Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 2417 Take advantage of the situation

Matsuda smiled indifferently, "As long as I live up to Master Bai's trust, I will feel at ease."

Then Matsuda went to see Master Puru, but he pulled down his sleeves to cover the injury on the back of his hand.

"Master Abbot, are you okay?" Matsuda saw that Puru was in good condition, and a smile appeared on his face.

Puru couldn't help but be stunned when she saw him dressed like this. Then Puru wanted to understand why, and said with some emotion: "Matsuda, thank you for your hard work!"

Matsuda was moved in his heart and said with slightly trembling lips: "Abbott Master, this is what I should do. I am also a member of Zhaoti Temple."

"Okay, okay, I won't say thank you anymore. You should be more careful outside and protect yourself." Puru explained in a serious tone, and Matsuda patiently listened to them one by one before leaving. Master Puru's room.

The night wind blew and suddenly stimulated the burn on his arm. He shivered in pain, and then he smiled bitterly. What should I do with this injury?

If Master Puru knew about it, he would probably blame himself so much that he couldn't sleep, so he didn't want Master Puru to see it.

Thinking of this, he sighed and had no choice but to go to Master Bai. He didn't dare to be brave anymore. He couldn't die before his work was completed.

At this moment, the lights in the posthouse were brightly lit, as if some kind of celebration was being held, or as if they were waiting for someone.

Bai Ruozhu raised the corners of her mouth slightly and whispered to Jiang Yichun, "Here we come."

Jiang Yichun hugged her shoulders and said in a cold voice: "No one can be left behind."

Qiu Zhi, who was not far away, shivered. Why did he think this couple was scary? Tang Feng gave him a sympathetic look, thinking to himself, you have never seen other people's children dare to fight against the enemy at such a young age, and they also know how to poison the enemy. What does this mean?

Black shadows appeared faintly underground, slowly approaching the post house, but the imaginary obstacles did not appear, and they successfully entered the post house.

"What's going on? Where's the formation?" Bai Ruozhu looked shocked and shouted to Yuan Licheng.

Yuan Licheng also looked unbelievable, "How could this happen? I clearly arranged the formation during the day, and someone cracked it? No, no, this is impossible!"

"Get ready to meet the enemy, everyone be careful!" Jiang Yichun was the calmest and hurriedly issued the order.

Seeing the situation of the inn, the ninja leader who was ambushing outside immediately gave an order and rushed in with all the ninjas.

At this time, the corners of Bai Ruozhu's mouth were raised higher, and her eyes were filled with ruthlessness. If anyone dared to touch her friends, she would definitely let them go without return!

The ninjas who rushed into the formation lost their initial speed, and were spinning in place one by one, as if they had been hit by some kind of enchantment spell.

"What is this?" Qiu Zhi, who had already escaped from the talisman, but was holding his arm by Tang Feng next to him, asked blankly.

Bai Ruozhu rolled her eyes at him, "Can't you tell it's a ploy? Can you please put yourself in the urn?"

"Ah? So the formation hasn't been broken yet?" Qiu Zhi shouted happily.

Yuan Licheng had already sat down at the center of the formation and said with a smile: "Of course it's not broken. My formation must be broken so easily. I write the word "Yuan" backwards. They have fallen into the psychedelic formation now. Don't rush to do it yet. .”

Bai Ruozhu also started to explain, "We guessed that the other party suffered a loss from Xiao Yuan's formation last time. This time, we must do something first, so we asked Xiao Yuan to use his plan to make the other party think that they had successfully broken the formation, but The eye of the needle has been moved away by Xiao Yuan, and a more powerful killing array has been added inside."

Feng Lanying also laughed, "If we didn't perform such a scene just now, how could they all rush into the formation so simply?"

Qiu Zhi scratched his head and said, "So you all know, but I was the only one who was kept in the dark."

"I didn't want to hide it from you on purpose. If you knew the truth, you wouldn't have exposed the flaw. Can you act?" Bai Ruozhu asked.

"Uh...well, fortunately I didn't do something wrong again." Qiu Zhi shrank his neck, he was scared, he didn't know why he made a mistake again.

Yuan Licheng sat cross-legged at the center of the formation, with Feng Lanying protecting him behind him. He smiled at everyone and said, "Don't attack them in the psychedelic formation yet, because an attack will break them out of the illusion and quickly return to normal and defense." , we don’t have much advantage, and the opponent has too many people. So let the illusion kill their spirit first, and then they will wake up and enter the killing array. It is full of dangers, and they will most likely be injured. Then we will catch them all in one fell swoop. .”

Gao Cuan nodded, "Xiao Yuan is really good at setting up formations, we will just follow your command."

Yuan Licheng chuckled, "The commander doesn't dare, I'll call everyone when the time comes. Also, pay attention to the shadow ninjas, I'm afraid someone can escape from this formation."

After about a stick of incense, all the ninjas who were spinning around woke up, and someone shouted: "We have been tricked!"

Unfortunately, it was too late for them to understand. How could it be so easy to leave?

"Master, look at that man. Today he was dressed as a busker playing the flute on the street, and he suddenly blew a poisonous needle at us." Yi Zi pointed at a middle-aged Fuso man in the formation and said.

"What he is playing is called Fukiya. They are many fine needles hidden in the flute, which will quench poison on them. The purpose is to assassinate the target unexpectedly." Bai Ruozhu explained that she had watched some Neon Kingdom animations in her previous life and happened to know Some ninja types and hidden weapons.

"And that person pretended to be a child and attacked us. It was really shameless." Yi Zi pointed at another short ninja, "But he looked even thinner at the time."

Bai Ruozhu nodded, "The Bone Shrinking Technique, it turns out Fusang also has this thing."

She didn't allow Jiang Yichun to use the Bone Shrinking Kung Fu anymore. It was too harmful to the body, so she didn't have a good impression of the Bone Shrinking Kung Fu.

At this time, all the ninjas in the formation entered the killing formation and fired out hidden weapons one after another. Yuan Licheng laughed and said, "Let them have a taste of our hidden weapons from the Central Plains."

Suddenly, a shadow rushed towards Yuan Licheng quickly. It was a shadow ninja who broke through the formation and went straight to Yuan Licheng who was in the eye of the needle!

Just when murderous intent was attacking Yuan Licheng, Feng Lanying stepped forward to block him, glaring fiercely at the black shadow, and then two machine puppet beasts appeared to protect him.

There was a muffled sound, and the shadow ninja had his tongue cut out and was unable to speak. He could make such a sound because he was obviously injured.

"You want to sneak attack him, but you don't even want to see if you can pass me. Do you really think that Jiuli people grew up eating hard food?" Feng Lanying shouted arrogantly, but Yuan Licheng behind him looked excited, as if he heard Feng Lanying said, "How can you attack my man?"

Jiang Yichun's figure flashed, a sword was thrust into the ground, and a stream of blood spurted out from the ground.

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