Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 2335 Pinkeye

In the end, Qiu Zhi returned to the boat, but he kept sneezing and was obviously freezing.

He didn't dare to ask Bai Ruozhu for medicine, so he asked Yuan Licheng for it. Fortunately, he was a martial arts practitioner and had a strong body, so he didn't catch the cold.

Wei Wei's mood improved after being depressed for a day. Bai Ruozhu was a little worried at first, but seeing that she seemed fine, she didn't mention it again.

While the boat was sailing, it encountered another uninhabited desert island. In the spirit of adventure, Bai Ruozhu went to the island for a walk.

Jiang Yichun couldn't worry about her running around, so he naturally followed her closely. The other ones, who had been on the boat for a long time, also started to yell and follow.

So the group of people walked around the small desert island, but found nothing.

In the end, Bai Ruozhu could only lament that she did not have the destiny to be the heroine. Isn't it said that the heroine has her own aura and can have opportunities wherever she goes?

The group had to go back to the boat to get some meat and water, and had a barbecue dinner on the island.

In the next few days, the shark did not appear again. Bai Ruozhu was a little worried about Wei Wei, so she asked tactfully, but Wei Wei smiled and said: "He has his own affairs, and he only came to see me every once in a while. of."

Well, this girl is quite generous, which is a good thing.

Later, the ship encountered a storm at sea. Fortunately, there was no danger and no one on the ship had any problems.

In a blink of an eye, the next day came, Wu Ya's family went down to pick up the food. After picking up the food, Wu Ya noticed that the old woman was rubbing her eyes while making a fire.

"Grandma, what's wrong with your eyes?" Wu Ya asked casually.

"It's okay, my eyes were blurred by the dust." The old woman turned around and smiled at Wuya. Seeing that her eyes were a little red, Wuya thought she might have rubbed them, so she didn't ask any more questions.

After the food was delivered to Bai Ruozhu and the others, Bai Ruozhu rinsed his mouth and began to teach Wuya and Wei Wei about medical knowledge.

Wuya suddenly shouted, "Master, I remembered!"

"What's wrong?" Bai Ruozhu was startled when she called out unexpectedly, but she knew that Wuya was a very steady girl and would not scream randomly without coming.

"Just now I saw the lady who was setting fire down below rubbing her eyes. She said she was blinded by ashes. I didn't think much about it at first, but just now I remembered that she seemed to have an eye disease." Wu Ya said a little excitedly, " Master, can I prescribe some medicine for her?"

Bai Ruozhu frowned slightly, "What kind of eye disease?"

"The eyes were a little red, and she reached out to rub them. She must have felt uncomfortable. She probably didn't realize she had an eye disease," Wu Ya said.

"Sister Ruozhu, is something wrong?" Wei Wei noticed the seriousness in Bai Ruozhu's expression.

Bai Ruozhu stood up and said, "Where is she? I'll go down and see."

Wuya was a little surprised, "Is it a serious illness?"

"It's not serious, but I'm worried that it's a contagious eye disease. If you're not careful, many people will get sick one after another." Bai Ruozhu said and walked out.

It was hot and humid on the ship, and the cabin below was not well ventilated, and the sanitary conditions were not very good. The people working below had no concept of preventing diseases. It was possible that minor illnesses could be transmitted to each other very seriously.

By the time she got to the kitchen, the people in the kitchen had already sent the food everywhere, and now it was time for them to eat by themselves.

They didn't expect the noble lady above to come, and they were so frightened that they didn't know where to put the bowls.

"Where's Aunt Liu who made the fire?" Wuya looked around and saw no one, so she asked hurriedly.

"She just kept saying that her eyes hurt. I saw that her eyes were very red and she was probably smoked, so I asked her to rest for a while." The kitchen steward said hurriedly.

"Wherever she lives, you can lead the way." Bai Ruozhu said.

"Yes, yes." Seeing Bai Ruozhu's serious expression, the manager thought that the wife of a living had committed something big, right? Could it be that he was secretly helping Zheng Xin? But that woman is honest and a bit old, so logically she shouldn't.

He hurriedly led the way and soon arrived at the place where Mrs. Liu lived.

The narrow room was connected to a bunk, and several people lived together. Mrs. Liu was lying on the bunk, looking like she was asleep.

"Mrs. Liu, Master Bai has something to do with you." The kitchen steward called out hurriedly.

"Ah?" Mrs. Liu woke up in a startle and stood up in a hurry. As soon as she opened her eyes and looked at everyone, Wuya and the others were startled.

"Grandma, why are your eyes so red!" Wu Ya exclaimed.

The kitchen steward also said hurriedly: "Aren't your eyes sick? Can you still see?"

Seeing that the manager was enthusiastic, Bai Ruozhu asked him to wait aside.

She went over to check, covered her hands with a handkerchief and turned over Mrs. Liu's eyelids, and finally determined that she did have pink eye.

"Ask everyone in the kitchen to gather on the deck and don't waste time." Bai Ruozhu said very seriously, "As well as everyone who lives in the same room with her, please go."

"Ah?" The steward was startled, "This is..."

Seeing that he seemed to have lost his mind, Bai Ruozhu said helplessly: "The eye disease caused by Mrs. Liu is contagious. We are not sure how many people have it now. We must clean it with medicine first to prevent everyone from getting seriously ill."

"Ah, I'm calling you here." The kitchen steward turned around and went out to summon people.

Mrs. Liu looked surprised, then quickly showed a look of shame, "It's me who's useless, and I've hurt everyone."

Although she was a little older, she was very desolate when she said this, which made Bai Ruozhu feel a little uncomfortable.

"It's not your fault. It's possible that your eye disease was passed on to you by someone else. You are older and will get sick faster. But this is not a fatal disease and you will get better soon." Bai Ruozhu said in a slower tone. .

"Thank you, Master Bai. I understand, I really caused trouble to you." Mrs. Liu said with a look of shame.

"You should pay more attention these days, don't rub your eyes, try to hold it in. Wash your hands more often when you have the opportunity, don't give used handkerchiefs to others for reuse, and try not to touch kitchen rags, so you can reduce the risk of infection. Chances. I'll have someone deliver the medicine later. If you take the medicine on time, you'll be fine soon." Bai Ruozhu explained everything one by one.

Mrs. Liu nodded her head and said, "Okay, I'll take note of it."

Soon Bai Ruozhu took the three girls on the deck and checked the eyes of the people in the kitchen one by one. Sure enough, three of them had contracted the eye disease, but they were only slightly red and not very obvious.

It is not known how many people are still in the incubation period.

The general incubation period is two or three days, and symptoms will appear soon.

"Master Bai, what should we do now?" The kitchen manager was a little worried. Everyone in the kitchen had eye problems. Is it difficult to cook for everyone?

"This eye disease is not transmitted to people from eating. You can be as busy as you want. But if it is serious, you need to take time off to rest. In addition, you need to pay attention to hygiene." She explained the same thing as Mrs. Liu.

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