Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 2351 Continue unfinished business

"What's wrong?" Jiang Yichun noticed Bai Ruozhu's reaction and asked, then subconsciously turned his head to look. As a result, he was also frightened by this look.

The water splashed, and he fell into the hot spring pool with a thud. A golden fish tail emerged from the water, twisting and flapping as if it could not control its balance.

"Ah Chun, how are you?" Bai Ruozhu hurriedly jumped into the hot spring pool, went to the bottom of the water and fished him out.

Originally, the water in the hot spring pool was not deep, and he could come out of the water as long as he stood up, but Jiang Yichun couldn't stand up at this moment.

"How could this happen?" He relied on Bai Ruozhu to steady himself, and reached out to touch his leg.

No, it shouldn’t be called legs, it should be called fish tail, and it’s still golden.

Bai Ruozhu also touched it carefully. The tentacles were smooth and soft, and seemed to be covered with a layer of soft golden scales.

She was a little stupid and murmured: "I'm not dreaming, this is too fantasy."

Jiang Yichun patted his golden fish tail well. When he felt the pain, his face sank, "It is indeed my own tail, but why do I have a tail?"

Bai Ruozhu looked at him with wide eyes, "I know, it was because part of the golden light of renunciation entered your body that you transformed into a fish tail!"

Jiang Yichun opened his mouth, obviously unable to accept this fact, but that could only be the reason.

"Help me up and take a closer look." Jiang Yichun was not used to the fish tail yet and couldn't even find his balance.

Bai Ruozhu went ashore and pulled him up, revealing a big golden fish tail.

"So beautiful!" Bai Ruozhu couldn't help but marvel. The golden fish tail showed a gem-like luster, and there were some water drops hanging on it, making Bai Ruozhu unable to take his eyes away.

Jiang Yichun looked embarrassed, "What's so beautiful about? How can I still walk?"

"Perhaps I can help you cut off your tail, and the golden light inside can come out like Duan Nian, so you don't have a fish tail, right?" Bai Ruozhu held her chin and thought about it, while her other hand couldn't help but touch Jiang Yichun's fish. Touching the tail gently, it feels really comfortable.

"Don't touch!" Jiang Yichun shouted, his voice a little hoarse, and his cheeks turned slightly red.

Bai Ruozhu glanced at him hastily. Such a voice was too familiar to her. When Meimei was in love, he would always speak in such a low voice.

She just touched the fish tail, and his reaction was so big. This was too unsafe. What if someone else touched his fish tail?

"It's really strange. Duan Nian's fish tail is blue, why are yours golden? Is it because of the golden light?" Bai Ruozhu poked the fish tail with his finger again and began to study it.

"Don't move around. I'll ask Duan Nian later." Jiang Yichun's voice had a slight tremor.

"Hey, you're not in the water, and the skin of the fish's tail is not dry. It's not the same as Duan Nian." Bai Ruozhu said, taking the clothes on the side and helping him wipe all the water off the fish's tail. Now Jiang Yichun It became even more uncomfortable, and I couldn't help but moan.

Bai Ruozhu felt that her ears were burning. His voice was already pleasant. When it was low, it was like a glass of mellow wine. Now he hummed like this, which made her a little drunk.

This is what others say makes you pregnant just by hearing the sound, right?

"Come here!" He called out in a low voice, grabbed her arm and pulled her into his arms.

Her body was unstable and she suddenly fell on him, accidentally sitting on the tail of the fish. He couldn't help but snorted again this time.

"A Chun..." She wanted to figure out the fish tail thing first. Wasn't he worried?

It started to become obvious that he was in love and in the mood to do those couple things.

Bai Ruozhu felt a little dazed when he kissed her. She didn't know how to resist at all. Then he turned over and pressed her under him, and he also covered her up.

Bai Ruozhu blushed, opened her mouth and bit his earlobe. Sure enough, his body trembled, and his whole body trembled with excitement.

Bai Ruozhu stretched out her legs and rubbed against him, responding to him enthusiastically, but suddenly she felt something was wrong with the touch.

She hurriedly looked down and couldn't help shouting: "Ah Chun, your tail is gone!"

Jiang Yichun sat up all of a sudden and looked down at his legs. They were still the same legs. Where was the golden fish tail?

Was it just his hallucination? No, it's okay if he has hallucinations alone, Ruozhu won't be dazzled.

"I know!" Bai Ruozhu said excitedly: "Your legs will turn into fish tails when they are wet, and they will turn back when they dry. Okay, you don't have to worry too much."

"How can it still be like this?" Jiang Yichun muttered.

Bai Ruozhu said with a smile: "The mermaids I knew before were like this, but if it rains, you have to be careful."

Jiang Yichun leaned over and suppressed her again, "Let's talk about this later. Let's finish the unfinished things first..."

"You..." Bai Ruozhu still wanted to say that he was joking, but his mouth was blocked and the words were swallowed back.

After a happy night, Jiang Yichun woke up the next day and became worried. No normal man could accept that he suddenly had a fish tail, right?

Even if his tail disappears when he leaves the water, there will be an unstable factor in the future. For example, if the enemy knows his secret and splashes water on him during the fight, he turns into a fish tail. How can he still move freely? What else can he do? Play against someone?

He sighed silently. This fish tail was only of some use in the sea. He really didn't want this fish tail!

Bai Ruozhu got up like a gust of wind, rubbed her sore waist, and said complainingly: "It's been a day since I've been fooling around. I'm going to ask what's going on."

"Don't let others know." Jiang Yichun said hurriedly.

Bai Ruozhu only thought that he felt embarrassed, but she didn't know that he was thinking deeper and was afraid that the enemy would use this to deal with him.

"Okay, I won't say anything yet." Bai Ruozhu responded and rushed out.

During the short journey, Bai Ruozhu's mind went through hundreds and thousands of times. If she didn't tell Duan Nian too much, how could she know whether Duan Nian and Ah Chun were in the same situation, or could Duan Nian change Ah Chun back to his original state?

By the time she knocked on the door to give up her thoughts, Bai Ruozhu had already made a decision.

"Duan Nian, how are you recovering from your injury?" she asked as soon as she entered the door.

Duan Nian hadn't woken up yet, so he squinted his eyes and said, "Bai Ruozhu, you got up too early, didn't you? Didn't you have breakfast?"

Bai Ruozhu laughed twice, "I suddenly remembered a myth and legend I had read before, and I wanted to come to you to verify it."

Wei Wei came over and asked expectantly: "Sister Ruozhu, what myths and legends are related to renunciation?"

Bai Ruozhu nodded and began to make up a story.

"It is said that someone was bitten by a spider..."

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