Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 2234 A farce

Jian Qi's face was so cold that it almost froze, "She is my adopted sister. I see her being deceived. Can I just ignore her?"

"Who deceived whom? Is it because you have evil thoughts?" Yuan Licheng looked embarrassed. Not to mention that Jian Qi was angry, even Feng Lanying wanted to beat him.

Yi Zi burst into tears and shouted, "Stop fighting, it's my fault, okay?"

She was crying very pitifully. Jian Qi frowned a little further and felt a little uncomfortable in his heart. However, Yuan Licheng didn't respond at all and didn't care whether Yi Zi cried or not. Jian Qi became even more angry now, believing that Yuan Licheng wanted to use Yi Zi and deceive her feelings to take revenge on Feng Lanying.

However, Feng Lanying couldn't bear it. She went over and took Yi Zi's arm and said, "You don't have to worry about their men's affairs. Isn't it common for men to argue with each other?"

Jian Qi was so distracted that he accidentally stepped on the death door in Yuan Licheng's formation, and shot a burst of energy towards his face.

"Brother, be careful!" Yi Zi exclaimed. What worried her most was Jian Qi.

Jian Qi barely dodged this attack. Yi Zi's crying and worried voice echoed in his mind, which made his heart feel warm.

Before he could think about it, Yuan Licheng's attack came again. Jian Qi narrowed his eyes and attacked fiercely.

"Why are you jealous? Since you recognize her as your sister, why don't you allow others to marry her? Are you being too lenient?" Yuan Licheng and Jian Qi approached and whispered.

"You..." Jian Qi became even more angry and slashed hard with his sword.

"If you also like her, just fight with me. Even if you beat me, you can't stop me from getting close to her." Yuan Licheng thought of Feng Lanying's promise to him, and worked harder to stimulate Jian Qi.

Because his family, Lan Ying, promised him that if he could accomplish this, he would give him a kiss on the mouth.

Thinking of this, Yuan Licheng felt a little carried away and almost laughed out loud.

Jian Qi's eyes turned red with anger. He didn't want the innocent Yi Zi to be deceived by Yuan Licheng, but why was he so excited? Just because he sympathized with her? Is it just because of the sense of justice in his heart?

He has been minding his own business for many years. If it were someone else, would he still be so angry?

Jian Qi's mind was in chaos, but his moves became more and more powerful. He was originally a secret guard hiding in the dark. Although it was his duty to protect his master, the path they were originally trained on was the path of a killer. As long as he When he has thoughts of killing in his heart, his strength will increase steadily.

Feng Lanying also discovered that Jian Qi was really serious, and couldn't help but feel a little nervous, and said hurriedly: "You guys can just compete, don't get hurt and affect our journey later."

It's a pity that Jian Qi couldn't listen at this time. His sword attacks were aimed at Yuan Licheng's vital points, and the formation that Yuan Licheng had set up in a hurry was also broken by him. For a time, Yuan Licheng was forced more and more by him. Getting closer to the cliff.

"Go to hell!" Jian Qi's sword stabbed Yuan Licheng fiercely in the heart.

"Stop!" Feng Lanying was shocked and hurriedly used his spiritual consciousness to attack Jian Qi, but Jian Qi's belief was too firm and his attack was too fast, and he couldn't stop him at all.

Yuan Licheng's expression changed drastically and he hurriedly dodged aside. The sword barely missed his heart and pierced into his shoulder.

"Ah..." Yuan Licheng screamed, and he felt fierce in his heart, and the knife in his hand suddenly struck Jian Qi.

Jian Qi dodged the blade and kicked him. Yuan Licheng grunted and was kicked backwards. He reached out to grab the vines on the edge of the cliff, but the vines were so slender that he broke them directly. He faced backwards. He fell down and fell to the bottom of the cliff.

"Yuan Licheng!" Feng Lanying rushed to the edge of the cliff, but unfortunately she didn't even catch the corner of his clothes.

Jian Qi calmed down at this time, and he didn't want to knock Yuan Licheng off the cliff.

"Yuan Licheng, answer me, answer me!" Feng Lanying yelled like crazy, and then she threw herself towards the cliff, but Yi Zi reacted quickly and hugged her tightly.

Feng Lanying burst into tears, "Yuan Licheng, nothing can happen to you. I hurt you, nothing can happen to you."

Suddenly she jumped up and stared straight at Jian Qi, "I asked him to help you realize your heart. You don't dare to show it when you like someone. Are you tired of living? But you actually killed He, you murderous devil, I will kill you to avenge Yuan Licheng!"

After Feng Lanying finished speaking, she rushed over and attacked Jian Qi like crazy, using all her palm skills, boxing skills, and kick skills. Jian Qi froze on the spot and did not dodge, letting her continue to beat and scold her.

Yi Zi was already crying. It turned out to be like this, but didn't all this happen because of her? If she hadn't fallen in love with Brother Jianqi in a delusional way, these things wouldn't have happened.

She walked towards the edge of the cliff step by step, stood up and looked at Jian Qi and Feng Lanying, "Stop fighting, it's not brother Jian Qi's fault, everything happened because of me, I should pay for Yuan Licheng's life. Sister Lanying, please don't It’s my fault, Brother Jianqi, it’s me who caused the evil, and I will repay it!”

Feng Lanying was so frightened that she woke up from the exposure, "Yi Zi, don't be impulsive. You came here first. It's not your fault. It's because I'm too confident and like to fool around too much. Bai Ruozhu reminded me, but I Didn’t listen at all.”

Jian Qi looked at Yi Zi with tears on his face and a pale smile on the edge of the cliff. For a moment, his heart ached like a knife.

"Yi Zi, don't move. I killed the person and it has nothing to do with you." Jian Qi took a step forward and stretched out his hand like Yi Zi, but at this moment he felt that Yi Zi was so far away from him, so he It seemed like I was losing her forever.

"No, it's all my fault. I shouldn't like you. Yuan Licheng is dead, and I can't escape the condemnation of my conscience. I'm leaving. Take care of yourself and protect your mistress. She is a good person!"

After saying this, Yi Zi suddenly jumped up, like a purple butterfly flying down the cliff.

"Yi Zi!"

"Yi Zi!"

Feng Lanying and Jian Qi shouted at the same time, both of them burst into tears. They both regretted it. Why did it happen like this?

Jian Qi regretted that he should not stay away from Yi Zi. How painful his heart was at this moment, how clear he was about his feelings for Yi Zi. Feng Lanying also regretted it. She shouldn't have been so clever in directing this scene, and she shouldn't have killed Jian Qi in anger, otherwise she wouldn't have forced Yi Zi to death.

Suddenly, a bloody hand stretched out from the edge of the cliff, and a weak voice sounded: "Hurry up and give me a hand, I'm exhausted."

Feng Lanying jumped up all of a sudden. That was Yuan Licheng's voice!

She rushed over to help and pulled Yuan Licheng up.

Jian Qi stared blankly at Yuan Licheng, who was not dead at all, and suddenly became sarcastic, threw the sword to the ground, and burst into tears.

Feng Lanying couldn't help but burst into tears. She pulled Yuan Licheng and asked, "Did you see Yi Zi when you climbed up?"

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