back.

Jiang Yichun happened to turn around and saw this scene, but the arrow had already left the string and shot towards Bai Ruozhu quickly. The archer has some internal strength and is also a good archer!

"Be careful!" Jiang Yichun's heart was beating so fast that he almost jumped out of his body, but he was far away and had no time to help. He was about to be shot.

Suddenly a white shadow flashed by, as if a gust of wind had blown over, knocking out the arrow, and then others rolled to the side.

Bai Ruozhu already felt in danger, and she even felt that she would definitely be injured, but she didn't want to...

She turned around and saw that it was Feng Cheng.

Xiao Hei continued to run forward, and she was getting further and further away from Feng Cheng. Feng Cheng looked at her with a smile on his lips, but his face was extremely pale.

Bai Ruozhu's eyes heated up and tears flowed down. She felt uncomfortable and angry, and shouted at Feng Cheng: "Why are you still following me? Go back to Taolin quickly, you will die if you do this!"

His complexion was much worse than before. It was because the curse had worsened. Why didn't he just go back to Taolin and stay there? Why should you protect her wholeheartedly?

If the situation hadn't been too critical just now, he wouldn't have exposed himself to save her. I'm afraid he would have kept it secret and not let her know about his silent sacrifice.

Feng Cheng laughed from her and said in a very soft voice: "This is the last time, I will leave."

The words still reached Bai Ruozhu's ears. She was so uncomfortable that she couldn't breathe. She finally said, "Stop standing there stupidly and leave with us first!"

She told Xiao Hei to stop, as if Feng Cheng didn't leave with him, so she would stay where she was and wait for the pursuers to attack.

Feng Cheng shook his head and flew over, "I'll give you another ride."

Jiang Yichun looked at Feng Cheng from a distance, feeling a little uncomfortable, but grateful that he had just saved Ruozhu.

Bai Ruozhu and Feng Cheng caught up with everyone. No one asked why Feng Cheng appeared, and they all kept their mouths silently silent.

Running wildly all the way, an hour later, everyone entered the mountains to the north.

The horses were also tired, everyone slowed down, and then they started talking.

Si Yihuan told how she met Feng Lanying and witnessed them exchanging hostages, but she didn't want Feng Lanying to fall into the trap, including everything after that. After she finished speaking, she started crying.

"I didn't like her before, but I didn't expect that one day she would sacrifice herself to protect me." Si Yihuan said.

"She has changed a lot. She used to be too arrogant, but she is not bad to the core. After being so stimulated, she also woke up." Bai Ruozhu said with some emotion.

"We tried to find a way to rescue her, but Zhou Shixuan's master was difficult to deal with. I used my spiritual consciousness to attack him before he was unprepared, but it will definitely not be as effective if I use it again." Bai Zepei said.

Feng Cheng suddenly said, "I'll help you."

After saying that, he felt it was inappropriate and hurriedly explained: "Feng Lanying is also a member of our Jiuli tribe, and I also want to save her."

"No!" Bai Ruozhu shouted hurriedly. She knew that Feng Cheng was making excuses and he wanted to help her.

"Your curse has worsened and you can no longer use your inner strength. You are not suitable to fight with that person." Bai Ruozhu said angrily.

Jiang Yichun's expression changed. Although he was sad before, he still thought that Feng Cheng could take care of Ruozhu. Why was Feng Cheng also cursed? Could it be a blood curse like him?

"It'll be okay. If I can't even deal with the people here, won't it ruin the reputation of my guardian spirit?" Feng Cheng simply joked, "I promise to go back to Taolin after this time and take good care of my body. "

"You can't always..." Bai Ruozhu couldn't continue. He couldn't always help her unconditionally. She couldn't bear it.

What can she give him in return?

Feng Cheng smiled, and his pale face gained color, "Just give me more medicine to replenish qi and blood. I can't find such good medicine elsewhere. It seems like I am taking advantage."

Bai Ruozhu sniffed, took out the bottles of red pills in the space, and gave them all to Feng Cheng. Feng Cheng didn't refuse and accepted it with a smile.

Because he had been to her dimension and knew that the medicine to replenish qi and blood was made from red fruits, and also knew that she could make a lot more, he was willing to accept it. If it was something extremely rare, he would not want it at all.

Everyone rested and continued on their way. Bai Ruozhu glanced at Jiang Yichun and wanted to explain something, but didn't know where to start. Unexpectedly, Jiang Yichun smiled at her, his eyes full of tenderness, indicating that he could understand her.

If two people love and know each other, they can trust each other and will not easily become suspicious.

Everyone continued on their way, and soon discovered the marks left by Gao Juan and others along the way. This was what they had agreed before they split into two groups. Gao Juan left hidden marks along the way, and they could follow the marks to find them. .

Because the situation was so bad, no one dared to rest. Everyone was a little tired as they kept walking like this, especially Si Yihuan, who had not rested for the past few days. Her body on the horse was a little shaky, but she still gritted her teeth and held firm because She knew she had to save Feng Lanying.

Finally, when the sun rose, they discovered the traces left by the large group of people. It was left by Zhou Shixuan's men, they must be ahead!

Si Yihuan suddenly became more energetic. He turned to look at Bai Ruozhu and the others, waiting for them to make their next plan.

"Let's take a look and follow behind to see the situation before taking action." Jiang Yichun said.

"I'll set up a small barrier so that no one can easily find us." Bai Zepei said.

Everyone agreed to continue chasing forward, but this time they moved much slower to avoid alerting the enemy.

After about half an hour, they finally saw Zhou Shixuan's men, but Bai Ruozhu looked around carefully and didn't find Feng Lanying!

"I didn't see Feng Lanying." She whispered.

Si Yihuan burst into tears, "Look again, will you..."

Could it be that Feng Lanying has been killed?

Bai Ruozhu held her shoulders and said, "Don't worry yet."

As long as they can't see Feng Lanying's body, they can't give up hope!

Everyone did not dare to act rashly and could only follow from a distance. As a result, it took another hour to follow.

Finally, the team in front stopped. The leader didn't know what he said, and several people dispersed.

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