Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 2186 Deng Deng is not someone to be trifled with

Chapter 2223 Deng Deng is not someone to be trifled with

Bai Ruozhu's heart tightened, fearing that her son would be deceived, so she didn't want Xiao Dengdeng to wink at his mother secretly, not to mention that she looked very semen. Bai Ruozhu was stunned for a moment. Did she underestimate her son?

"Little brother, my parents won the first place, and there are many prizes to be given to them. I will take you to receive the prize first. What if someone else takes it away if you are late? Your parents will suffer." The man said with a look on his face He said in a tone like coaxing a child.

"But my parents told me to wait for them to come down." Xiao Dengdeng said while secretly winking at his mother.

"It doesn't matter, they will go over to collect the prize later. My uncle is from this restaurant, can he still lie to you?" said the kidnapper.

Xiao Dengdeng hesitated, but finally nodded, "What kind of prizes are there? Why would others take them away?"

"There are several groups of people participating in the competition. Your father and mother are the first, and they will definitely get the most prizes. But their families went first to receive the things, and there are not many of your father and mother left." The kidnapper said and took out something from his body. A piece of maltose, "Come, uncle, give you some candy."

"Thank you, uncle." Xiao Dengdeng took the candy but didn't eat it. She hid it quietly in her clothes. His mother had said that you shouldn't eat anything given by outsiders. At least, your mother had to see it. And for a man of his age, he is not a kid like his two younger brothers, so he doesn’t like to eat sweets!

When Bai Ruozhu saw that her son had left with the kidnapper, she didn't feel too relieved after thinking about it, so she asked Little Furball to follow him secretly.

With the protection of the little fur ball and the bunny, there shouldn't be any trouble. She pulled Jiang Yichun and whispered, "Let's go and see what our son wants to do."

The two of them wanted to say goodbye to the referee, left with everyone's instructions, and quietly followed the kidnapper who had deceived Deng Deng.

The kidnapper took Deng Deng to a remote alley and soon stopped at the door of a dilapidated house.

"The prize is inside, go and pick it." The kidnapper said with a smile.

"Why are you in a place like this?" Xiao Dengdeng looked disgusted.

"You little kid, you still think this place is shabby. The restaurant is only so big. You can't find a warehouse to store your things. The houses here are cheap and can be used as a warehouse." The kidnapper suddenly felt that this little kid seemed to be too smart. He hasn't eaten yet. Where's the candy he added medicine to?

But it doesn't matter. If he resists, he will be taken directly into the yard.

The little boy gave a kick, then pushed the door open and walked in. As soon as he walked in, a burly man stood there. He smiled sinisterly when he saw him, "The goods this time are pretty good. They look much better than the ones in the house. They should be." It can be sold at a good price.”

"What do you know!" the kidnapper said with a stern look on his face, "This child's parents look rich, and his clothes are very exquisite. When the time comes, ask his parents for tens of thousands of silver, and we will spend the rest of our lives You won’t have to worry anymore.”

Dengdeng made a panicked look: "You, you are bad people! I want to find my mother, I want to find my mother!"

"Haha, stop shouting. No one lives around here, and no one can come to save you. But if you are still dishonest, I will have to block your mouth." The kidnapper said and waved his fist.

Little Dengdeng made a frightened look, shrank to the corner in fear, and started to cry.

The rabbit in his arms rolled his eyes. The little master was as evil as the mistress. In fact, he was very evil in his heart. He was just showing weakness now so that he could torture others later.

The kidnapper said with a smile: "Look at him, I will go out for a walk and send a message to his parents, asking them to use money to redeem him!" the kidnapper said to the strong man.

After saying that, he was about to walk out, but Xiao Dengdeng suddenly stopped crying and stopped in the direction of the door, saying, "Are you thinking about leaving? It's not that easy anymore."

The kidnapper was stunned. Does this child want to go out with him? But soon he discovered that the child in front of him was not afraid at all, completely different from the children he had captured.

"Hey, little kid, you are so arrogant, don't you? Believe it or not, I can kill you with one finger?" The strong man became unhappy and strode towards Dengdeng.

Deng Deng put the black rabbit down and whispered: "You hide aside, don't get hurt."

Tutu was a little worried. After all, Deng Deng was so small and her little arms were so short.

As a result, the strong man punched him, and the little boy ducked away.

He is small to begin with, and he has learned Qinggong and Shenfa, which makes him particularly agile in dodging. The strong man seemed to have great strength, but he didn't have much martial arts foundation. He was almost treated like a monkey by Deng Deng.

No, it's not a monkey. Based on his size, he should be a bear.

Little Dengdeng giggled as she ran, "You can't catch me, you can't catch me!"

The kidnapper stamped his feet and joined the arresting front, rushing towards Xiao Dengdeng.

Within a few breaths, both the strong man and the kidnapper fell to the ground. The kidnapper's eyes widened, "You, you drugged us?"

Little Dengdeng pursed her lips and smiled, "Who makes you think that children are easy to bully? I will be an adult soon, how can I be so easily deceived?"

Unfortunately, the strong man and the kidnapper passed out before they could finish listening.

Bai Ruozhu was about to jump into the yard, but Jiang Yichun stopped her and made a silencing gesture towards her.

The child will always grow up. Although it is still early, he must be given the opportunity to hold up a sky independently.

He saw Xiao Dengdeng walking towards the house, but he was extra careful and took some medicine powder Bai Ruozhu gave him in his hand. Jiang Yichun nodded with satisfaction. His son was very careful and not a reckless child.

Fortunately, except for a few stretched children, there were no other kidnappers in the room.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here to save you!" Xiao Dengdeng saw the frightened faces of the children and said with great sympathy.

He went over to untie them, but his little hands couldn't get the ropes open. The rabbit jumped up and bit the arm with its teeth.

"Tutu, I can't tell that your teeth are very powerful. Please don't bite me." Little Dengdeng smiled and touched Tutu's head.

Tutu very wisely shook his head at him, thinking how could he bite his master?

"Hehe, I knew you were the best." Xiao Dengdeng said with a smile.

Several children were let go. They looked frightened and confused, and they didn't even dare to speak.

"You are free, go home quickly." Xiao Dengdeng said to them.

Several children did not dare to speak. It took a long time before an older child spoke up: "We don't know the way home."

Xiao Dengdeng scratched his head and said, "Then I'll report it to the official and ask the official to help you find your family."

Several children nodded. The child who spoke before looked at Dengdeng with admiration and said, "You are so awesome. If I were like you, I wouldn't be caught by the bad guys."

"As long as you work hard, you will become better." Xiao Dengdeng said seriously.

Bai Ruozhu, who was hiding outside, pursed her lips and snickered. She didn't know that her little Dengdeng could be so encouraging.

"Then can I follow you? I can be your servant." The child said again.

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