Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 2383 Becoming spiritual

Songtian thought about Bai Ruozhu's power and restrained himself a little, but he was still a little unhappy.

"Master Bai, you're welcome. You didn't wait too long."

Bai Ruozhu thought for a while and said: "It's also my fault that I didn't ask someone to tell Mr. Matsuda earlier in the morning. Last night, my husband was bitten by a deep-sea monster at sea. His old illness broke out. Everyone was busy until late at night, and we didn't rest this morning. Dare you wake him up."

Matsuda's face improved a lot when he heard this, "Would you like to call a doctor for you? How is Mr. Jiang doing now?"

Jiang Yichun kept a dark face from behind and said calmly: "It's not a serious injury, but the deep sea monster has a strong poison. The poison has not been cleaned away. I don't want the heavy rain last night to cause the poison to attack again."

He didn't discuss it with Bai Ruozhu, but both of them knew what the other was thinking, and they easily picked up the conversation.

Matsuda's displeasure turned to awe, "It's too difficult for you at sea. I wronged you. Why don't you, Mr. Jiang, rest for a few more days to recuperate? How many days will we go to Zhaoti Temple again?"

Jiang Yichun and Bai Ruozhu glanced at each other quickly, and then Jiang Yichun nodded, "I'm a little unwell today, and I'll be fine next day. I'll have to trouble Mr. Matsuda again then."

"It should, it should. If you need a doctor or any medicine, just send someone to tell me. The general has ordered me to entertain you well, so you have to give me a chance to do my job." Matsuda made an appropriate joke to lighten the atmosphere. Much better.

After Matsuda left, Reiko asked in confusion: "Why didn't Madam tell him the truth? Maybe General Akamatsu can also help investigate."

Bai Ruozhu shook his head, "General Chisong will not definitely help us. If he knows that there is another force that wants to deal with us, his attitude towards us may change."

There is never a shortage of people in this world who add insult to injury. Although they will not affect the interests of any force in Fusang, their status does not mean that they will not be coveted by others.

Reiko stayed in the aristocracy for a long time, and after a few pointers, she got the idea, so she stopped asking any more questions.

After lunch, Bai Ruozhu went to prepare the antidote for Jian Qi. In the evening, Jian Qi took the antidote, and the poison was completely detoxified.

For the next two days, everyone didn't move around. They stayed in the post house to make arrangements. They didn't go out again until the day agreed with Matsuda.

Because of his appearance, Fang Luo was arranged to avoid the Fusang people. Jian Qi was left by Bai Ruozhu to recuperate, while Yi Zi and Yuan Licheng stayed behind to look after the house. In the end, only Bai Ruozhu, Jiang Yichun, Gao Zhan, Tang Feng, Mo Beishan, and Qiu Zhi went to Zhaoti Temple.

The closer we walked to the temple, the quieter it became. Bai Ruozhu felt strange in his heart. Didn't it mean that most Fusang people believed in Buddhism, so shouldn't there be a lot of incense here?

Matsuda's words just helped answer their questions.

"This road was opened separately. Only the emperor and the general can use it. The general was afraid of upsetting the distinguished guests, so he specially asked you to take this road. There is also a road used by the common people, which is very crowded."

I see.

At this time, a croaking sound suddenly sounded in the sky. The people on the horses looked up and their expressions changed.

There are huge crows perched on the books on both sides of the road. The largest ones are about forty or fifty centimeters long. Their crows are loud, but they are calm crows.

In the customs of the Central Plains people, crows represent bad luck, and crows always appear in graveyards. Most people are afraid that they will be unlucky or even lose their lives when they encounter crows.

Fortunately, Bai Ruozhu was very calm and said, "I heard that in the legend of Fuso, Yatagarasu is the symbol of the sun god, and it means good luck in Fuso. Master Matsuda, is this true?"

Matsuda was very happy, "Master Bai is very clear about our Fuso culture, that's true."

Several other people calmed down after hearing this, and temporarily put the idea that crows bring bad luck to the back of their minds.

Soon the carriage arrived at the small gate on the side of the temple. Everyone got off the carriage and found that there were more crows around. Some crows were not afraid of people, so they landed on the ground and walked around. After a while, they flew to the branches of the trees next to them. .

Bai Ruozhu felt that these crows were spiritual.

"Hey, is that a sika deer?" Qiu Zhi pointed to the front and shouted.

Bai Ruozhu had never been to Neon Country in her previous life, but she had heard that many sika deer were raised in some of their temples, and tourists would come to feed them. Those sika deer were more spiritual.

But she didn't expect that despite the distance of space and time, there were actually many sika deer here.

The deer Qiu Zhi saw was very lively. It ran slowly over on its small legs and stared at the crowd with its big black eyes, as if examining them.

Matsuda smiled and took out some dry food from his sleeve, fed it to the deer, and said, "It's here to beg for food."

Unexpectedly, the deer had eaten something and suddenly bowed to Matsuda. Bai Ruozhu looked at it and wanted to laugh, guessing that it was looking for something on the ground.

Then Matsuda fed it a little more, and after eating it, it bowed its head again. Now Bai Ruozhu believed that it was not looking for food on the ground.

"Hey, this deer knows etiquette." Mo Beishan laughed and reached out to touch the sika deer's head, but the deer quickly ducked away, as if not letting him touch it.

Matsuda distributed a handful of dry food to everyone, "If you want to feed the deer, feed this. There are many over there. Feeding the deer here is also a kind act. There are more deer on the other side, and pilgrims come to feed them every day."

The few people were talking and walking. The deer probably felt that Matsuda was holding dry food and would not give it to it. It bit Matsuda's sleeve angrily and pulled it, trying to pull his hand to his mouth.

Bai Ruozhu couldn't help laughing, broke off a small piece of cake and fed it to the deer.

Xiaolu's tongue was soft and wet, and it licked from Bai Ruozhu's palm, making her feel itchy and fun.

Sure enough, the deer immediately bowed to Bai Ruozhu after eating the dry food. It was really a polite deer.

Several people were walking forward while talking, and some sika deer appeared in front of them, and they gathered around them when they saw something to eat.

Everyone simply went to feed the deer, and found that the deer here would salute after eating something, which was so spiritual.

"Maybe they have heard too many chants of sutras and Buddhist chants," Matsuda said.

After feeding the food in their hands, Bai Ruozhu and the others followed Matsuda towards the Buddhist hall in the backyard. He wanted to take them to meet the abbot.

The further inside, the more Bai Ruozhu felt it smelled like a Danliang temple. He couldn't help but think of Master Puteng, and couldn't help but feel a little sad.

At this time, voices came from behind, and everyone turned around subconsciously, not wanting to see some family members from the Shenzong area appearing where they had just entered.

"Isn't it said that it is a private road for the emperor and the general?" Gao Juan muttered in a low voice.

Bai Ruozhu narrowed his eyes and whispered: "We can get General Akamatsu's permission to take this shortcut, and they can also get the Emperor's permission."

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