Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 2401 Snooping

Feng Lanying and Yi Zi both looked at Bai Ruozhu with smiles on their faces. The girl immediately understood and looked at Bai Ruozhu with excitement and said: "You must be Master Bai. You defeated the Xinye Samurai. I have never I’ve never seen a woman as powerful as you!”

Bai Ruozhu couldn't help laughing when he saw her smiling cheerfully and jumping excitedly in her clogs.

However, the girl's maid was a little worried, so she reminded her carefully in Fusang language. The girl smiled awkwardly, and then stood up straight.

It seems that she was reminded by the maid to pay attention to her image. After all, today is the Tang Feng Poetry Festival, and the women attending all represent the image of the family.

"Yes, I am Bai Ruozhu. I still don't know what to call you?" Bai Ruozhu liked this sincere little girl very much.

The girl smiled very cutely and said, "My name is Yoshiko. If I knew that Mr. Bai would also come to participate, I would definitely learn to write poems."

She tilted her head and made a distressed expression, "It's a pity that I can't write poetry."

"It's okay, the important thing is to participate." Bai Ruozhu comforted her with a smile.

"Huh?" Yoshiko obviously didn't understand.

Feng Lanying laughed and explained to her: "What you enjoy is the process of participation. It doesn't matter whether you get the award or not."

"Yes, yes, that's exactly the truth." Yoshiko laughed.

The four of them walked forward while chatting and laughing, but they did not want to attract the sideways glances of the other Fuso girls not far away.

Probably because of the requirements of this poetry club, although their language was unfamiliar, they still spoke Chinese.

"The daughter of a nouveau riche just can't get on the stage, and she doesn't even know where she is, so she just screams and screams. It's really embarrassing."

"Yeah, you are still hanging out with such a mess of people. It's so weird that you don't follow the rules at all."

"Forget it, stop talking, maybe they won't be able to enter later."

Bai Ruozhu curled her lips. Sure enough, there was no shortage of gossiping women everywhere.

Yoshiko's face turned green and red. She wanted to refute, but thinking about it, she was really too excited and lost her temper just now. She even asked the maid next to her to remind her. She felt uncomfortable arguing with others, so she could only lower her head in a depressed manner. .

Feng Lanying was a little unhappy and quietly glared at the woman who spoke the meanest words. The woman screamed, covered her head and fell to the ground.

The female companions and maids next to her were frightened and exclaimed. Looking at the woman, she was lying on the ground in a very bad shape. She was like a dog eating shit.

"Huizi, how are you?" The female companion next to her hurriedly knelt down to help her. The maid also quickly offered her hand, and it took a lot of effort to help the woman up.

The woman was probably stunned by the fall, and then she burst into tears when she came to her senses. This cry was completely out of character, because her nose was bruised and her face was swollen, her bun was messed up, and the dust on her face was wet with tears, which made her look like a peaceful woman. Mud.

"My head hurt just now. Who hit me on the head?" the woman named Huizi cried.

The female companion next to her hurriedly touched her head, but there was nothing there, and there was no swelling.

Huizi touched it herself, and suddenly found that it didn't hurt anymore. But just now she almost fainted from the pain, and then fell headlong.

At this time, many women went over to ask a few questions. After all, everyone knew each other, and it was not good to ignore them. But after seeing Huizi's current description clearly, they couldn't help but want to laugh, but out of politeness, they all had to say I suppressed my laughter, not to mention how uncomfortable it was.

Bai Ruozhu and the others didn't care so much. They snickered on the side, then walked around Huizi and the others and continued walking forward.

Fangzi also wanted to laugh, but she secretly glanced at Bai Ruozhu and the three of them. Why did Huizi fall so coincidentally? Could it have something to do with them?

But Fangzi is a smart girl. Seeing that Bai Ruozhu and the others didn't mention it, she didn't dare to think about it and just pretended that she didn't know anything.

Behind the scenes, Huizi also realized that she had become a clown and was being watched. She quickly stood up and tidied her hair, wiped her face with a handkerchief, and asked the maid to help her clean the dust off her body.

"Huizi, how are you injured? Do you want to go back and take a look first?" the female companion asked with concern.

"No, since we are all here, how can we leave halfway? I will go like this." Huizi said angrily.

"But..." Seeing her resolute attitude, the female companion had no choice but to shut her mouth, "Then you go in and have a rest first, and I'll find some ointment for you."

The woman who spoke was very interested in her and left quickly with her maid.

Before Bai Ruozhu and the others had gone far, they heard everything about what was going on behind them. She was quite surprised by Hui Zi's ability to withstand the blow. If a noble woman in Danliang City was left with a bruised nose and swollen face, she would definitely hide to avoid losing face.

Soon, Bai Ruozhu and the others arrived at the entrance. When Bai Ruozhu took out the invitation, the person in charge immediately showed a respectful look.

"Mr. Bai, you came on time. Please come this way. I'll take extra care of you today." The steward in charge spoke very good Chinese.

Bai Ruozhu nodded, "You're welcome."

The women behind noticed the steward's respect for Bai Ruozhu, and they were all curious about Bai Ruozhu's identity. One of the women whispered: "That is Master Bai, the envoy from Danliang Kingdom in the Central Plains. I heard that she will be our judge today."

The women uttered exclamations, and the faces of the women Huizi and the others were speaking to became extremely ugly.

Especially Huizi was secretly annoyed that she had accidentally offended the judges, but now that the matter had come to this, she could only accept her fate.


Huizi looked at Fangzi and said deliberately: "Why did Fangzi try to get close to the judges? Do you want to get a high score later?"

When the others heard this, they all started talking quietly and pointed at Yoshiko's back.

Yoshiko couldn't hear these words. She was a little sad, but she straightened her back and strode in.

Bai Ruozhu quietly observed the girl's expression. She didn't bear the humiliation, and she hid in fear without being spoken to. She didn't dare to talk to Bai Ruozhu and the others anymore. Instead, she calmly asked Bai Ruozhu to talk to her. She felt a little more favorable.

"How did you offend them?" Feng Lanying asked curiously.

Yoshiko looked a little frustrated, "They were all friends with me before, and the relationship was pretty good, but..."

It was still early, and Bai Ruozhu wanted to know more about the aristocratic woman in Fuso Kyoto. Thinking that she might be able to find some clues about the jade temples, she found a place to sit down and asked Yoshiko to start talking.

"I know it's not good to speak ill of people behind their backs, but I've been holding this in for a long time, and I feel aggrieved." Yoshiko thought for a while and continued.

"I used to have a very good relationship with them, but we all centered around Hui Zi. She has a strong temperament and a noble background, and everyone likes to hang around her. During this year's flower viewing party, according to custom, women from Beijing can Participate in the competition with the flowers you raise, and others will vote for the participating flowers to determine the most beautiful flower..."

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