Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 2515 Stealing Business

Bai Ruozhu and the others sent the woman home. On the carriage, the woman killed herself. Her name was Xuezi.

"I was born with extremely white skin. My parents said it was like snow, so they named me Xuezi. They just didn't want to find out later that I was sick..."

Xuezi said a little sadly, "Later, my parents died of illness one after another, so they entrusted me to a friend, my adoptive father. He treated me very well and always helped me find a doctor for treatment."

"Miss, if the master sees you injured like this, he will definitely not let this slave go." The maid said worriedly.

"Don't tell your adoptive father yet. I don't want him to worry. He happens to be busy these two days and doesn't come to see me much. But when he comes, I will just cover the wound first and wait until it heals." Xuezi said.

Bai Ruozhu took out a bottle of medicine and handed it to Xuezi, "Remember to change the medicine and apply it every day. The scar will gradually disappear. I live in a post house. If you feel uncomfortable with the wound, you can come to me, but you must Take a carriage to avoid being misunderstood again.”

"Well, thank you madam for your concern." Xuezi was a little depressed.

"There are always people in this world who are ignorant and reject all things they don't know because of their ignorance. You don't have to take it to heart. At least your adoptive father understands you and cares about you, right?" Bai Ruozhu comforted her.

Xuezi nodded, "I understand, thank you."

In such a short time, she thanked her several times. Bai Ruozhu smiled bitterly, this girl lived too cautiously.

It didn't take long for her to arrive at Xuezi's home. Because she didn't want her family to find out she had an injury on her head, she planned to take Bai Ruozhu and the others in quietly.

"We have something else to do, so we won't go in. You can recover well." Bai Ruozhu thought for a while and said.

If they go in, they will definitely alarm the people in the house. Maybe Xuezi's adoptive father will soon know that she is injured.

"Then when I feel better, I'll come and say thank you." Xuezi said shyly.

"Okay, but you have to protect your eyes when you come out. Try to choose cloudy days or nights. Your eyes cannot be exposed to light." Bai Ruozhu said.

"Yes, I took note of it."

On the way back, Yaxi asked about Xuezi's condition and asked Bai Ruozhu if he could cure it.

Bai Ruozhu shook her head, "Albinism is a genetic disease and is difficult to cure, but you can protect your eyes so that her vision will not be too bad."

Axi couldn't help but feel regretful when she heard this, "Then her hair can't turn black?"

"I can't help it. Maybe others can do it, but it should be difficult."

Bai Ruozhu thought of Yao Yuxuan. He used his superpower to cure diseases, and maybe he could really cure them. Unfortunately, Yao Yuxuan's superpower had been exhausted and he was already an ordinary person.

When she returned to the post house, Jiang Yichun was already waiting for her. Bai Ruozhu briefly talked about their experience, and everyone couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

After Yaxi left, Bai Ruozhu said, "After seeing what happened to Xuezi today, I'm really worried about Yuhuan's condition."

"Ning Yu should stay with her, and everything will be fine." Jiang Yichun comforted, but he couldn't hide the worry on his face.

But now there is no news at all, no matter how worried everyone is, there is nothing they can do.

There was no words for the whole night. The next day was the day when Bai Ruozhu went to the palace for a follow-up consultation with the second prince. She went to the palace to meet the emperor.

"Your Majesty, do you think the taste of Zhongyuan cuisine is different from that of Fusang cuisine?" Bai Ruozhu took the opportunity to ask.

The Emperor was stunned for a moment, and then said: "I'm not trying to make a fool of myself. The dishes in the Central Plains are indeed much better than ours. There are all kinds of varieties. It's a kind of enjoyment to eat."

Bai Ruozhu laughed, "I agree with your Majesty's statement. Food is the most important thing for the people, and eating can be more enjoyable. As for the discrepancy I mentioned, it is not to belittle your country's food, but I found that Fuso is different from ours in terms of condiments. different."

She took out a small bottle and handed it to the emperor. The emperor opened it and looked at it, "Is this salt?"

"I call it fresh soup powder. It has the same purpose as salt, but it can give the dish an extra flavor." Bai Ruozhu said.

In fact, fresh soup powder is equivalent to modern chicken essence and is separated from salt. But at this moment, Bai Ruozhu deliberately added some salt to the fresh soup powder, so that it has the functions of chicken essence and salt at the same time.

She also had a purpose in doing this. Didn't Shenzong Yi have a method of refining and drying salt? Didn't most of the salt in Fuso come from his family?

Then she can grab Shenzong Yi’s biggest business!

"Your Majesty will use it instead of salt when you order people to cook later. Let's try the effect and then talk about it." Bai Ruozhu didn't say any more and saluted, "Then I'm going to see the second prince."

"Okay, thank you for all your hard work." The emperor was still staring at the fine white powder in the bottle in his hand. Is it really that magical?

Bai Ruozhu left with a smile on her lips and soon arrived at the second prince's palace.

Unexpectedly, Princess Ya'an was also there. Before she could reach the door, she heard the brother and sister quarreling again.

"Since you don't want to marry the royal family, just pursue your own happiness. I'm fine now, and there's no need for you to sacrifice yourself!" The second prince's voice trembled slightly, and he was obviously very angry.

"You're so angry again. What if your condition gets worse? I used to say I didn't want to marry someone from the royal family, but how can I pursue my own happiness? I don't even know what I want to pursue!" Princess Ya'an also lost her temper. .

Bai Ruozhu heard it. Princess Ya'an was still in love and had no sweetheart. In the past, some young people had the temper and did not want to marry close relatives. After accepting this reality and letting her choose again, she herself did not know what she wanted to pursue. .

Can I just choose someone outside the royal family to marry? She doesn't like the other person and doesn't know who the other person is. Doesn't it mean she is even more unsure about the future?

The second prince felt as if he had been punched on cotton. He sighed heavily, "That's all. You are still young and don't know about feelings. You really don't know how to choose. But I'm afraid that in the future, if you have What should you do if you really like someone?"

Princess Ya'an had a serious look on her face, "Since I chose to marry Wende, I will live a good life with him. Even if I meet someone who makes my heart beat, I will only look at it in the dark. There is a saying in Zhongyuan Doesn’t it mean that if we can’t help each other, we might as well forget each other in the world?”

"You..." the second prince took a few deep breaths, "you don't understand anything!"

Princess Ya'an was a little unconvinced, "I don't understand, but brother, do you understand? It's not like you don't have a sweetheart. Your mother-in-law has always been thinking about marrying you the prince's concubine."

The second prince's expression became even uglier, and he sighed heavily, "No, I'm not in good health and I don't want to get a wife."

Unexpectedly, Princess Ya'an's face changed drastically, "Isn't the poison cured? How could it affect your marriage?"


I remember when I was in high school, there was an albino patient near the school. Sometimes I would see him after school. I was ignorant at that time and thought he looked weird, and I would point fingers and discuss it with my classmates. Later, as we grew older, we gradually learned about this disease. Thinking about our previous actions, we felt a little regretful.

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