Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 2510 Calculating step by step

"Think carefully about it, is there anything special about it, or can this help us find Li Feng?" Bai Ruozhu said encouragingly.

"By the way, I vaguely saw his appearance. His eyes seemed to be pink. He wasn't like this before. They were black like me." Yanzhi said.

Astrology pursed his lips, "It's a sign of being refined by a demon. When the pink turns completely red, the refining of the demon is complete and he no longer has his own thoughts."

Yanzhi swayed, "Let me think about it again, there must be something else."

No one urged her anymore, a group of people stood quietly nearby, while Rouge muttered to himself.

"It seems to be in the west of the city? No, it doesn't seem to be the case."

"It seems to smell like flowers."

"There seem to be birds chirping..."

Everyone frowned as they listened. These clues were no longer distinctive, and there was no way to determine where they were.

Suddenly, Bai Ruozhu turned around and left. Jiang Yichun was startled, and hurriedly caught up and asked, "What's the matter, Ruozhu?"

"I'll go to the hall and look at the map on the wall." After Bai Ruozhu said this, he walked faster.

Everyone realized something and hurriedly followed. Ruozhu was afraid that he had thought of something.

Rouge also came out of the magic circle and followed him to the main hall.

A huge map of Kyoto City is hung on the wall here to facilitate envoys' travel.

Bai Ruozhu pointed to a location and asked, "Is this the Yinfeng Garden?"

Astrology was more familiar with Kyoto. He looked at it carefully and said, "Yes, it is right here. Do you suspect it is in the Yinfeng Garden?"

Bai Ruozhu did not answer in a hurry, but casually took Jian Qi's long sword without taking off the scabbard. He raised it and pointed at several points on the map on the wall and said, "If these points echo, are they the same A formation that blocks luck?"

She pointed to the location of the palace again, "I remember that the eldest prince's palace is at this point, which perfectly echoes the Yinfeng Yuan."

"Are you saying that Li Feng is in the Yinfeng Garden, and the eldest prince is refining demons to set up this formation? Why does he want to block his luck?" Xingxing asked in confusion.

At this point, Bai Ruozhu felt that it was hard to hide it, so she had to choose what was convenient for her to tell.

"I heard that before Prince Fuso wants to take over as emperor, he must pass a test by a mysterious sect to see if he is the type of person who cannot be the emperor according to the ancestral teachings. The eldest prince is afraid that he knows this rule and has blocked his luck. "

Everyone was a little confused after hearing this, and Astrology even asked: "How do you know? Where is the mysterious sect?"

"I happen to know them, but I promised to keep them secret, so I can't say more."

Bai Ruozhu didn't say much. She was more concerned about the safety of Master Puru. Moreover, once the matter spread, the next abbot of Zhaoti Temple would also encounter a similar experience to Puru. The next abbot would probably be Lu Xin, and she could not give Lu Xin The heart brings trouble.

"Hurry to Yinfeng Garden first, maybe you can find Li Feng." Jiang Yichun said.

Bai Ruozhu arranged for Yuan Licheng and Feng Lanying to look after the house, and immediately took the others to Yinfeng Garden. In order not to attract attention, they dispersed there, and then climbed over the wall from the back door of Yinfeng Garden.

Soon, everyone gathered near the rockery, and Yanzhi suddenly shouted: "It seems like this is really here, I feel a little familiar!"

She has never been to Kyoto before. It can make her feel familiar. She must have been here before, and it was only during the time when she lost it.

"It should be here, let's look carefully." Bai Ruozhu said happily.

Suddenly, she raised her eyebrows and lowered her voice and said, "Someone is coming in, everyone should hide first."

Everyone immediately dispersed and hid, and slowly moved towards the place where the sound came from, following Bai Ruozhu.

"Master said there was something unusual. Go and take out the things quickly. Don't delay the important matter." A man dressed as a guard said to his companions.

"Then I'll turn on the machine and you go get the things. I'll send a signal when I get there. You can act immediately when you see the signal." Another guard said.


The two of them walked towards the east and west respectively. Bai Ruozhu winked and asked Gao Chan and Xing Xing to follow one of them, while she and Jiang Yichun followed the other.

When they arrived at the place, Bai Ruozhu realized that the eldest prince was very cautious. The mechanism was far away from the place where things were hidden. As soon as the mechanism was opened here, things had to be taken out immediately, otherwise the mechanism would not be opened again within three days. Forcibly Opening it will only cause it to self-destruct and explode.

She learned this from her aunt for a while and only knew this when she saw the layout of the opening.

It was also thanks to the eldest prince who sent two people over. If they had gone to find it by themselves, not only would it have been a waste of time, but if they were negligent, Li Feng might have been blown to pieces.

The guard here gave the signal and immediately opened the mechanism. The guard on the other side hurriedly pressed a hidden button and took out a gourd made of black jade.

At this moment, Gao Zhan and others took action, rushed up to tap the guard's acupuncture points, and grabbed the black jade gourd.

"You, you guys..." The guard was in shock. Unexpectedly, a talisman-shaped light entered his head. He screamed in pain. If he hadn't been unable to move due to his acupoints, he would have been rolling on the ground.

"Tell me, what does the eldest prince want to hide here?" Xingxing asked sharply.

"I, I don't know, he won't tell us, we only do what he orders." The guard said painfully.

He made a seal with his astrological fingers and moved slightly, causing the guard to break out in cold sweat from the pain.

"To be honest, if you keep hiding it, it will only make you more painful." He added.

"I really don't know...ah..." the guard screamed again.

"No need to play tricks on me, you have something you didn't tell me."

The guard's face turned pale, and he was sweating from the pain. Finally he couldn't bear it anymore and said, "I accidentally heard His Highness say that thanks to this thing, he temporarily got through the test. He also said that when the demon refining is completed, he can deal with the people who don't have eyesight. .”

Bai Ruozhu and Jiang Yichun had already captured another guard. After hearing this, they understood that the eldest prince's "temporarily passed" in the guard's mouth meant that he had deceived Master Puru.

Because of this, even she was confused and couldn't figure out many things for a while. Now that she thought about it, this eldest prince was indeed planning every step of the way.

She gave pills to another guard. The guard was not in any pain and honestly told him everything he knew. Unfortunately, the eldest prince was cautious and the people below him knew very little and just followed his instructions.

Coral looked at the guard who was tortured by astrology and was dying, and then at the guard who was controlled by Bai Ruozhu with just one pill. She felt happy in her heart. Fortunately, she was in the same group as them. They were two ruthless people.

In the end, Xingxing decided to kill the two people and dispose of the bodies. Bai Ruozhu knew that his identity could not be exposed, so he left it to him to make arrangements.

Xingxing just gave a few instructions to his servants, and then returned to the posthouse with Bai Ruozhu and the others.

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