Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 2396 Poor Deer

Master Puru looked apologetic, his face was so burned that he was almost unrecognizable, but his eyes were the only thing that could be recognized.

He couldn't help but shed tears, "I know I shouldn't bring trouble to Donor Bai, but..."

His voice was so choked that he could only stop for a moment, "This is my master's instruction before his death. He told me to keep it and not give it to anyone in the Imperial Family. It can only be opened before each emperor ascends the throne, and then press Do what it says. Do not open it until there is a new emperor on the throne."

"You haven't opened it yet?" Bai Ruozhu asked.

Puru saw the gold pendant in her hand and shook her head slightly, "What I gave you is a key. What you want to open is a mechanism box. It is hidden in the Sutra Pavilion. I just don't know if there is any more."

Bai Ruozhu frowned. With such a big fire, I'm afraid it might have been burned out even if it wasn't burned down. Even if there was a key, it might not be able to open it.

"Could it be that the second prince knew this secret, so he sent someone..." Bai Ruozhu paused, "What did your master do when the emperor ascended the throne?"

"I don't know. I didn't know it existed before, and I didn't notice anything unusual. It wasn't until my master told me before he died that I was not allowed to look for the mechanism box at will. Only after the next emperor was determined Go look for it. But before I found the box, there was such a fire." Puru said, her hands trembling slightly, "It's hard for me to protect myself now, please beg Donor Bai to keep it."

Bai Ruozhu made up a lot of things in his mind. Could it be that there was some edict in the hidden box, or could it indicate who was the true emperor? So the second prince was afraid that his ascension to the throne would be undermined, so he made this move?

Suddenly, she thought of the emperor's eyes, and vaguely felt that this matter might have something to do with the shark.

"Okay, I'll keep it first. If I can find the box, I will show it to you." Bai Ruozhu said and put away the gold pendant.

"Thank you. You must be careful not to be discovered by those people. I'm afraid they will take action against you." Master Puru said worriedly.

Bai Ruozhu nodded, "You take good care of yourself and I will be more careful."

After leaving Master Puru's room, Bai Ruozhu went to find Jiang Yichun and told him what Master Puru said.

"In the past few days, we have also been helping to search for the remains of the fire scene, but we did not find any boxes." Jiang Yichun said.

"Are any scriptures preserved?" Bai Ruozhu couldn't help but ask, thinking that Master Puru cared so much about those scriptures.

Jiang Yichun shook his head, "The burning was so severe, the first thing to burn were the scriptures."

"We can't let the Fuso people know about this. Let's go look for it quietly at night." The two of them acted so that they could hide if anyone found out.


At night, the two of them changed into black night clothes, covered their faces, and quietly went to the Sutra Pavilion.

The place is in ruins, and most of the monks in the temple have been injured. The remaining people have to take care of the injured, and they have no time to clean up the messy Sutra Pavilion.

Bai Ruozhu gestured to Jiang Yichun. They had discussed it before they came out. If they found anything suspicious, they would give it directly to Bai Ruozhu. She would put it into the space first and check it slowly later.

The two quickly started searching. Jiang Yichun handed a half-burned piece of wood to Bai Ruozhu. Although Bai Ruozhu felt that there could be no box in the wood, thinking about such a big fire and the fact that the wood was only half-burned, it turned out that Thrown into space.

She found a Buddha statue, which seemed to be made of gilt copper. It had melted in places due to the burning, and she threw it into the space.

The two of them searched for more than an hour before quietly returning to the room.

As soon as they got back, the two of them entered the space and started messing around. Bai Ruozhu returned the gold pendant, no, it should be said to be the key.

But probably because the fever was so severe, she couldn't find a hole to put it in.

"Is the thing gone?" Jiang Yichun said.

"Maybe it was burned, or maybe it was taken away by the other party in advance." Bai Ruozhu sighed. It seems that Master Puru is destined to be unable to explain to his master.

In the next few days, Master Puru's condition improved day by day. He also came out to prove that Bai Ruozhu and the others had been with him when the fire broke out, and there was absolutely no suspicion.

But a doctor was unconvinced and said: "Some of them have sneaked into the temple a long time ago. You haven't seen the abbot master. Maybe he was the one who set the fire!"

That person was talking about Yuan Licheng. Yuan Licheng waited for a moment and said fiercely: "I am a formation master. Of course I have to hide in the dark to protect everyone's safety. If it weren't for me, Master Puru would have been murdered. , where were you at that time?”

Yuan Licheng has been very unhappy these days. Tang Feng and Qiu Zhi laughed at his buttock injury that night for several days. However, his screams at night were heard by Feng Lanying, the woman he longed for. He also laughed at him a few times, and his heart almost broke.

Although Feng Lanying was more concerned about his body, he always felt that it was too uncomfortable for the person he liked to see him in his most cowardly state.

So when someone was looking for trouble, he suddenly became furious.

"Okay, don't make any noise. The poor monks can prove their innocence. The envoy of Danliang Kingdom is the benefactor of Zhaoti Temple. Please don't make random guesses." Master Puru's tone became a little more serious after he said it, meaning if Some people casually speculate that people from Danliang Kingdom have trouble with Zhaoti Temple.

Although the doctor who spoke was not convinced, he did not dare to say anything more.

Bai Ruozhu and the others couldn't live in the temple all the time. After explaining how Puru used the medicine, he said goodbye and left, saying that he would come to see him every three days.

This time the group walked the same way they came, with Matsuda still leading the way.

Unexpectedly, as soon as they exited the small door of the temple, they smelled the aroma of barbecue.

"Buddhist temples prohibit meat and fish, so why would anyone grill meat?" Gao Zhan frowned.

A group of people went over in search of the scent and happened to see two guards rounding up a sika deer.

"That's it. Even though it's small, the meat is very tender." The guard said in Fusang dialect. Although Bai Ruozhu didn't fully understand, he knew what was going on when he saw this posture.

The little girls from Yizi have been playing with the sika deer in the temple these days. They all like these cute and polite little guys. But when they saw the deer on the grill not far away, they immediately became frightened.

"Master, how can they eat the deer here?" Yi Zi shouted anxiously.

Bai Ruozhu looked at Matsuda, "Can the deer in the temple be killed at will?"

Matsuda was a little embarrassed, "This..."

Without waiting for his reply, Bai Ruozhu said angrily: "Zhaoti Temple raises these deer because they have special meanings, not for slaughter. What's more, barbecue in the temple is disrespectful to the Buddha!"

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