Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 2391 Hidden Crisis

Yuan Licheng came in quietly and never showed up. Now he has become a suspicious person.

Bai Ruozhu's face darkened, and he pointed at the black shadow on the ground and said, "General Xinye, someone came to assassinate him just now. Is there anything going on? Now you can dig up the soil and see the person."

Only then did someone notice the black shadows on the ground, and Shinno's expression suddenly changed, "Shadow Ninja?"

Jiang Yichun snorted coldly and moved to block Bai Ruozhu. He didn't want Xinye to stare at his woman.

"Wouldn't it be obvious if you dig it out?" Jiang Yichun said coldly.

The soldier who reported the news before was also very frightened, "I, I didn't see any shadow, I thought they were going to hurt Abbot Puru."

When Xinye saw several dark figures, he immediately ordered people to dig out with a sullen face.

The shadow ninja died here, which was of no benefit to him, but he couldn't help but dig it out and take a look. He had never seen the shadow ninja, and many people couldn't even guess whether they were humans or ghosts.

"Impossible, how could you kill the shadow ninjas? You can't catch them at all!" One warrior couldn't help but said.

Tang Feng looked over and said disdainfully: "We have set up a formation, and they can't move as usual."

Matsuda hurriedly translated, and the Fuso people showed disbelief. They had never heard of such a powerful formation.

The people arranged by Shinno were already digging for the nearest shadow, and sure enough, after a few digs, a ninja dressed in black was dug out of the soil.

The ninja's chest was stabbed with a sword, and there was still blood.

Shinno knelt down and pulled off the mask on his face, revealing a bloodless, dead face.

The person was dead, but his face did not turn pale so quickly, which showed that this person usually looked like this.

Moreover, there are scars on this pale face, but the scars are many years old, and the color is not abrupt, and has become the same color as the rest of the skin.

Another black figure over there was also dug out. He was also dead. He had the same pale and bloodless face, and it was also covered with old scars.

"I'm afraid these people's faces have been disfigured since they were young, and the injuries may have lasted for more than ten years." Gao Zhan couldn't help but say.

Most of the people in Fuso didn't understand, but Matsuda understood it, and said somewhat unbearably: "These shadow ninjas are pitiful, they have no identity, no face, they are just killing machines."

"When you are killed by them, you won't feel sorry for them." Jiang Yichun said coldly.

Shinno was not in a good mood either. With so many shadow ninjas dead, the Emperor might not let it go, right?

But he is responsible for guarding this place. Even if they meet him head-on, he cannot let the shadow ninja kill the people here.

Shadows were dug out one after another, and Bai Ruozhu had basically concluded in his heart that they were not illusory shadows, but had practiced some kind of earth escape method and were hiding underground.

However, because the earth escape method also has flaws, it will vaguely reveal the shape of a person and look like a shadow.

These ninjas have been living in the dark, and even spend most of their time underground practicing earth escape. They have not seen the sun all year round, so their skin color is as gray as the dead.

She casually pulled off a person's headscarf, and sure enough, gray hair was revealed.

"Why is the hair white?" Xinye couldn't help but ask. He vaguely felt that the woman in front of him could explain all this.

Bai Ruozhu said calmly: "I don't see the sun all year round."

Xinye was still a little surprised and wanted to ask again, but was glared hard by Jiang Yichun next to him, and his words were stuck again.

Suddenly, a black shadow jumped up and rushed toward the inner room very quickly.

There is actually a shadow ninja who is not dead!

At this time, Yuan Licheng's formation had stopped, and with the shadow ninja coming out of the ground, no one had time to stop him!

"Save the abbot quickly!" Gao Juan shouted anxiously, and his whole body shot out, but even though he was the closest, it was still too late.

Xinye's eyes widened, and suddenly a figure appeared beside Master Puru's bed. It turned out to be Xinye with a knife raised.

Before everyone could recover, the shadow ninja's sword had already slashed down, and then there was a bang, and "Xinye" turned into a piece of wood.

Puppetry! Although it was only used to save lives, it bought time in the end.

But Gao Zhan's distance was still not enough, and he saw the shadow ninja's knife slashing hard at Master Puru's neck.

"No!" Matsuda shouted in pain. Why did they want to kill the abbot? Why didn't they let him go even though he was burned like this?

There was a crisp sound and no blood splattered as expected. The shadow ninja's knife hit the invisible barrier and was bounced away.

At this time, Gao Juan had arrived and slapped the shadow ninja with his palm.

The shadow ninja was already seriously injured, and he was attacking with all his strength to kill people without even trying to defend himself, so he was directly slapped away by Gao Juan.

"Stay alive!" Bai Ruozhu shouted. Jiang Yichun had already arrived and quickly tapped the shadow ninja's acupuncture points.

Seeing that the sudden danger was stopped, everyone was greatly relieved. Matsuda rushed to Master Puru. Seeing that he was sleeping peacefully, he knelt down and cried bitterly with joy.

Shinno still had a look of shock on his face, "What happened just now?"

"The spell I arranged can only block one attack." Bai Ruozhu said. She was not out of boredom when she was practicing energy with her legs crossed by the bed. Instead, she secretly got a spell defense for Master Puru, but it consumed a lot of energy. She was angry, so she sat cross-legged and meditated to absorb and restore the energy.

Fortunately, the energy was easily absorbed here, so she was able to help Yuan Licheng later.

"Spell?" Xinye was a little surprised.

"It's like your ninjutsu." Bai Ruozhu replied.

Jiang Yichun was already very unhappy and pulled her next to him, "You have been tired for a long time. Take a rest first and leave the rest to me."

Bai Ruozhu vaguely noticed that Jiang Yichun didn't want her to talk to Xinye. She felt funny in her heart, and she thought it was funny that her man was jealous sometimes.

Of course, she would not make her man angry because of someone unrelated to her.

Xinye quickly gave up the idea of ​​talking to Bai Ruozhu, walked to Master Puru's bed, stretched out his hand to test, but didn't touch anything.

It's true as she said, it can only be blocked once.

Because of the appearance of shadow ninjas, things became very strange. The people who reported and questioned Bai Ruozhu and the others stopped talking.

Shinno looked at the several corpses on the ground, suddenly had a headache, and brought them to the emperor. This was a clear provocation. But he can't handle it on his own, right?

Fortunately, there was still one person left alive. After thinking about it, he immediately sent someone to report the news to General Lu Zhi and Chisong, and then asked the others to retreat and guard outside.

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