Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 2353 Adding fuel to the fire

The next day, when Bai Ruozhu went to see Duan Nian's wound, Duan Nian was lying on the bed, keeping the appearance of human legs.

He looked a little weak, without the arrogance and pride of galloping in the sea, but his face was full of joy and excitement, and he obviously liked his current legs more.

"How is the wound?" Bai Ruozhu asked.

Wei Wei sat on the edge of the bed and lifted the thin blanket covering Duan Nian's legs. Duan Nian had already put on a pair of trousers, but the trousers legs were rolled up, revealing a section of his strangely colored calves and scars on the insides of his two feet.

Bai Ruozhu was surprised. It turned out that his tail fin had changed into feet. So if the tail fin was cut, there would be wounds on the inside of both feet?

As soon as Duan Nian saw Bai Ruozhu, he straightened up a little and said excitedly: "Bai Ruozhu, have you seen it? I really have legs after leaving the water!"

"Great, congratulations." Bai Ruozhu said with a smile.

"But it's strange. I've never left the water before, and I also left the water that day when we had the surgery. How come it hasn't changed?" Duan Nian looked confused, "So I thought about it carefully, it must have been that day. The golden light escaping from my wound must have caused the trouble."

Bai Ruozhu was afraid that he would ask about Jiang Yichun, so she hurriedly said: "Then you can't walk now? What did my adoptive father say after checking you?"

Duan Nian looked frustrated, and Wei Wei stood by to help him and said, "I can't stand. The Medical Sage has checked and said that there are no bones in the legs."

Bai Ruozhu sighed silently. Even if Jiang Yichun changed into a fish tail, he couldn't swim, and he almost choked in the pool.

"Don't worry, take your time, maybe things will change in the future." She said encouragingly.

Duan Nian was not worried at all, and said with a smile on his face: "I'm not in a hurry, maybe I can stand up after the wound is healed, and I can continue to practice, and my strength has not weakened much."

Seeing that he was very optimistic, Bai Ruozhu was relieved, but thinking about the lack of water on the ship, she couldn't help but worry again.

"By the way, Duan Nian, you often stay in the sea. Do you know if there are any islands nearby? It's best to have fresh water." Bai Ruozhu thought to himself how he had forgotten such a person. He has lived in the sea for more than ten years, and he must go there. Been to many places.

Duan Nian thought for a while and then said: "There should be an island in the southeast, but I'm not sure about the time. It might take three to five days, or it might take ten days to get there."

"Is there fresh water?" Bai Ruozhu asked happily.

Duan Nian shook his head, "You know I couldn't go to the island before, and I didn't go to see it. There is no one living on the island, and there is probably no fresh water, but there are many coconut trees on the island. At worst, you can drink coconuts to replenish water."

Bai Ruozhu nodded hurriedly, this is also a way, as long as it can replenish water, and coconut juice is nutritious and tastes good.

"It just didn't taste very good. I couldn't find water one time and drank so much that I didn't want to eat for a whole day." Duan Nian added.

"Ah?" Bai Ruozhu was stunned, how could coconut juice not taste good?

Seeing that Bai Ruozhu didn't understand, Wei Wei immediately understood and said with a smile: "Sister Ruozhu, you don't know that the coconut juice of many coconut trees on the sea is salty and not very delicious."

"Oh." Bai Ruozhu felt confused. The coconut juice she drank on the island in her previous life was not delicious. Could it be that the varieties were different?

However, there is always a way to do it. Bai Ruozhu quickly told Mr. Ding. Mr. Ding agreed very much. He immediately figured out the direction and the boat headed southeast.

After three days of sailing like this, the fresh water on the ship became less and less. The entire ship was unable to take a bath, and many people had a fishy, ​​salty smell.

This also includes Bai Ruozhu.

"If you have mysophobia, don't wrong yourself. Go and wash yourself. As long as I smell, others won't think too much about it." Jiang Yichun persuaded her when he saw the uncomfortable look on her face and couldn't help scratching her body. .

Bai Ruozhu shook her head vigorously, "Don't shake my determination. I have already said that everyone will be treated equally. We are all facing the problem of water shortage. How can I secretly take a bath by myself? Even if I feel comfortable after taking a bath, I will go out and see Feng Lanying and the others. Everyone feels uncomfortable, can I feel relieved?"

Jiang Yichun smiled bitterly, "It's hard for a mysophobic person like you to persevere like this. I hope that if we find the island that Duan Nian said, there will be fresh water."

Bai Ruozhu has a space hot spring, so taking a bath is not a problem, but she would rather be dirty than take a bath by herself without breaking her promise.

On the fifth day, we still didn't see the island. Even Mr. Ding couldn't help himself and went to look for it, fearing that he was heading in the wrong direction.

Duan Nian looked unhappy and said, "I was born to stay in the sea. I have an excellent sense of direction in the sea. I can't go wrong."

"How many times have you been to that island before?" Mr. Ding asked.

"Passed by once." Duan Nian replied.

Mr. Ding's heart sank to the bottom, that is, he had only been there once, or was passing by. This was obviously unfamiliar. What if he remembered the wrong location, what would this boatman do?

So, on the morning of the sixth day, when everyone saw Mr. Ding, his mouth was full of bubbles, which was because he was anxious.

Bai Ruozhu didn't know how to persuade him, but suddenly a scream came from the deck, "The black pirates are coming, the black pirates are coming!"

It was the voice of the sailor on duty on the watchtower. Jiang Yichun hurriedly said to Yuan Licheng: "Go and activate the formation first."

"Okay, let everyone try to get to the center of the ship. After all, the formation cannot cover every place." Yuan Licheng said.

Jiang Yichun immediately said to Li Jin: "Go and organize the people below to take refuge in the middle of the second floor, but don't tell the reason, in case someone sends a message to the black pirates."

"Yes." Li Jin left the room with trembling hands and feet.

He already knew that Jiang Yichun and the others were not ordinary people, but when he heard the name of the black pirate, he still couldn't help but tremble all over.

Bai Ruozhu strode towards the deck. She had to take a good look to see if all the black pirates were detoxified.

She was not merciless when she poisoned the black pirate ship that day. Although it was not a poison that would kill you at the first touch, it was not easy to cure.

When she stepped onto the deck, she could already see the black sails of the black pirates in the distance.

The sailors on the deck were in a panic, and they were not as orderly as they were when dealing with the sea monster. Fortunately, Mo Beishan and Ding Lao came up to take command, and at least the ship would not lose track in navigation.

After a while, the black pirate's ship got a lot closer. Even Mr. Ding couldn't help but sigh: "Their ship is too fast, how can it be so fast?"

"Probably using black technology." Bai Ruozhu replied casually. Mr. Ding looked confused, not knowing what "black technology" was.

"Bring the rocket!" Bai Ruozhu shouted, and immediately no one sent the rocket that had been prepared.

The conditions on the ship were limited and there was no way to improvise powerful weapons, so they could only prepare flammable arrows in advance and fire them at the black pirate's ship.

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