Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 2441 Brother should be happy

Bai Ruozhu nodded, "It doesn't look like he's acting fake. He should be from here, and he's bound to the system for some reason."

"I'm afraid he is the only one who knows it. He will definitely refuse to tell anyone, but his system is so powerful, we still have to be more careful in the future." Gao Quan said.

"I'm thinking that he probably earns points by doing business, so we have to find a way to prevent him from getting points, or let him get fewer points. Without points, he can do nothing, but we are not in the same place in life. I'm familiar with it, it's too difficult to steal his business, I can't think of how to stop him from making money," Bai Ruozhu said.

Jiang Yichun, who had been silent all this time, suddenly smiled and said: "The General Secretary has the most experience in this matter, just leave it to me and do it secretly."

"Ah?" Bai Ruozhu didn't respond.

Jiang Yichun smiled evilly, "For example, if he sells wine, if there are unclean things in his wine, how can he make money if the brand is ruined? Of course, it would be better if there are people who also make wine. And his salt fields are not It cannot be destroyed.”

"You guys are so mean." Tang Feng laughed.

Jiang Yichun raised his eyebrows, "Don't be soft when dealing with bad guys."

Bai Ruozhu thought that when she was doing business, she was also troubled by others, and she didn't agree with it. However, she thought that Shenzong was doing business, building ships, killing people and taking wealth at sea. If he was not stopped, more people would be harmed.

"There is another way. Can't Lan Ying girl hear the conversation between him and the system? You can find opportunities for Lan Ying girl to lurk in the places where he often goes, listen to what he says to the system, and maybe learn some secrets. ." Gao Chan suggested.

Bai Ruozhu was a little worried, "Is it too dangerous?"

"I think the system was able to detect our ambush, but it never found out that Lan Ying could hear their conversation. If Lan Ying hadn't stepped forward at that time, Shenzong Yi and the system didn't notice it. Maybe Lan Ying could have sneaked into Shen Zong by disguised himself. Mansion." Gao Juan said and touched his face, "I can help her make a human skin mask."

"Ke Lanying can't speak Fusang dialect, how can he get in?" Bai Ruozhu was still worried.

"Have you forgotten what Lingzi did at that time?" Gao Juan reminded.

Bai Ruozhu thought for a while and said, "Let's play with Lingzi later. Try it near where he appears first. It's better to be careful."

After everyone discussed it, Jiang Yichun immediately left the palace to find Mo Beishan and began his plan to destroy the Shen family's business.

As for Feng Lanying, she agreed as soon as she heard it. Yuan Licheng was a little worried, but Feng Lanying said: "That thing is a treasure. I may be able to snatch it. How can you catch a tiger's den if you don't enter the tiger's den? I will be careful."

"Then I'll go with you!" Yuan Licheng said immediately.

"No, you still have to set up a formation here. Stop messing around. You won't be able to leave if anyone leaves." Feng Lanying immediately objected. Yuan Licheng would not give in for her safety. Bai Ruozhu hurriedly persuaded the two of them. Said: "It's not necessary to start this matter now. It won't be too late to start after the second prince's poison is cured."

This time the two of them stopped arguing.

It was also because of this that Bai Ruozhu secretly added more hot spring water to the second prince's detoxification water every day, which could speed up the detoxification.

Also because of the arrival of Shenzong Yi, Bai Ruozhu vaguely felt that it was not him who was harming the second prince. If those shadow guards were not trained by him, who were they? The eldest prince?

Only if Shenzong has a system can he be so evil. And how old is the eldest prince? If he can secretly train Shadow Guards, how scheming and powerful does he have to be?

She rubbed her forehead and said in annoyance: "It's a pity that when I had a fight with Shenzong, I didn't ask him if he was related to the late queen."

"Don't worry, these will be figured out sooner or later. I will check it secretly." Jiang Yichun said holding her hand.

In the following time, Jiang Yichun often went out of the palace and even stayed outside the palace for many days. He was obviously very busy, but he still didn't have any clues about Lingzi when he brought back news from outside the palace.

While Bai Ruozhu was worried, she was also vaguely suspicious of Lingzi. How did she leave the post house?

After a few days like this, we saw the day when Princess Ya'an and Prince Wende officially held their engagement ceremony. Just the night before, Princess Ya'an ran outside the courtyard gate alone.

Bai Ruozhu got the message from Jian Qi and felt that Princess Ya'an was a pitiful person. In addition, she also had a relationship with Princess Ya'an, so he went to the door to see her in person.

"I'm not going in. I'm just going to see my brother at the gate." Princess Ya'an said in a low voice, but she was obviously not excited about getting engaged. Her eyes were even a little red and swollen. She probably cried secretly.

"You can go into the courtyard and take a look outside the hall." Bai Ruozhu said.

Princess Ya'an glanced at Bai Ruozhu gratefully, but hesitated, "Is there any danger? I'm afraid it will affect my brother's medical treatment."

"It's okay. Both the Emperor and Mr. Shen have seen the Second Prince in the courtyard." Bai Ruozhu said while carefully checking Princess Ya'an's body to prevent her from bringing anything with her.

Fortunately, there is nothing dangerous on Princess Ya'an. I think the opponent has temporarily stopped after the last attack.

"Thank you very much." Princess Ya'an said sincerely.

Later, Bai Ruozhu took her into the courtyard and asked her to stand in the courtyard and look at the second prince in the main hall. In order for Princess Ya'an to see more clearly, Bai Ruozhu also added a lamp to the room.

"Brother..." Princess Ya'an called out and couldn't help crying. She knew that her brother had been killed, and she also knew that she had to retain her royal status to help her brother, but she was still unwilling to give in and did not want to marry Cousin Wende, but now that she saw the second prince soaking in the medicine bucket, her heart was no longer shaken.

Her brother's face was pale and he had lost a lot of weight. With his eyes closed at the moment, he looked like a dead person.

The second prince slowly opened his eyes when he heard the noise. After seeing Princess Ya'an, his eyes became brighter.

"Sister...sister." The second prince has improved a lot and can speak simple words.

"I'm here. Brother, you should take good care of your health and get well soon. Tomorrow I will be engaged to Brother Wende. When you get better, you must replenish my congratulatory gifts." The girl held back her tears and forced a smile, deliberately coquettish. He joked and asked for a gift.

The second prince's expression had always been stiff, but at this moment his face suddenly twisted, "You...can't!"

Princess Ya'an showed a bright smile, "I used to say I didn't want to marry into the royal family, but now I've figured it out. I can't bear to leave you and my mother. We can see each other every day in the future, shouldn't you be happy?"

The second prince didn't want to suddenly become excited, but it was difficult for him to speak and he couldn't move. He couldn't express himself, and his breathing became heavier and faster...

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