Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 2246 The wronged second sister-in-law

Jiang Yichun lowered his face and said, "You are being punished by God, not she. Your master-servant contract was not approved by her. Do you still need her to sympathize with you now?"

Qiu Zhi looked a little embarrassed, "I'm just afraid that you won't believe me, so I can only use this method."

Bai Ruozhu looked at Qiu Zhi with a stern face, what is going to happen now? She really didn't want to take Qiu Zhi with her at all, but she wasn't willing to watch him die.

Just when she was hesitating, Gao Quan walked up to her and said, "Forget it, let him follow you first, as many helpers as possible."

Jiang Yichun's face turned darker, and he glared at his father fiercely. He had cheated him when he was a child, why did he still cheat him now?

Gao Juan winked at the two of them. Bai Ruozhu didn't understand what he meant, but seeing that he had already spoken, she didn't want to let him lose face, so she could only let Qiu Zhi follow him for the time being.

On the way after that, everyone else avoided Qiu Zhi. Everyone knew that Jiang Yichun was unhappy with him, and no one wanted to make Jiang Yichun unhappy. Instead, Yuan Licheng started chatting with Qiu Zhi.

"Brother, do you, Longhumen, really hunt monsters and ghosts? Are there really monsters and ghosts in this world?"

Yuan Licheng immediately said after asking: "No, there must be no monsters. You all think of everything as monsters all day long. Are you dreaming?"

Qiu Zhi said with a straight face: "Why not? When I was fifteen years old, there was a severe drought in Linchuan. Do you know what happened?"

"What's wrong?"

Qiu Zhi laughed and said: "There was a snake over there that became a spirit. It needed a lot of water to cultivate, and it ended up sucking away all the water in a radius of more than ten miles. The people nearby were miserable that year, and there was no harvest. Ah, how many people fled to other places due to famine."

"What happened next?" Yuan Licheng became interested, "I really want to hear about the severe drought a few years ago."

The smile on Qiu Zhi's face suddenly faded, and his expression became a little serious, "My uncle, the former head of Longhu Mountain, discovered the evil spirit and went to capture the evil spirit. Unexpectedly, the evil spirit was about to turn into a dragon. As a result, After combining all the power of him and several elders, the snake was sealed, and the leader and others also died in Linchuan."

Yuan Licheng asked in surprise: "Then how did you come back alive?"

Qiu Zhi shook his head, "I was only fifteen years old at the time, and I was not qualified to follow him. My master was assigned to manage the affairs of the sect at that time, so he escaped the disaster, but this matter has always been a knot in his heart."

Bai Ruozhu was eavesdropping and couldn't help but curl her lips, thinking why Qiu Zheng had so many knots in his heart? Isn't the biggest problem in my heart that I failed to expose the truth that Master Pudeng is a demon?

It was terrifying enough to make the leader of the Dragon and Tiger Sect and several elders die, regardless of whether the thing was a demon or a human.

"What about ghosts? Are there really ghosts?" Yuan Licheng was like a curious baby.

"Why not? In the middle of last month, a famous old man in a village near Longhumen was in a state of confusion. He said that he was drunk and ran into the cemetery. He seemed to have peed on a grave. After that, he went to bed and talked nonsense soon after waking up. It also looked like something was wrong. Fortunately, we were found in time, and it was me who exorcised the ghost. Now the old man is fine." Qiu Zhi said with a confident smile on his face.

Only then did Bai Ruozhu notice that Qiu Zhi had a baby face, which was relatively fresh and tender. In fact, he was actually older than her. But it seems that he doesn't leave Longhumen often, and his thoughts are very simple.

She couldn't help but think of her senior brother Ning Yu. Qiu Zhi looked like Ning Yu. Thinking of Ning Yu, who had no news at present, Bai Ruozhu's eyes looking at Qiu Zhi softened a little.

On the other side, Jiang Yichun and Gao Zhan went to find prey. Jiang Yichun said with a straight face: "I really don't know why you asked Qiu Zhi to stay. It's not convenient to bring some trash now."

Gao Juan glanced at him sideways and said, "He's not pursuing your woman, so why are you nervous? Even if he pursues your woman, will he be able to compete with you? Are you so unsure of yourself?"

Jiang Yichun was speechless, "This has nothing to do with pursuit or not. I just can't stand the people of Longhumen."

"Just because he is from the Longhu Clan, I asked you to keep him. When we go to sea later, we are likely to encounter various situations. It is a good thing to bring more capable people." Gao Wei said.

Jiang Yichun rolled his eyes at his father, "Do you think he won't treat me as a monster?"

Gao Juan burst out laughing, "It doesn't matter if he thinks you are a demon, he can't resist Ruozhu, does he dare to do anything to you?"

Jiang Yichun didn't know what to say, so he had no choice but not to mention it for the time being.

In this way, the team became eight people, and they drove non-stop. After half a month, they finally arrived in the capital.

Bai Ruozhu returned to Bai Mansion immediately. The old servant who opened the door was very happy to see her and immediately said that he was going to pass the message. Bai Ruozhu hurriedly pressed his shoulder and said, "I can go by myself."

She told Jiang Yichun to go find Si Yihuan first. At this time, her second brother was no longer at home, and she hadn't seen her second sister-in-law for a while, so she missed her.

It happened that Jiang Yichun was about to enter the palace, so the two of them acted separately, while the others went down to rest first.

Unexpectedly, Bai Ruozhu rushed to the backyard. Before he reached Si Yihuan's house, he heard low sobbing.

The first thing she thought of was that Si Yihuan had guests here, because she didn't think Si Yihuan was someone who would cry secretly behind his back.

Not wanting to go to the door of the house, she knocked on the door and spoke. After a while, Si Yihuan opened the door. There was no one in the room. Si Yihuan's eyes were a little red. It was obvious that he had just cried. He wiped the tears on his face in a hurry.

"Ruozhu, I miss you so much!" Si Yihuan excitedly rushed over and hugged Bai Ruozhu, looking as cheerful as before.

"I miss you too. Where is second brother? When will he finish his errand today?" Bai Ruozhu asked with a smile, "The emperor hasn't given you any trouble lately, has he?"

Si Yihuan's face froze, but he quickly squeezed out a smile, but it could not escape Bai Ruozhu's eyes.

"I'll send someone to deliver a message to your second brother and ask him to come back early today." Si Yihuan said and ordered the maid waiting outside the house. When he was done, he came back and took Bai Ruozhu to ask about his parents.

Bai Ruozhu answered one by one. When she finished speaking, she took Si Yihuan's hand and asked: "Second sister-in-law, what have you been wronged recently? You don't have to hide it from me, even if it was my second brother who made you wronged." , I will also help you vent your anger."

"I..." Si Yihuan only said one word, and his eyes turned red.

Bai Ruozhu didn't rush her, just waited for her to say it herself.

"We walked slowly all the way, and we didn't come back soon. Someone in the palace said that your second brother and I have been married for so long, but we still don't have any children. Later, the wise concubine in the palace called my mother and said that she wanted to give birth to a child. I arranged for a younger sister, and then arranged for the concubine of Lu Wen’s family to come over.”

Si Yihuan couldn't bear it any longer and burst into tears.

"My mother sent him here. I couldn't embarrass my mother, so I had to let him live in it first and arranged a house in the backyard. But when your second brother came back and found out, he got angry with me and didn't follow me for a few days. Speak."

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