Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 2386 Stay calm in times of crisis

Puru was almost out of breath, but he still stretched out his blackened hands and said with difficulty: "The scriptures... keep the scriptures..."

Bai Ruozhu couldn't bear it and said hurriedly: "Save your life first. If you don't have the scriptures, you can go to Danliang Kingdom to get them. If the people are gone, everything will be gone!"

Puru probably heard it, and put down his hand with tears in his eyes.

Bai Ruozhu hurriedly fed him a few pills and quickly injected him with an injection. He was burned like this and one of his legs was broken. The situation was very dangerous.

Gao Juan and the others also rushed over. He was more convenient and helped Puru straighten the broken leg bone. But when he saw Puru's burn condition, his brows knitted together tightly.

Soon other monks were carried out, and doctors from Fuso rushed over.

Some people saw Bai Ruozhu giving the injection and screamed in fright. They were babbling something in Fusang language, but Bai Ruozhu and the others couldn't understand it at all.

Jiang Yichun was helping people with minor burns apply medicine. He kept scanning the people around him with his peripheral vision, fearing that they would disturb Bai Ruozhu.

"There's not enough medicine for burns. Send someone to make medicine quickly!" Bai Ruozhu said quickly.

Mo Beishan didn't know how to see a doctor, so he could only help save people. After hearing this, he said anxiously: "How can we tell them? They can't understand us."

Fortunately, Matsuda ran over from the front yard and helped Bai Ruozhu and the others translate in a panic. He was probably frightened by the current scene. He made mistakes several times and almost couldn't speak properly.

After the translation was finished, he knelt down in front of Pu Ru and burst into tears.

"Abbot, Abbot, you must hold on!" Matsuda cried.

Bai Ruozhu frowned and became a little more angry, "We don't have enough manpower now, so don't cry. Send people to pick up my maids Yizi and Wuya to help. You continue to help translate and don't be distracted."

Bai Ruozhu exuded an aura that no one could refuse, which Matsuda had only seen in superiors. He couldn't help but be intimidated by Bai Ruozhu's aura, and he immediately cheered up.

"Arrange soldiers to continue fighting the fire, not to let the fire spread again, and remind them to pay attention to safety."

Bai Ruozhu's expression remained unchanged, and he continued to put needles in and out of his hands, and continued: "Assign these doctors to treat burn patients, and divide the injuries into three grades: light, medium, and severe. Bring the seriously injured to me, and pay attention to see if anyone is there. Inhaling smoke and dust damages your lungs, and if your cough persists, please send it to me."

Matsuda was stunned for a moment after hearing this, and then went to talk to the doctor next to him.

"Send someone to get a large amount of burn medicine and give it to those with burns first." Bai Ruozhu said again.

Matsuda quickly spoke in Fuso to the surrounding doctors and generals sent by the shogunate, but soon some people had unhappy looks on their faces.

"She is a woman, why should we listen to her?" The one who spoke was the samurai who led the team. He said this in Chinese, but his accent was very poor and he said it in a weird way.

Bai Ruozhu looked at him without flinching, "Just because I am the leader of the Central Plains Medical Doctors Alliance!"

Matsuda looked at Bai Ruozhu in surprise. He really didn't know that Bai Ruozhu had such a big name.

It took him a long time to translate these words. Others were also very surprised, but some people still didn't believe Bai Ruozhu's words.

Bai Ruozhu saw their expressions and said angrily: "Is it more important to question me or to save people's lives? If you don't believe in my medical skills, then who dares to stand up and say that they can cure Master Puru?"

After Matsuda translated, the doctors looked at Puru's condition, but no one dared to answer. Some even sighed and shook their heads.

In fact, Bai Ruozhu didn't have much confidence that she could cure Master Puru, but she had just secretly brought some hot spring water from the space to help wipe Master Puru's wounds. Unexpectedly, his burn condition was much better.

It seems that her hot spring water is not only useful for detoxification, but also has an excellent effect on burns.

It's just that when she wiped it and wiped it again, it didn't continue to improve. It seemed that it couldn't get better all at once, and it had to take its time.

But this was enough to save Puru's life.

Seeing that Pu Ru and Master Pu Deng are from the same origin, Bai Ruozhu will try her best to save him, which can be regarded as repaying Master Pu Deng's kindness.

A doctor next to him pointed at Bai Ruozhu and shouted again. Bai Ruozhu frowned and wanted to scold back a little impatiently. At this time, Matsuda translated, "He asked you if you used Hua Tuo's acupuncture method?"

"Ancient medical acupuncture." Bai Ruozhu replied casually. Her acupuncture was taught by her grandfather in her previous life. It is said that it was passed down from the ancestors. She was taught acupuncture because she did not want to break the inheritance.

As for whether it was Huatuo's acupuncture, she didn't know. Her grandfather only said that it was an acupuncture passed down from ancient medical techniques.

After Matsuda translated, several Fuso doctors exclaimed, but some still didn't believe Bai Ruozhu, so they just stood by and watched her movements, not even caring about saving people.

Bai Ruozhu was a little impatient, but she was too lazy to pay attention to this kind of person. She quickly continued to help Master Puru with the acupuncture.

Soon another seriously injured monk was carried over. This one had inhaled too much smoke and was coughing to the point of almost suffocating.

Bai Ruozhu quickly fed him a green pill, then pulled off his clothes and placed needles on the man's chest.

Some people exclaimed again, even showing contempt.

But soon, the coughing man's condition eased up, and his face, which had turned the color of pig liver due to suffocation, slowly faded away from its redness.

Everyone was busy like this, and after about an hour, the fire was finally completely extinguished. However, Zhaoti Temple not only destroyed the Sutra Pavilion, but also burned down some of the adjacent rooms. The fire started strangely and was extremely fast.

Bai Ruozhu didn't have time to think about the conspiracy here. Her only focus now was on saving people.

There was nothing wrong with these monks. They had the same origin as Xinzen Temple. She just wanted to try her best to help them.

Jiang Yichun was not good at burns, so he went to Mo Beishan and checked the surrounding area to see if he could find any clues.

The sky was overcast, the wind was blowing again, and it looked like it was going to rain.

Bai Ruozhu looked up at the sky, raised his arm to wipe his sweat casually, and then said to Matsuda next to him, "Hurry up and ask someone to arrange the room. The injured have been arranged so that they can't get wet in the rain."

Matsuda responded and hurriedly talked to the monks in the temple about the matter, but the monks seemed to have lost their souls. They were either crying near Puru, or sitting in despair. Matsuda stamped his feet in anger.

He turned around and wanted to talk to Bai Ruozhu, but he stopped when he saw the sweat on Bai Ruozhu's forehead clearly.

He couldn't help but think of the lady's calm demeanor in the face of crisis and the orderly way she arranged things, and he felt his face burning up.

He is a manly man, why can't he even handle this matter well and bother her?

Thinking of this, Matsuda calmed down and said to a monk: "I am familiar with the situation in the temple. Now you all follow my arrangements!"

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