Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 2307 Killing and stealing goods

Yizi smiled at Wuya and said, "Yes, we have set up a formation so that no one from outside can come in and hear us."

Wuya looked curious, she had no idea what the formation meant.

Wu Liu sighed and said, "It's up to me to tell this matter. She is a child and only knows part of it."

Then he started talking slowly, and Bai Ruozhu and the others knew what was going on.

It turns out that there are many unknown shady stories on this ship. Zheng Xin is greedy for money and always bullies those below him. Moreover, he is emboldened. Anyway, he has the support of his uncle from the shipping department and is the helmsman of the ship. No one dares to do so. What to do with him.

Because this ship was transported by sea, it was almost difficult for people on board to get ashore, so the boatmen were unable to resist Zheng Xin's oppression. However, some people directly refused Zheng Xin's blackmail. Later, when they encountered a storm at sea, they unfortunately fell into nautical miles.

After doing this several times, many people roughly know that it is impossible for someone to fall into the sea unfortunately. Wu Liu's family is honest and has no money, so they have never discussed this kind of thing with others.

Until one day, Wu Liu accidentally saw something...

Wu Liu had a stomachache in the middle of the night that day. He got up and looked for a place to go. He accidentally overheard the conversation between Zheng Xin and the people below.

"We will enter the storm area tomorrow at the latest and throw that ship dealer into the sea." Zheng Xin whispered.

"Boss, is this too dangerous?" his subordinate asked worriedly.

"What are you afraid of? He is only an officer of a few ranks, and everything is changing at sea. No one can blame us. Don't hesitate. If we are not ruthless, he will help Liu Laoer below to sue us. It’s okay.” Zheng Xin said.

"Okay, I understand. If we don't stop doing this, the ship dealer's money will be ours." The men laughed sinisterly.

Wu Liu was so frightened that he squatted without moving. It was not until Wu Liu and the others had left for a long time that he returned to the room in despair.

As a result, his wife saw that he was not in a good mood, so she took him and asked him about the situation. He was confused for a moment, so he told what he saw and heard, not wanting Wuya to be woken up and hear what happened.

Wu Ya Niang was afraid that something might happen, so she said to her daughter with a straight face: "Remember, don't tell anyone. Maybe they are just talking."

"Mom, I know it's serious, so I won't tell anyone nonsense." Wu Ya assured her hastily.

As a result, the next day, the ship indeed entered the storm area, and later the ship dealer really had an accident and fell into the sea.

It was very windy and rough, and the person disappeared in a blink of an eye and could not be found at all.

Wu Ya's family was so frightened that they avoided Zheng Xin from then on. Fortunately, Zheng Xin didn't find Wu Liu and never caused trouble to them.

But it's more that the Wuliu family has no luck, and Zheng Xin doesn't like them at all. But Bai Ruozhu's reward to Wu Ya attracted Zheng Xin's attention.

"It was me who caused trouble for Wu Ya because I didn't understand the situation." Bai Ruozhu gritted his teeth as he spoke, "We must not tolerate people like Zheng Xin, but we have to collect some evidence, otherwise we will arrest him rashly without any evidence. It’s not appropriate either.”

"No!" Mo Beishan objected, "Even if there is evidence, we have to wait for the return trip before arresting people. Otherwise, who will be at the helm this way? Who will show us the route?"

Feng Lanying's eyes widened when he heard this, "Are we just going to let him bully these boatmen and kill people to get their goods? If you officials can't handle it, let us gangsters do it for the people!"

Bai Ruozhu raised her hand to stop Feng Lanying and said, "I definitely can't let Zheng Xin go. He is just greedy for money. I can tolerate it and even give him more money to appease him, but he is already greedy and even kills people. I can't tolerate it anymore." !”

Jiang Yichun nodded, "I don't believe that we can't find someone who understands the route. Wuliu and you have been on the ship for a long time. Do you have any recommendations for someone to replace Zheng Xin?"

Wu Liu shook his head, "The deputy helmsman is Zheng Xin's subordinate. The two are working together, and they will definitely not identify Zheng Xin. As for the others, most of them are boatmen working hard on the ship."

Bai Ruozhu became worried, but just because Zheng Xin's position was important, he couldn't tolerate him being a boatman and murdering his life, right?

Neither she nor Ah Chun could bear this kind of thing!

"Wu Liu, you are familiar with the people on the ship. In the past few days, try to find out who can take Zheng Xin's place. Be more secretive and don't attract Zheng Xin's attention. You can look at the old sailors or boatmen. They often run around. Someone must have memorized these routes, and they are afraid of saying it out of fear of Zheng Xin." Bai Ruozhu thought for a while and said.

Wu Liu hurriedly saluted, "If you know this, you will be more careful. That's it..."

He said and glanced at Wu Ya Niang, looking a little hesitant.

"If you have anything to say, just say it." Bai Ruozhu said.

"Wu Ya's mother and I are both descendants of guilty ministers. Madam arranged for us to be around. I'm afraid someone will use our identities to cause trouble for you in the future." Wu Liu said.

Bai Ruozhu nodded secretly. Wu Liu was an honest person. He thought she didn't know the situation and took the initiative to explain it.

"The steward told me before that when it comes to your parents' generation, I only look at your character and abilities. If you are worthy of my trust, then stay with me from now on." Bai Ruozhu said.

Wu Ya Niang's eyes lit up. The "in the future" Bai Ruozhu said this time did not refer to the future on the boat, but meant that the performance on the boat was good, and Bai Ruozhu will take them with her when they come back this time. of.

"Thank you Madam, we will do a good job for Madam!" Wu Ya Niang hurriedly knelt down and kowtowed.

Bai Ruozhu helped her up, "You go back to your room to rest first, and you can just go and get the dinner in the evening. No matter what happens on the ship from now on, you must tell me. I don't like my people to be bullied."

"Yes." Wu Liu's eyes turned red. Who cared about their family's life and death after so many years? Who would still care about them like this?

When Wuya's family resigned, Jiang Yichun said with a cold face: "Even if it's not easy to deal with Zheng Xin now, we can't let him be so comfortable."

Bai Ruozhu narrowed his eyes, "Husband, what do you want to do?"

Mo Beishan couldn't help but shudder when he saw the couple grinding their teeth. He must not offend them again.

"Let's go together later." Jiang Yichun had a smile on his face.

Feng Lanying pursed her lips, "It's not my turn to do such a good thing. I really want to beat him up all over the floor. He sold me ten taels of silver for a pack of broken medicine, and he even snatched silver earrings as small as a girl's. I just I’ve never met such a shameless person!”

"Don't be idle. We still know too little about the situation on this ship. Let's divide the work. Recently, we have been secretly going to various places to learn about it, and report the information we got together every night." Jiang Yichun said.

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