Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 2279 Entering the Illusion Again

Bai Ruozhu covered his forehead and said to the shopkeeper: "Give him a plate of braised beef."

"Okay." The shopkeeper responded.

Jiang Yichun's face turned dark. Is this Qiu Zhi deliberately pretending to be pitiful to gain sympathy? All kinds of attention attracted by his wife.

"Okay, let's go up and talk to Tang Feng first." Jiang Yichun quickly drew Bai Ruozhu's attention back and pulled her back to the room.

Then Bai Ruozhu and Jiang Yichun told Tang Feng their experiences one by one. Yi Zi occasionally added a few words, but almost two hours had passed since this lecture.

"This is quite interesting. Could it be that too many people were slaughtered there, and there was a magnetic field formed by too many ghosts? Those ghosts were trapped in that area, and they didn't even know that they were dead or that they were already alive. It’s a ghost!”

Tang Feng's eyes lit up when he said, "I have watched a discovery program before and found a similar situation. It feels so amazing. I didn't expect that I would encounter it. No, I will go with you to experience it tonight."

"What program?" Yi Zi looked curious.

Tang Feng touched his nose in embarrassment, "It's just a miscellaneous book. I've forgotten its name."

Bai Ruozhu snickered. It turned out that Tang Feng was just as embarrassed and helpless as her when he spilled the beans.

"Then you can go with me and Ah Chun tonight, but you still have to be careful. At the moment, we are not sure that there is no danger at all." Bai Ruozhu said.

"Okay." Tang Feng agreed happily.

Bai Ruozhu looked at the time and said, "It's not too early. Let's set off now. I'm afraid I'll miss something if we go late."

Tang Feng had already been eager to give it a try, so naturally he had no objection. Jiang Yichun was also a maniac about loving his wife, so he had no objection to anything his wife said.

So the three of them left the inn, trying to reduce their presence as much as possible, and quietly sneaked into the alley near Luo Shi and Fang Qing's home.

"I entered the illusion here yesterday, maybe it hasn't started today yet." Bai Ruozhu lowered his voice and said.

The three of them found a hidden place and waited for a while, but there was still no change in the result. Tang Feng became a little anxious and asked, "You won't be able to see it today, right?"

"We came early, so we probably have to wait a little longer." Bai Ruozhu said.

A woman's shrill cry came from the room next to her, "Ah Qing, Ah Qing, please don't die. You can't leave me and the child behind. You can't!"

Bai Ruozhu's heart tightened. Fang Qing looked fine yesterday. Why did something suddenly happen? Is there anyone else in the house?

She almost rushed over in a hurry, but fortunately, Fang Qing's voice came from the room, "I'm fine, you remembered wrong, wasn't I alive and well?"

His voice became softer, "Okay, okay, just lie down and sleep for a while, then you'll be fine when you fall asleep, and you won't have random thoughts."

"A Qing, are you really A Qing?" Luo Shi's voice was a little uncertain. She didn't know whether it was because she couldn't see clearly or because of the uncertainty in her excitement.

Bai Ruozhu and the other three looked at each other. Fang Qing and Luo Shi were both surprised. Fang Qing and Luo Shi spoke in a strange tone. Bai Ruozhu couldn't tell what was strange for a while.

"It's me, don't you remember me? Well, get some sleep quickly, otherwise your illness will not be easily cured." Fang Qing said softly.

Luo Shi was probably tired, so he gave a vague hum and soon stopped talking.

The three of them looked at each other, and before they could speak, everything around them began to change.

Bai Ruozhu hurriedly pulled Jiang Yichun tightly. When the complete change was over, she found that pulling was useless. The two of them hugged tightly last time, but they were not in different places.

This time Bai Ruozhu was no longer in Xunyang City. She found that this place was not an ordinary residence, because it was magnificent and even more luxurious than the homes of ordinary rich and powerful people.

There were footsteps in the distance, and Bai Ruozhu hurriedly found a hidden place to hide. She was not sure if people here could see her, but she had better be careful.

"I just saw the clan leader begging that shark to eat again. It's really true." Two maids came over, and one of them complained in a low voice.

"Stop talking, you will be punished if the clan leader hears it!" Another maid shuddered and said with a look of complaint.

"What am I afraid of? Anyway, I am telling the truth." The maid said angrily.

"Don't think like that. Even if your brother is punished, he is him and you are you. Don't disobey the patriarch because of this matter. There have been several examples before. Who is willing to suffer like this? You must not Don't be impulsive." said the maid who seemed cautious at first sight.

The two walked over while they were talking. Bai Ruozhu followed their footsteps quietly. Maybe he could find something by following them.

Unexpectedly, these two people went to deliver food specifically, and the person they delivered food to was actually Luo Shi. Listening to their conversation, it can be known that the Yueqiu tribe leader captured Fang Qing, and Luo Shi is also here, but I don't know whether it was Fang Qing who asked for it, or the patriarch arrested Luo Shi to threaten Fang Qing.

It can be heard from the conversation of the maids that they are very disdainful of the clan leader liking a male shark, but Bai Ruozhu is a fujoshi and thinks this kind of thing is normal and no big deal.

Luo Shi sat quietly in the room. When someone brought her food, she did not raise her head or touch the food on the table.

The more steady maid sighed and said, "Madam, just eat a little. There is no need to damage your body. Otherwise, we cannot bear the blame if the clan leader blames you."

Luo Shi didn't speak, she didn't know what she was thinking, and there was a melancholy atmosphere exuding around her.

Seeing that Luo Shi didn't speak, the maid could only retreat silently.

The younger maid pulled the steady maid and said in a low voice: "Don't persuade me. If your husband was kidnapped by another man and you still have that kind of mentality, how can you be in the mood to stay here?" Here? If I were Luo Che, I really don’t want to live!”

The steady maid glared at her and said, "You don't want to live at all times. Why can't you be stronger at such a young age? It's not easy for anyone to live. If your brother knows that you think this way, he will scold you." "

The young maid's eyes suddenly turned red, "Don't mention my brother. What's wrong with him? He just wanted to avenge the leader of the cavalry. The clan leader not only ceded the land to pay compensation to the shark, but also imprisoned the cavalrymen as well. Get up, will my brother and the others rebel?"

The steady maid hurriedly covered her mouth and said anxiously: "Little ancestor, stop talking. I know you are feeling miserable, but what can we do? Maybe the patriarch can let your brother out after a few days when his anger subsides. "

The two of them gradually walked away, and Bai Ruozhu didn't follow them anymore. She stayed near Luo Shi. She always felt that these things were related to Luo Shi.

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