Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 2375 Complex situation (4 updates)

"Mr. Kishimoto can inquire privately, and don't let the news out for the time being." Bai Ruozhu reminded.

She didn't want to be discovered that they were looking for someone as soon as she arrived. It would be bad if it attracted the attention of someone who was interested.

"Okay, Sir Bai, please don't worry, I will make my subordinates be careful." Kishimoto said respectfully.

Kishimoto's respect made Bai Ruozhu a little embarrassed. When the two of them were about to leave, Kishimoto said with a tangled face: "I have an unkind invitation."

"It's okay, Mr. Kishimoto," Jiang Yichun said.

"The little girl Lingzi disappeared before, and the house has announced the news that she died of illness. Now that the situation is precarious, her return home will only bring disaster to her. So I ask Master Bai to take Lingzi with you and serve you as a maid. "Kishimoto said with tears in his eyes. This is the last arrangement a father makes for his daughter.

Reiko started crying, "Father, I won't leave, I want to live and die with my family!"

"Nonsense!" Kishimoto, who had always been gentle, suddenly got angry, "Reiko, don't be willful. If something happens to your family, you must leave the blood of the Kishimoto family. Now no one knows your identity, and only you can escape safely. If you are unwilling, You must escape even more, because only if you are alive can you avenge your father and your family!"

Bai Ruozhu patted Lingzi on the shoulder, "Only when a person is alive can he have a chance. Listen to your father."

Lingzi burst into tears, "But I just came back, and I can't bear to leave my father."

"No, you can't stay in the mansion. There are so many talkative people in the mansion now. If the people of Shen Zongyi find out, it will be difficult for you to escape again." Kishimoto gritted his teeth and said.

In the end, Lingzi was taken away by Bai Ruozhu and the others. The three of them circled around a few times and went to the beach to join the others.

Mo Beishan and Li Jin have returned, and Li Jin said happily: "General Akamatsu of the Akamatsu Shogunate received us warmly, arranged for us to live in the post house, and said he would host a banquet for us tonight."

Bai Ruozhu asked in a low voice: "Have you met Shenzong Yi?"

Mo Beishan shook his head, "No."

Reiko explained in a low voice: "Although Kamizouichi is a big merchant, he cannot catch the eye of General Akamatsu, who advocates force. The samurai look down on businessmen, and the shogunate and the emperor are not on good terms. Even General Akamatsu has always wanted to replace the emperor."

Bai Ruozhu nodded, "If that's the case, why didn't your father join General Chisong?"

Reiko showed a sad look, "My father is upright and insists that His Highness is the orthodox one. He will not surrender to the shogunate. Moreover, Akamatsu is very cruel. You must be more careful."

Bai Ruozhu figured out the relationship. He could only say that the struggle for rights in any country was very complicated.

Everyone made some arrangements, and according to the rules, it was more appropriate for them to live in the post house.

Bai Ruozhu left some people to look after the ship, and quickly brought the usual clothes and some gifts and money to the post house.

There was already a translator waiting in the post house, a young man who could speak Chinese. They learned from Mo Beishan that when they met General Chisong before, it was this young man named Matsuda who helped translate.

The two parties bowed politely, and Matsuda led them to their residence. Gao Juan asked casually: "Sang Tian, ​​your Chinese is good, did you go to Danliang to learn it?"

Kishimoto smiled and said: "I have always wanted to admire the great rivers and mountains in Danliang, but unfortunately the journey is far away and I have not been able to go there. I have been weak since I was a child, so I was sent to the temple to chant sutras and learn Chinese from the eminent monks there."

"That's it." Gao Zhan was a little surprised to hear that the best Chinese speaker in Fusang Kingdom was a monk.

Matsuda asked everyone to rest first and would pick them up again before the dinner to see General Akamatsu.

After Matsuda left, everyone divided their rooms, cleaned up briefly, and then got together to discuss the matter.

Jiang Yichun picked some good gifts and planned to give them to General Chisong at a dinner party, and asked Li to go in and write out the gift list.

Fortunately, many people in Fusang can understand Chinese characters, so it is not difficult to write the gift list.

After some discussion, everyone decided that only five people, Li Jin, Mo Beishan, Jiang Yichun, Bai Ruozhu, and Tang Feng, would go to the dinner because all five of them had official positions. Besides Li Jin, the other four were highly skilled in martial arts and could find solutions even if there was any danger. Escape.

Gao Juan and the others were doing defensive work in the post house. They had just arrived and could not trust General Chisong, and they had to be wary of Shenzong Yi.

Originally, all the black pirates were dead, and they were not worried about Shenzong Yi, but the military advisor escaped. With his ability, he would definitely be able to send a message to Shenzong Yi. Shenzong Yi might have known that the black pirate ship had been robbed, and might have killed them earlier. A thorn in the flesh.

In the evening, Bai Ruozhu and his party followed Songtian to the banquet. Songtian looked polite and politely reminded them of some things to pay attention to on the way, and even taught them a few common Fusang words in a friendly way.

For example, "Please have a meal", "Thank you for the hospitality" and so on.

Jiang Yichun thanked Matsuda and gave him an jade ring. Matsuda smiled brightly and obviously liked this gift very much.

In a blink of an eye, they arrived at the banquet venue. It was not much different from the banquet hall of Danliang Kingdom. No one had a low table in front of them, but most Danliang people sat cross-legged, while Fusang people sat on their knees.

Bai Ruozhu glanced at it and saw that there were already many Fuso people sitting inside, including Reiko's father. It seemed that these people were officials or nobles from Kyoto.

Matsuda reminded them to need slippers here, and Bai Ruozhu noticed rows of clogs placed next to them.

She didn't think much about it, but Jiang Yichun's face dropped.

In the Central Plains, women's feet cannot be exposed casually, even if they are wearing socks.

Now asking Ruozhu to slip on her shoes, Jiang Yichun felt a little disrespectful to Bai Ruozhu.

Bai Ruozhu guessed what he was thinking, secretly pulled his sleeves, and shook her head slightly at him.

She immediately took off her embroidered shoes and covered her feet with the hem of her official uniform.

They came to the banquet today and all wore their official uniforms from Danliang. They are not representing themselves now, but the Danliang court.

The episode turned around, Matsuda entered the house and saluted, loudly announced the arrival of the guests in Fuso language, and then welcomed everyone in.

Bai Ruozhu and the others sat down one after another. Everyone followed their own habits and did not sit down on their knees. Anyway, most of Danliang's official uniforms were robes, which could block their legs well when sitting down.

Matsuda smiled and introduced the people in their positions to Bai Ruozhu and the others one by one, including Kyoto officials and generals under Akamatsu. When introducing Dori Reiko's father, Matsuda said: "This is Mr. Sifu Kishimoto. He has extremely high attainments in Chinese." , I have always been ashamed of myself. By the way, Si Fu is similar to your Imperial Master in the Central Plains."

Kishimoto acted as if he didn't recognize them, saluted politely, and said, "I dare not call myself Imperial Master, I am just a scholarly idiot."

Matsuda laughed, "Kishimoto-sama has always been so humble."

Bai Ruozhu and the others responded lightly, acting as if they were meeting for the first time, but were not warm to Kishimoto.

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