Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 2528 Dreaming

On the wall, the ninja with a swollen face like a pig's head said angrily: "Bai Ruozhu, don't go too far, don't be too cruel!"

Bai Ruozhu couldn't help laughing, "These words come from the mouth of a ninja? Do you ninjas not do the best when killing people? But why are you in such a hurry? Are you guilty?"

At this time, footsteps came from outside, followed by Reiko's deliberately lowered voice, "I brought the things, how do I exchange them?"

Jiang Yichun winked at Yuan Licheng, Yuan Licheng adjusted his formation, and the far door suddenly opened, revealing Lingzi standing outside.

Reiko glanced quickly at Kishimoto, the emotions in her eyes were very complicated.

She was disappointed, but she was a filial daughter after all, and she couldn't bear it.

She glanced at the "Poison Sutra" in her hand and felt a little excited again. With this thing in Bai Ruozhu's hands, her father would be very angry, right?

This gave her a sense of revenge when she thought about it, and she felt a lot more comfortable.

"Put the book on the ground. I'll let him pass. He takes one step and you take one step back. But I warn you not to play tricks. I'm worried that I have no excuse to kill." Bai Ruozhu glanced at Kishimoto lightly. This guy must be Not willing to give in, he is definitely secretly thinking of some dirty tricks.

"I just want my father to be safe, and I hope you can keep your promise." Reiko said.

Bai Ruozhu turned to look at her and said, "As long as he doesn't cause trouble, I won't be polite to people who don't keep their word."

Reiko bit her lip and said to Kishimoto: "Father, let's leave first. You have been poisoned and need treatment."

She was changing her direction and begging Kishimoto not to do anything easily, but unfortunately Kishimoto couldn't listen at all, and even glared at her fiercely. If she hadn't exposed his identity, how would he have ended up where he was now?

Reiko placed the part of the "Poison Sutra" on the ground, and then stepped back step by step. Seeing this, Jiang Yichun unblocked Kishimoto's acupuncture points and asked him to walk over slowly.

However, Bai Ruozhu was fully prepared and told Little Furball to be lurking next to the "Poison Sutra". If anyone else dared to touch the "Poison Sutra", Little Furball would bite it without hesitation.

Kishimoto walked forward step by step and saw that he was near the "Poison Sutra". Suddenly, a look of madness appeared in his eyes. He raised his palm and hit the "Poison Sutra" on the ground fiercely.

No matter how special the "Poison Sutra" is, it is just a book. How much impact can the paper withstand? He will definitely smash the Poison Sutra with a palm of his inner strength, leaving Bai Ruozhu with nothing.

But he was poisoned at this moment. Although he was a poison master and had a certain tolerance for poisons, it was definitely not wise to use his internal power at this moment. It would only make the poison attack more violent.

But Kishimoto is such a crazy person, and he will not let Bai Ruozhu have an easy time even if he tries his best.

It's a pity that he missed it in the end. Bai Ruozhu had laid out the plan, so why didn't he make complete preparations?

The moment he raised his hand, the little fur ball bit it. At the same time, the little fur ball's body bloomed with a light pink light, and Fang Luo, who was hiding aside, gently pushed his palm forward.

Kishimoto didn't know what happened, but he felt as if he had slept for a long, long time, and when he woke up, he saw the late queen.

"Miko, I haven't seen you for a few days and you look better. It's a pity that I miss you day and night and I feel haggard." Kishimoto said. These words were somewhat familiar. It seemed that he had said it before, but he said it so naturally.

"How come I don't miss you anymore? When will we leave Kyoto?" Meiko asked in a lowered voice.

Kishimoto's expression changed, and there was a hint of resentment in his eyes, but it was quickly replaced by the light of hatred.

"We can't leave, they won't let us go." Kishimoto said very melancholy, which scared Meiko's face. "Does your family know?"

"It's from the royal family, did you know? I am actually the eldest son of the late empress. They replaced me back then and wanted to drown me!" Kishimoto told the story and felt that all the breath he had held in his chest was exhaled, feeling comfortable. A lot.

Meiko's face turned pale instantly, "This is not true! Do you want revenge, so you refuse to leave with me?"

Kishimoto turned around and said, "I can't leave. If I leave, it will harm the Kishimoto family. It has been very difficult for them to raise me these years, and the palace will not let me go."

The two eventually broke up on bad terms, and later Kishimoto was disappointed to see Miko marry the current emperor.

Half a year passed in the blink of an eye, and he met Meiko again. Meiko hated him, but still loved him. He coaxed him a few words, and the two reconciled and got together.

"Look what this is?" He took out a book and showed it to Meiko like a treasure.

"Poison Sutra?" Meiko was a little confused, "You became a poison master?"

She couldn't imagine that he was just a scholar and would play with poison.

"It's a treasure I got by chance. When I master it, we won't be afraid of anything." He said confidently, but Meiko's eyes were full of worry.

In the blink of an eye, a few months later, Meiko's belly bulged slightly, and she said with a guilty look on her face: "It's a pity that I can't let the child know that you are his father. I am sorry for you."

Kishimoto hugged her tenderly and said, "I'm sorry for you. Believe me, when I have the strength, I will definitely recognize the child. From now on, you will still be the queen of this palace, my queen!"

"This is too dangerous, you must not be impulsive." Meiko said worriedly.

"It's okay, I will be fully prepared." Kishimoto patted Meiko on the back to comfort her, and then said with a smile: "When the child grows up, I will pass on half of the "Poison Sutra" to him."

"Why half?" Meiko asked puzzledly.

"I plan to leave the other half to the Kishimoto family to repay their kindness in raising me." Kishimoto said.

There was admiration in Meiko's eyes, "You are really a good person who knows how to repay kindness."

In the blink of an eye, Miko had a dystocia and died after giving birth to the eldest prince. The Empress was very sad, but Kishimoto locked himself in the room for three days and cried countless times.

If he were to ask the person he felt most sorry for in his life, it would be Meiko.

Afterwards, he fell seriously ill and even lost the motivation to seize power. It took several years for him to recover.

A three-year-old girl was brought to Kishimoto. Auntie said respectfully: "Master, Madam felt that she had nothing to do, so she wanted to raise a child from the clan. This little girl is quite smart, Madam. He said he fell in love with her, so he chose her.”

Kishimoto looked at the little girl, her eyes were bright and she was indeed a good girl.

"What's your name?" he asked.

The little girl raised her head, not timid, and said loudly: "Whatever name the master gives me, I will be called that from now on."

"It's true that you can be so articulate now that you are so articulate, but you have to call me father from now on." Kishimoto smiled, very amiably, "Tell me, what was your original name?"

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