Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 2265 Do you dare to take a test?

Bai Ruozhu smiled nonchalantly, "I'm not a girl who hasn't left the government, and I'm also a doctor, so there's nothing to avoid. But as a doctor, I also know how to look at people, and Lu Wanke doesn't look like him at all. It doesn't look like we're in the same room. Is there any old man here who can look at it and help me to look at it, so as not to say I'm talking nonsense."

This is not Bai Ruozhu's nonsense, but she has a keen sense of smell. The smell on Lu Wan's body has changed. It is no longer as fresh as a girl's house. If you ask carefully, it still smells a little bit slutty, and she said it secretly. She is just a decoration. She is colluding with Du Zhongshu. She says that Du Zhongshu is infatuated and doesn't touch her to show that she is pitiful, right?

"Master Bai, how could you do this to me? I, I..." Lu Wan suddenly broke away from the maid who was holding her, "I'll die!"

As she said that, she hit the pillar in the house, and the onlookers couldn't help but exclaimed, is blood going to be splattered today?

It's a pity that no matter how fast Lu Wan is, she can't be faster than Feng Lanying, who is good at light skills. It's inconvenient for men to pull her, but Feng Lanying has no scruples. She not only pulls Lu Wan, but also pinches her hard secretly and says: "Aunt Lu, this is Do you want to die to express your ambition, or do you want to die if someone discovers the scandal?"

At this time, the person who really had a good thing said, "That woman is definitely not a girl. Old man, I still know how to judge people." After saying this, he laughed.

Feng Lanying looked surprised, "Huh? Aunt Lu didn't consummate her marriage with Prince Du, but she is no longer a daughter. What's going on?"

Yuan Licheng looked at Du Zhongshu very cooperatively and said, "Is that why you don't want to touch her? Or did you touch her and this aunt forgot about her?"

Du Zhong's bookish face turned red and white. If he admitted that he slept with Lu Wan, he would not be able to act in this scene. If he did not admit it, he would be cuckolded.

"Female Doctor Bai, just let the grudges between us be settled by ourselves. Don't involve innocent people anymore. Miss Lu is already very pitiful when you send her here and there." Du Zhongshu said with a sympathetic face.

Bai Ruozhu laughed, "You said this as if I slandered her. This matter is big or small. I, Bai Ruozhu, am also the leader of the Doctors' Alliance. I absolutely cannot bear this title. In this case, send someone to find the doctor who is commonly used by the government. Po Wen, come and check Aunt Lu to see if she is still a girl!"

The old man who spoke before said, "Definitely not. Everyone knows me. Can I still be bribed?"

Lu Wan had a sad look on her face, "Master Bai, do you have to force my little girl to death?"

"Don't blame me. Didn't you want to die before I came here? Why am I forcing you to death now? Could it be that it wasn't true that you wanted to die before? I was just proving my judgment to avoid being said to be true by you. Is it possible to force you to death by slandering you? I remember who said in public before that he was heartbroken." Bai Ruozhu said and winked at Feng Lanying. Feng Lanying directly tapped Lu Wan's acupuncture points. Lu Wan could still speak but could not. Moved.

"What did you do to me? Let me go quickly!" Lu Wan cried.

"If you want to die, I can only tap your acupuncture points to prevent you from doing stupid things. Otherwise, you will die so many times with the helpless pulling of your servants." Feng Lanying muttered with a puzzled expression as he spoke. : "Didn't the servants and wives of Lu Wenwen's family eat? They have no strength at all."

Bai Ruozhu snickered, Feng Lanying had a tacit understanding with her, and of course it was about deceiving people.

"Prince Du, do you want me to ask someone to take a physical examination now? What do you think?" Bai Ruozhu looked at Du Zhongshu provocatively.

The fists hidden in Du Zhong's sleeves clenched loudly in a bookish manner, but there was a painful and hesitant expression on his face, "Female Doctor Bai, can you not embarrass an innocent woman?"

"Why is it so difficult? If Po Wen checks that she is still a virgin and Prince Du doesn't want to take her as his concubine, she can marry someone else. This will prove her innocence. Speaking of which, I will ask my subordinates to give gifts. , Prince Du also accepted it happily, how could I know that you didn't like it, otherwise I wouldn't have felt so wronged to Lu Wan."

Bai Ruozhu shook his head as he spoke, looking at Du Zhongshu with eyes full of dissatisfaction and disappointment, "But after all, I am the one who gave her away. As long as she is still innocent, I will immediately arrange a good marriage for her and send her ten cars of dowry!" "

The onlookers gasped, "Ten carts of dowry, this white female doctor is really rich."

Before Du Zhongshu could speak again, Bai Ruozhu said directly to Jian Qi: "Go to Jing Zhaoyin and ask him to arrange for two experienced body examiners to come."

"Yes." Jian Qi said and was about to leave, but Lu Wan became anxious and shouted: "Don't look for me anymore. I was broken, but it has nothing to do with the prince. It was before I entered the prince's palace..."

Her voice became smaller and smaller, and she began to sob quietly.

If Bai Ruozhu didn't know his second brother very well, he wouldn't be able to help but suspect that he was being played by his second brother.

Mrs. Lu reacted, rushed over to hug Lu Wan and cried, "My poor child, if you have any grievances, just tell your mother, and she will make the decision for you!"

Lu Wan cried and shook her head with an expression of "can't say".

This "can't say" can give people a lot of room for imagination.

"Lu Wan lives in a separate courtyard in Bai Mansion. No one has ever visited her except me. Could it be that she suffered some injustice in the Lu family?" Bai Ruozhu shouted in surprise, "Mrs. Lu, you have to investigate carefully. Cha, give her justice, the Lu family is also a powerful family, so we can’t let something like this affect the family tradition.”

Mrs. Lu was so angry that she almost lost her temper. She glared at Bai Ruozhu and said, "That's nonsense. Our Lu family is an upright family, and Wan'er got out of it well. But you, the Bai family, don't dare to admit what you did?"

"Look what you said, our White House can't afford to support one person. If there is something, we won't send the person away, right? Forget it, it's useless to talk more. Let's find a medical examiner to take a look. I heard With experienced eyes, Wenpo can detect the last time a woman had sex. Wouldn't it be clear by then?" Bai Ruozhu waved her hand to Jian Qi, "Why don't you go ahead, why bother?"

Jian Qi left quickly and quickly disappeared into the night.

Mrs. Lu and Lu Wan didn't get through it. At this time, they didn't know what happened to Lu Wan. Lu Wan just didn't want to ruin Du Zhongshu's plan, so he might as well blame the Bai family.

She thought about saying that Bai Zepei had played with her and refused to admit it, so she was sent out. But seeing Bai Ruozhu's pretty face full of energy, and thinking that Du Zhongshu always called her name when he was forgetful of love, the flames of jealousy became less intense.

She decided to say that Jiang Yichun raped her, and Bai Ruozhu was a shrew who forbade Jiang Yichun from taking a concubine, so she sent her away based on the rules of returning gifts.

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