Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 2463 Tampering with the Corpse

"Master Bai, your disguise technique is really superb!" Matsuda couldn't help but admire.

Bai Ruozhu touched her face and said, "This is not my ability. Let's not talk about this for now. Let's go quickly."

She wore a human skin mask, which was given to her by Gao Quan. They all had one, the others were rougher, and hers was very delicate. Gao Quan said that in case of big trouble, it would be better for everyone to wear a human skin mask first. Hiding.

"Okay, let me get some scriptures first. The guard is fond of Buddhist scriptures. I gave him Buddhist scriptures. He must be embarrassed to refuse." Matsuda said.

"Then hurry up."

Jian Qi followed them secretly, and Bai Ruozhu followed Songtian home to get the Buddhist scriptures and went straight to Si Yamen who was guarding the corpse.

"Your Majesty, I'm sorry for taking the liberty of visiting." Matsuda spoke in Fusang dialect. Bai Ruozhu followed him without saying a word, looking like he was Matsuda's follower.

"Ms. Matsuda, you are so polite. It's been a long time since we last met, and I'm still thinking about the Buddhist scriptures you taught. It really benefited me a lot." The throne said very happily.

Matsuda hurriedly took out two Buddhist scriptures, "Your Excellency is a person who loves Buddhism. These two Buddhist scriptures were handwritten by me when I was in Zhaoti Temple. It is most appropriate to give them to someone who understands Buddhism like you."

There was a look of surprise on the emperor's face. He hurriedly took the Buddhist scripture, carefully opened it and looked at it, then saluted Matsuda, "Master Matsuda, I really don't know how to thank you."

Matsuda looked embarrassed, "Actually, I have something to ask of you today."

"Oh?" The smile on the throne's face faded, as if he guessed that Matsuda's matter was not easy to handle.

"It's like this. Before I entered Zhaotai Temple, one of my brothers was captured and became a ninja. Over the years, I have been trying to find him. But last night..." Matsuda paused, showing a sad look, " I dreamed that my brother said that he had gone, but was disturbed and could not rest peacefully, so this morning I heard that the bodies of several ninjas were exhumed, and I wondered if my brother was inside."

Bai Ruozhu secretly observed Matsuda's expression. He was in pain when he said it, but this pain was not pretended, but he was making excuses for his brother, and even said that he was in pain because of his brother's death.

He hid his hands in his sleeves and held them tightly, still shaking slightly, and tears kept rolling in his eyes.

"This, how is this possible?" The throne wanted to refuse, but seeing his expression, he couldn't bear to refuse directly.

"I also hope that the dream is reversed, so I want to recognize it. If my brother is not in it, I will feel at ease. If it is really him..." Matsuda's tears have already rolled down, "Then I will go and beg. General, if you bury him alive, it won't be in vain for our brothers."

"But this corpse was sent by the general. There is no room for any mistakes. I really can't make the decision." The throne said.

Matsuda looked towards Bai Ruozhu, who quietly winked at him.

"I just want to take a look and won't stay any longer. How about you come with me and just watch from the side?" Matsuda said.

"This..." Having said this, the throne couldn't refuse anymore.

"But you must not let the general know about this. Even if your brother's body is there, when you go to ask the general, you can't mention that you saw it here." The throne emphasized.

Matsuda hurriedly saluted, "Yes, I understand. Thank you, sir."

The throne gave him a hand and said, "Hurry up then. The autopsy master will come later and it will be bad if he meets you."

Matsuda hurriedly followed behind the throne, not wanting the throne to glance at Bai Ruozhu and say, "This entourage will be waiting outside."

"Sir, he is my cousin. He had to be taken care of by my brother when he was a child. I want to see him. If he is my brother, we have to kowtow to him." Matsuda hurriedly thought of an excuse.

The emperor suddenly stared at Bai Ruozhu, as if trying to figure out what to say, "Your cousin is very shy and doesn't speak much."

Bai Ruozhu secretly took a breath of air, lowered her voice and said in Fusang, "Thank you, sir."

Matsuda couldn't help but stare when he heard her speaking Fuso, as if the throne was not looking at him. He quickly put away his surprise and nodded slightly towards Bai Ruozhu.

The emperor felt relieved and led the two of them inside.

Bai Ruozhu's nervous palms were sweating. She learned things quickly. After staying in Fusang for a few days, she could already understand some Fusang dialects and could speak simple ones. But after all, she was from the Central Plains, and her pronunciation was similar to Fusang dialects. The pronunciation is different, and if you don't say it correctly, the secret will be revealed.

Fortunately, she had performed stably just now and had no problems.

The three of them kept walking inside, and the throne said: "Those corpses are all rotten, I don't know if they can be found, and I don't know if you can recognize them, alas."

Bai Ruozhu took advantage of him not paying attention and secretly released the fawns produced by a spiritual tree in the space into the room behind them.

It's a pity that she is a little deer with spiritual energy. For this reason, Xiao Hei's mouth is watering with a look of reluctance.

Finally, when we arrived at the room where the corpse was stored, the stench hit us immediately. The throne was a little reluctant to come near. After thinking for a while, he said, "It's in the room. You go and see it. I'll wait for you at the door."

"Thank you, sir." Matsuda saluted, and Bai Ruozhu followed suit, and said "Thank you, sir" again in Fusang.

When Bai Ruozhu turned his back to the throne, he took some herbs and stuffed his nose, and then gave some to Matsuda. This carrion carries too many germs. If they don't get some medicine, their health will be worse when they return.

"How is it? Can you see it?" Throne asked.

"My brother's legs were cut with a sickle before. I'll know just by looking at the legs of the corpse." Matsuda said hurriedly.

His body blocked the throne's view. Bai Ruozhu hurried forward and quickly found the body that had been replaced.

As a result, Bai Ruozhu almost wanted to scold her at this sight. This Xinye thing is too unreliable. You pretended to be a corpse, but you can't find someone without martial arts. It's too easy to find!

Seeing that Bai Ruozhu's expression was not good, Matsuda hurriedly mouthed to her, "What's wrong?"

Bai Ruozhu couldn't find anything to do with him, so she could only think of a way on her own.

At this time, the jailer's voice sounded outside, "Sir, Master Wu Zuo is here!"

"Oops, how come it's here so quickly, do you think it's okay?" The throne asked anxiously.

"I just saw a corpse. Could you please help us delay it for a while? We will hide in the room next to it later." Matsuda said hurriedly.

"This..." The throne is not willing. If it doesn't go well, he will bear the blame.

Matsuda was also impatient and almost knelt down in front of the throne. Fortunately, there was a sudden thumping sound in the room behind him, and the jailer outside shouted: "What sound!"

"There's something going on in the house over there. I'll go take a look first. Hurry up and make sure no one sees you!" After speaking, the throne hurriedly ran out.

Matsuda turned around and asked in a low voice: "How is it?"

Bai Ruozhu gritted his teeth, "The corpse has no martial arts skills, how can it be disguised?"

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