Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 2507 Useless effort

Axi and Miaoluo agreed immediately, and Bai Ruozhu felt relieved. He hoped to find out the news about Yu Huan, but if he was not in Kyoto, there was nothing he could do.

As for the mystery about Miao Luo, Bai Ruozhu couldn't solve it. Her intuition told her that the person who was cheating that day was Miao Luo, but she couldn't feel that Miao Luo had any malicious intentions, but where did the potion used by Miao Luo come from?

That medicine is related to the "Poison Sutra". Who is this Miao Luo?

She is the fiancée of the eldest prince. Is that related to the poisoning incident of the second prince?

Bai Ruozhu returned to the post house and told Jiang Yichun about her failure. Jiang Yichun suddenly stretched out his two hands and kneaded her face vigorously, as if kneading dough.

"Look, your face is wrinkled. Let me rub it away for you."

This man had a devilish smile on his face, and he was really tough. He really kneaded her face like dough.

Bai Ruozhu screamed twice and kicked him, "You are looking for death!"

"Okay, you are normal now. Don't think about it if you can't figure it out. When the soldiers come, we will block the water and cover it up with the earth. At worst, whoever provokes us, we will beat him back." He said with a cold light in his eyes. He looked really domineering like that.

Then he gently rubbed her head and said, "Be good, I'm here."

Bai Ruozhu felt anxious all of a sudden, resting her head on the crook of his neck and said, "Okay, I listen to you. If you can't beat him, we'll beat him back."

Unexpectedly, only two days later, Miaoluo brought good news.

Because it was Miao Luo who came in person, Bai Ruozhu was a little worried, fearing that Miao Luo had really found Yu Huan, but because she was from the eldest prince, would she capture Yu Huan as a hostage first?

"Sister Ruozhu, your place is really interesting." Miaoluo's face was full of novelty when he saw some things in the yard that Fusang didn't have.

Xiao Hei happened to be left in the post house by Bai Ruozhu to look after the house, especially Rouge, who was recuperating in a corner of the yard, but at this moment it suddenly came over.

Bai Ruozhu was originally worried about scaring Miao Luo, but Miao Luo looked surprised, "Is this the leopard you raised? It's even wearing armor. Some nobles in Fuso also like to raise tigers and leopards, but they have never seen such exquisite armor. "

"Yes, protect his body." Bai Ruozhu replied with a smile.

Xiao Hei suddenly roared at Bai Ruozhu, and then he communicated with Bai Ruozhu.

"Master, her smell is a bit familiar." Xiao Hei said.

Bai Ruozhu was surprised, "Do you have any impression?"

She sniffed, Miao Luo used incense on her body, Xiao Hei was definitely not talking about the smell of incense, but the original smell of the human body.

For example, the scent of flesh and blood. Of course Xiao Hei does not eat people, but that does not prevent it from smelling the most essential smell of people.

"The other smells are too strong, I can't be sure." Xiaohei said.

"Smell slowly and don't make her suspicious."

So, after that, Bai Ruozhu and Miao Luo were making tea and talking in the yard, and Xiao Hei stayed with them.

"I have already inquired about a girl who lives in a civilian area of ​​​​Kyoto. She also rents a house, but she is alone. I don't know whether it is because of illness or language barrier. She rarely talks to people. Some people have seen her going out. The hat was blown off by the wind, and I found that her hair was all white." Miao Luo said.

Bai Ruozhu was a little excited when she heard this, "Where is she?"

Miao Luo took a note and gave it to Bai Ruozhu, "This is the address of her residence. I have been out for a long time today and it's time to go home, so I won't go with you."

"Okay, thank you for this." Bai Ruozhu sent her to the door of the post house.

When Bai Ruozhu returned, Jiang Yichun came over and said, "I don't know if there is any fraud here. I'll send someone to check it out. You don't want to go yet."

"Find a guard who has met Princess Yuhuan. Qiao Zhuang, an ordinary Fusang commoner, can go and have a look. It won't be easy to attract the attention of Shenzong Yi and others." Bai Ruozhu thought for a while and said.

"Okay, I'll make arrangements." Jiang Yichun said and left in a hurry.

Bai Ruozhu knelt down and touched Xiao Hei's head next to him, and asked softly: "Did you find anything?"

Xiao Hei shook his big head, as if asking for credit. Bai Ruozhu's face changed several times, and she couldn't believe Xiao Hei's words.

But Xiao Hei is a pet, and a special pet of the barbarians, so he can't get it wrong.

She took a few steps toward the hall, intending to tell everyone about her discovery, but she stopped after thinking about it.

Xiao Hei said that she could pretend not to know. If she told everyone, someone would always show their flaws and be seen through by Miao Luo. It was better not to say it now.

With this thought, she returned to the house, feeling a little depressed.

"Why is it her?" She murmured to herself and sighed quietly.

You really know people and their fates but don't know their hearts. It's in vain that she was so kind to her.

Not long after, the sent guard returned and said that no danger was found, but the girl was not Princess Jade.

"What kind of person is he? His hair is all white?" Bai Ruozhu asked.

"It's not pure white, it's a little yellowish, the eyebrows are white, and the skin is frighteningly white," the guard replied.

Bai Ruozhu understood that this was albinism and she was very photophobic, so the woman didn't go out very often, and even when she went out she had to wear a hat.

This is a genetic disease that is difficult to treat.

But Princess Yushan is not an albino. She has white hair due to a curse, which is acquired.

The clues finally obtained were not correct, and everyone was a little disappointed. They also thought about the group of people who rushed to Okayama before, but only found an impostor. They felt that their efforts had been in vain recently.

Unexpectedly, in the afternoon, Jiang Yichun brought Song Yi back and said to Bai Ruozhu: "Master Song introduced me to some businesses, which are quite interesting. I invited him to come over and try our Central Plains food."

Song Yi is Wu Yunfeng's younger brother. Jiang Yichun had been trying to find ways to contact him before. After a few times, he seemed not to be so wary anymore and deliberately got closer to Jiang Yichun.

"Of course you welcome Mr. Song when he comes. We'll add some more dishes in the evening." Bai Ruozhu said enthusiastically.

Bai Ruozhu then went to the kitchen, and Song Yi said a little embarrassed: "Why bother Mr. Bai to cook in person?"

Jiang Yichun said with a smile: "Everyone can have an extra bowl of rice when she cooks. Besides, there are people helping her, so she won't be tired."

Song Yi laughed and said, "It turns out that Master Bai has such good skills. He is really a good wife and mother."

Jiang Yichun's eyes darkened. How did Song Yi know that Bai Ruozhu was a "good mother"? He never mentioned that they had a child.

"You must have children, right? I heard that people in the Central Plains get married early. How many children do you have?" Song Yi asked with a smile.

I don’t know if he let the slip and hurriedly made up for it, or if he said it by chance.

"There are three brats, and the last two are twins. It's a pity that my wife has always wanted a daughter." Jiang Yichun said.

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