Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 2483 Request

I don't know what kind of astrology method was used, but a faint red light appeared on the hand of the banshee. Although the color was not bright red, Bai Ruozhu felt vaguely like human blood.

"Your body is stained with blood and turned into hostility. Does that mean you won't kill anyone?" Xingxing sneered.

The banshee's face suddenly turned bleak, but soon changed to an expression that looked at death.

"I know I can't hide it from Onmyoji-sama, but I also have my own reasons. I killed the person who deserves to be killed!"

"Insolent! It's wrong for monsters to kill people. The government will decide whether you should kill them or not. What qualifications do you have to take people's lives at will?" Xingxing shouted.

Seeing the sad look on the banshee's face, Bai Ruozhu vaguely felt that there seemed to be some story in it, so she said, "It's better to listen to her. If she has lies, it's not too late for you to accept her."

After all, astrology betrayed Bai Ruozhu's face. After all, the most direct victim of this incident was Bai Ruozhu.

"Thank you madam for giving me the opportunity." The banshee got up and knelt on the ground, kowtowed to Bai Ruozhu, and then started talking.

"My husband and I are both monsters born from nightmares. My name is Yanzhi and his name is Li Feng. We have never wanted to harm anyone. We just want to live peacefully and peacefully. We don't want the big monster in the mountain to gain strength. They almost caught us, but we happened to be rescued by a passing hunter. We didn’t dare to live in the mountains anymore. In addition, we were grateful for the hunter’s life-saving grace, so we followed him to his village. My husband helped from time to time. He hunts to supplement his living."

The banshee's expression became more and more sad, "I didn't want my benefactor to go to the city to sell prey, but he was beaten to death! It was inconvenient for Li Feng and I to follow him to the city. When we learned the news, we regretted it, so we inquired about the murder. The murderer of his benefactor.”

"Originally, Li Feng just wanted to educate him. Although it was out of hatred, we knew we couldn't kill people at will. But the evil man married into the Kyoto royal family on the strength of his daughter, and he did evil in Okayama and preyed on the people. Many people were robbed by him. , he would order his subordinates to beat people if they disagreed."

"We couldn't stand it, so we taught him a lesson twice more. He gradually realized the problem and found a monster hunter to deal with us."

Before she could finish her words, she was interrupted by Bai Ruozhu, "What does the monster hunter he found look like? Does he look similar to this adult?"

The banshee shook her head, showing some confusion, "The man is wearing a mask, so we can't see clearly at all, but he looks somewhat similar in appearance."

Bai Ruozhu took a quick look at the horoscope. Could it be that the Onmyoji the banshee mentioned was Ning Yu?

"Go on," Astrology said to the banshee.

"The Onmyoji was very powerful. The villain even sent a group of his subordinates to work with the Onmyoji to snipe us. Li Feng fought tooth and nail to kill the villain, and helped me block most of the pursuers. I was forced to kill one person and escape. Come out." The banshee said and started to cry, "But Lifeng is still in their hands, but I know he is still alive, so I want to ask this lady to help me save people."

Bai Ruozhu looked at the banshee and asked, "Why did you choose me? Why don't you fall into other people's dreams?"

"They are all men, and they may not be soft-hearted. That girl looks unmarried at first glance, and may not understand the affection between husband and wife. I see that you are dressed as a woman, and I think you may understand my feelings about saving my husband." Banshee. He said and lowered his head.

Astrology snorted, "Didn't you tell lies? That evil man is not a royal family or a noble. How can his daughter join the Kyoto royal family?"

"I'm not marrying her as my wife, but she seems to be the concubine of that royal family member. That person has also come to Okayama. Her status seems to be very noble, but even the emperor can't let relatives harm others, right?" the banshee said angrily. .

Bai Ruozhu's heart skipped a beat. The eldest prince came to Gangshan a few days ago. Was it not because he avoided Master Puru, but because his father, who loved his concubine, died? The royal member the banshee talks about is the eldest prince?

Astrology said with a stern face, "Is there even half a lie in what you said?"

"Don't dare to deceive Master Onmyoji. If you go to the city and inquire secretly, you will know whether what I say is true or false. By the way, the evil man's surname is Toyama, and he is the head of the Toyama family." The banshee said.

"Although what you said is excusable, after all, you killed someone, so I can only capture you in a demon-catching bottle and wait for the violence in you to be purified before I consider whether to release you."

When Xingxing said this, his men were ready to take action at any time, because the monster wanted to fight hard and its explosive power was also very powerful.

I don't want the banshee to make any move, but just said: "As long as you can save my husband and let us be locked together, I am willing to accept any punishment."

"Okay." Xingxing responded, and then threw a piece of talisman out, wrapping around the banshee. She instantly shrunk in size, and turned into a point of light with the talisman, and entered the bottle in Xingxing's hand.

Bai Ruozhu was surprised. She felt that the banshee looked no different from ordinary people, so how could she tell that she was a demon?

She has never been in such a situation in the Central Plains. This Fuso is really a place where monsters are rampant.

The group of people continued on their way. Bai Ruozhu mentioned the news that the eldest prince had arrived in Gangshan. Xingxing nodded and said, "I know about this. Before he left, he asked me for a protective amulet of peace."

"Since he is the concubine's father, there is no need for the eldest prince to come to pay homage after his death, right? Did the eldest prince dote on his concubine too much?" Bai Ruozhu asked deliberately.

"The eldest prince did not say at the time that he was going to attend the funeral of his concubine's father-in-law. He only said that there was some delay in road construction there, and he asked the emperor for an order to investigate. If the banshee was really talking about him, it would be a bit out of order. "Astrology replied.

Bai Ruozhu sneered in her heart. What she just thought was too simple. Maybe the eldest prince just wanted to avoid Master Puru, and doting on his concubine was just a cover. He is the emperor's heir, so even if he behaves somewhat unruly, the people will not care too much about him, and may even praise him as a passionate person.

"Just go and take a look and you'll find out." Bai Ruozhu said, raising his whip and making the horse run faster.

After traveling day and night, the group arrived near Gangshan City three days later. Bai Ruozhu suggested that everyone repair themselves before entering the city. Moreover, they could not enter the city like this. They should disperse and enter the city quietly to avoid disturbing others.

Xing Xing was so eager to find someone that he didn't think much about it. After hearing Bai Ruozhu's suggestion, he felt it was reasonable. If the other party controlled Ning Yu, he naturally didn't want to be discovered by him so soon.

"Then let's change our clothes and go into the city." Xingxing said.

Soon he led people out of the nearby woods. He had changed out of his Onmyoji robe and became an elegant nobleman. His men also changed their clothes and became ordinary servants.

Bai Ruozhu shook his head and said, "You can't do this. What's the point of just changing clothes? Your face is too conspicuous."

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