Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 2288 Mermaid Blood

"You and I are both mortals. We live in this world. Master, why should we care about this world or the outside world? As long as we are doing good deeds, what's the difference?" Bai Ruozhu advised.

Gao De was stunned for a while, then sighed and said, "Donor Bai is much more understanding than the poor monk."

Even though he said this, it was still painful to see his expression.

Bai Ruozhu couldn't bear to mention Master Puteng, but finally she said, "Master Puteng is your senior brother, right?"

"Yes, senior brother, he takes great care of me. Does Donor Bai know about him? He is a truly kind-hearted person." As soon as Gao De mentioned his senior brother, his eyes shone with admiration.

"We passed by Xinchan Temple before and stayed for a few days. Master Puteng... passed away." Bai Ruozhu felt a sore nose when she mentioned this.

"What!" Pu Ming yelled, and then he swayed and almost fell down. Qiu Zhi next to him helped him, and he was able to stand firm.

He then clasped his hands together and began to chant silently, as if he was chanting sutras and praying for Master Pudeng.

After a while, he put down his hands and said, "Did Senior Brother go, or is it because..." He looked at Bai Ruozhu, "You agreed to his request, does Senior Brother have any last wishes?"

Only then did Bai Ruozhu realize that he was making a fortune just now.

"Sorry, I promised him not to tell anyone." Bai Ruozhu replied.

Puming nodded and said, "I asked too much. My senior brother has become a Buddha and can calculate thousands of changes. If I can help him, he doesn't have to say anything to me. But, he passed away. Have you never mentioned me before?"

"No." Bai Ruozhu said somewhat reluctantly.

There was a look of disappointment on Pu Ming's face, and he seemed to blame himself even more for being lost.

"Master Puteng can calculate many things. He must know your situation. Maybe he thinks this is a necessary test for you to become a Buddha, or he doesn't want anyone to disturb you." Jiang Yichun said.

Bai Ruozhu reacted, "Perhaps Master Puteng has already figured out everything today and doesn't want to say anything in advance to reveal the secret."

Pu Ming's face looked better, and then he sighed and said: "I have observed over the years that neither the Fang family nor her son are evil people, and Luo Shi is a kind person. It's just that she is mentally disturbed and doesn't know what she has done every day. , but her original intention is to appease those evil spirits and purify their grievances little by little."

"Luo Shi should be an ordinary person, right? At least in the past, right? Why does she let people enter the illusion when she sleeps?" Bai Ruozhu really can't understand this.

Pu Ming sighed and said, "This is not what Luo Shi wants. Her husband Fang Qing is a shark."

He took a deep look at Jiang Yichun and said, "I don't need to explain more, Shark. You must all know it."

Jiang Yichun hummed casually.

"It is said that sharks have innate special abilities, and Fang Qing may have the ability to make people fall into dreams. Luo Shi was once driven almost crazy. When Fang Qing went to see her, she didn't recognize anyone because she was crazy. He bit Fang Qing out of desperation, but..."

Pu Ming shook his head as he said, "She drank the shark blood."

Bai Ruozhu asked in surprise: "The shark's blood will give her the ability of the shark? If so, wouldn't everyone want to drink the shark's blood? And Luo's appearance has not aged, is it because of the shark's blood?"

"That's not entirely true. Rumor has it that shark blood is extremely poisonous and has no cure. Just one drop is enough to kill a person, but there are very few people who survive. Luo Shi is also a lucky person. In addition, Fang Qing gave her the most precious golden essence and blood, so she survived, became immortal and immortal, and had Fang Qing's abilities. However, Fang Qing died before she reached thirty. Before she died, she told their child Fang Qing Luo, take good care of Luo Shi," Pu Ming said.

"How do you know this in detail?" Jian Qi became suspicious.

Pu Ming smiled bitterly, "I have been here for more than ten years. I enter the illusion every night. As time goes by, I see many things in the illusion. It's just that I was lost in it before and forgot everything. When I woke up, I couldn't. Remember these things. Don’t stay too long. If you often enter the illusion, I’m afraid you will also get lost in it.”

"What special ability does Fang Luo have?" Bai Ruozhu asked.

"It seems not. He is not a pure-blooded shark, but he is also affected by the curse, and as far as I know, he should be twenty-eight or nine years old this year." Pu Ming said.

Bai Ruozhu couldn't help but think of a cartoon he had seen in his previous life. In it, someone would become immortal after eating mermaid meat. However, most people who ate mermaid meat either died on the spot or turned into monsters and died in pain. Only a few People will survive, but those who survive will not be happy, because immortality is too lonely.

At that time, Fang Qing never thought about making Luo Shi immortal, but when Luo Shi accidentally drank his blood, he could only leave everything he had to Luo Shi, at least so that she could have the ability to protect herself in the years to come. . Thinking about the scenes he saw in the fantasy, Bai Ruozhu admired Fang Qing even more. A man as affectionate and persistent as him was really rare.

Jiang Yichun took a breath, "Now that everything is clear, I'll go talk to Fang Luo."

"He is very repellent to people and things outside. You should be more patient." Pu Ming couldn't help but sigh, "I have seen him a lot over the years, and the one I sympathize with most is not Luo Shi, but him."

Puming did not continue, nor did he say why he sympathized with Fang Luo, but Bai Ruozhu already understood in his heart.

A child has to face the pain of his mother's mental disorder and his father's early death since he was a child, but for the sake of his mother, he can only grit his teeth and stay strong. Later, in order to take care of his mother's emotions, he had to pretend to be his father. He had no life of his own, and all he had in life was to take care of his mother, who was often mentally unstable.

Maybe he also thought about getting married and having a child, but when he saw his mother's appearance, he couldn't bear to harm another woman. After all, he could only live for thirty years.

He thought to himself, maybe he didn't want his child to suffer like him in the future.

And his life was coming to an end. He probably didn't feel much regret, but he was most worried about his mother.

"Today I was taken into a fantasy world when I was far away. I think it was Luo Shi who wanted to say something to me and wanted me to help her." Bai Ruozhu suddenly figured it out, "I think Luo Shi is mentally disturbed and is always lost in the world. In the past, she still has a trace of reason, knowing that her son is not easy, and she knows that his time is running out, and she wants me to know the truth and help her son!"

Pu Ming also showed a look of understanding and saluted Bai Ruozhu with his hands clasped together, "If it's convenient for you, please take A Luo with you and let him see the outside world and find a way to survive."

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