Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 2522 Misreading

Xinghai was not surprised when he ate the food, but he obviously liked the taste of the food here. Not only did he eat a lot, but he also drank a few more glasses of wine.

When it got completely dark, everyone was a little tipsy. Bai Ruozhu and the other women withdrew, but the men were still drinking, and they were all in a good mood.

Gao Juan was drinking with several juniors, but he didn't have any airs. His expression seemed to be a few years younger. Bai Ruozhu was worried that Jiang Yichun was drunk, so he wandered around the yard and stared at the situation in the house. He didn't want Gao Juan to be a little distracted, Qiu Zhi didn't know what he said to piss him off.

"You brat, you're looking for a beating!" Gao Juan threw the wine glass in his hand directly. His habit of hitting people with objects when he got angry remained unchanged.

Qiu Zhi screamed and hurriedly hid aside, but Tang Feng reached out to catch the wine glass and said with a smile: "Senior, don't drop it. Ruozhu's drinking utensils are very expensive. Be careful that she gets anxious with you."

Before Tang Feng could finish speaking, Gao Juan threw the folding fan out again, "My things are not afraid of falling!"

Bai Ruozhu was already bent over with laughter in the yard. Gao Zhan was still so funny despite his age.

This time Qiu Zhi didn't hide and was hit in the face by the folding fan. He screamed and fell to the side. Xinghai on the side had no choice but to reach out to help him.

Unexpectedly, Qiu Zhi was a little drunk. He was still moving around when he was being held up. He hit Xinghai on the face with a wave of his hand. There was a pop and the mask on Xinghai's face was knocked away and fell off. On the ground aside.

For a moment, the room became extremely quiet, and Xinghai's eyes showed panic. He suddenly stood up, without picking up his mask, and jumped out, and then disappeared into the night.

Bai Ruozhu stared at the wall blankly. He climbed over the wall, why was he in such a hurry?

Could it be that deep down he cared about others seeing the scar on his face, and it didn't matter if everyone saw it before? Is it because he pretended to be calm but couldn't hide his true nature after being drunk?

At this time, Gao Juan rushed out of the room and shouted: "Stop him quickly, those scars on his face are disguises!"

When he shouted, everyone sobered up. Jiang Yichun took two steps forward and asked, "What's going on?"

"His face turned red after drinking too much, but after the mask fell off, the scars were the original color. I often disguise myself, but I never knew it was a fake!" Gao Juan stamped his feet angrily, "My eyes are clumsy. , I didn’t even notice it at first.”

"Jian Qi, Tang Feng, let's go look for them separately. If we find them, don't do anything yet and invite them back." Jiang Yichun said quickly.

Soon the three of them disappeared into the night. Astrology was a little confused and asked Bai Ruozhu: "Why did he hide it from us in disguise? Could it be him?"

"I'm not sure, but I think he looks a lot like my senior brother, especially those eyes. It's just that my senior brother wasn't proficient in the art of disguise, but Xinghai is very smart. He didn't use disguise all over his face, otherwise I would be righteous My father must have been able to tell. He used scars to shock everyone, and few people could look at the other person’s scars to check for themselves, which seemed disrespectful, so no one discovered the flaw at first.”

Bai Ruozhu said with a wry smile, "This time Qiu Zhi unintentionally made a contribution."

"If it's really him, why did he disguise himself and hide it from us?" Xingxing couldn't figure it out. "If he doesn't want to recognize you, he can stay away, right?"

Bai Ruozhu was also confused, "I don't know either, let alone who is behind the plan."

"I'll arrange for someone to look for him, so I'll leave first." Xingxing bowed and left, but it could be seen that he was in a bad mood.

In a cold basement, Xinghai had just hid in when he heard a hoarse and harsh voice: "Where is your mask?"

"I accidentally dropped it, so I hid it quickly." He replied hurriedly, his tone showing caution.

"How many times have I told you that no one can see your face, especially astrologers, otherwise how can you avenge yourself?" the shadow said fiercely.

"I will be careful in the future, but..." Xinghai said and paused. He came into contact with astrology, but he didn't have the hatred he imagined. He didn't even want to take revenge.

The black shadow sneered, "Why don't you want revenge? You're a worthless thing! Don't forget that she's still waiting for you to save her life. Only a treasure like the astrologer can save her life."

Xinghai's eyes dimmed, he lowered his head and said, "Yes, I will definitely get the astrologer's treasure as soon as possible."

The black shadow sneered, and then fell silent for a long time. Xinghai looked up and saw that there was no one in front of him, and the black shadow left from the other side.

Xinghai sat down slumped, not knowing what to do for a moment.

He didn't tell that person that he was caught in disguise. If he did, he really didn't know if that person would do anything to her. He didn't want to listen to that person's mercy before, but that person actually broke her body. One finger!

Thinking of this, Xinghai's eyes were full of hatred. He would never let anyone hurt her again, never!

Jiang Yichun and the others went out to search all night but found nothing. In the next three days, the horoscope almost turned Kyoto upside down, but they still couldn't find Xinghai. For this, Gao Zhan blamed himself very much, feeling that he had made a mistake and was not responsible. It will make people run away.

On the fourth day, several people continued to search for people in the city separately. Bai Ruozhu always felt that Xinghai would not leave so soon, and he must have some purpose in coming to Kyoto.

Unexpectedly, in the evening, Yuan Licheng suddenly ran back covered in blood.

"Shenzong No. 1." Yuan Licheng only said three words before he vomited blood and passed out.

Feng Lanying was so frightened that she burst into tears and hugged Yuan Licheng without letting go, "A-Cheng, please wake up. If you don't wake up, I will marry someone else!"

Bai Ruozhu hurriedly pulled Feng Lanying away, "Let him go and let me save people first."

Yi Zi also went to help Feng Lanying with red eyes, hugged her and cried together.

Bai Ruozhu ignored the sadness and quickly treated Yuan Licheng. After this examination, it was discovered that Yuan Licheng had not only suffered severe internal injuries, but had also been hit by more than a dozen hidden weapons and three kinds of poisons. Fortunately, he On the way back, he took the green antidote pills given by Bai Ruozhu and managed to make it back.

In addition, he had a very deep stab wound on his thigh, with bones visible, which may have an impact on his future walking.

Bai Ruozhu didn't dare to think too much, and quickly injected a needle to stop the bleeding, then cleaned and sutured, and then used her internal force to accompany the acupuncture to induce Qi, helping him to sort out the chaotic internal force in his body.

After finishing all this, more than half an hour had passed, and Yuan Licheng's complexion had improved a bit, not as pale as before.

"Ruozhu, is he okay?" Feng Lanying asked anxiously.

"It's not life-threatening. Take good care of him these days and don't be impulsive." Bai Ruozhu frowned. She wanted to rush out and kill Shenzong Yi, let alone Feng Lanying.

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