Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 2541 I have to find a way to get rid of you

In the blink of an eye, seven or eight days had passed since the turmoil surrounding the posthouse, and everything had calmed down. However, the people in Kyoto were still talking about Kishimoto. They all knew that he had escaped, and many people were worried, fearing that he would come back and cause trouble to Asuna.

Just when everyone was speculating about Kishimoto's other abilities, someone from the government office in Kyoto beat a drum to express his grievances.

"Who is here, and why are you beating drums to complain?" asked the executioner in Kyoto.

"My little girl is the daughter of the Tang Mu family, her maiden name is Hui Zi. I want to sue Bai Ruozhu, the envoy from the Central Plains, for poisoning and framing my little girl and humiliating my reputation!" The woman kneeling below said with an angry expression.

The executioner muttered, why did the envoy from the Central Plains get involved again? The turmoil finally subsided.

"Do you have any evidence?" the criminal officer asked.

"I once spoke out in a poetry competition and accidentally offended her. At the poetry competition not long ago, everyone could prove that she was very targeted at me. Later, my daughter was tricked and her innocence was lost, but no one believed that she was responsible for I use poison. Just a few days ago, something big happened in the post house, and her identity as a poison master was exposed. How can she explain it?" Huizi said.

The criminal officer thought for a while and said: "Even if she is a poison master, it cannot prove that she poisoned you. Do you have other evidence?"

Even General Akamatsu surrounded the post house before, but later withdrew his troops. His Majesty the Emperor was very friendly to those envoys. How could he dare to cause trouble now?

So the criminal officer thought it best to send the girl named Huizi away first.

Unexpectedly, Huizi took out a piece of paper and opened it carefully, "Sir, this is the evidence I later asked people to search for in Sai Shi's garden. I asked someone to look at it. There is a little powder left in it, which is the love medicine. .”

The corner of the criminal's mouth twitched. Fusang's people were open-minded, but it was a bit embarrassing to talk about this kind of thing.

"Go and have a look." The criminal officer ordered his men to check, and he quickly confirmed that it was indeed a love potion, and it was very powerful.

At this time, the adjutant on the side carefully reminded: "Sir, even if this is a love medicine, it doesn't prove that it was given by the envoy from the Central Plains, right?"

Huizi raised his head and said loudly: "Please make the decision, sir. I asked someone to look at it. The production method of this kind of paper is special. It is not the custom of Fusang man-made paper, but the paper produced in the Central Plains!"

As soon as these words came out, the criminal officer couldn't push it anymore, so he had to find someone to check it. The result was indeed as Huizi said, the paper was not made by Fusang.

"Please, sir, make the decision for me. Just because Bai Ruozhu is an envoy from the Central Plains, you can't do whatever you want in Fusang and frame Fusang's innocent daughter. In addition, my daughter also wants to sue her accomplice Fangzi. She didn't like me marrying her second brother, so she and Bai Ruozhu You used such a trick." Huizi said, banging her head several times.

The criminal officer had no choice but to find someone to summon Bai Ruozhu. If he was not summoned, he would be covering up for personal gain.

The officer who was sent met Matsuda who was going to the post house on the road. Matsuda happened to know one of them and quickly asked why.

As soon as Matsuda arrived at the post house, he hurriedly told Bai Ruozhu the situation, but Bai Ruozhu laughed after hearing it.

First of all, her poisons are not wrapped in paper. She always puts them in bottles. The better ones are in jade bottles, and the more common ones are in porcelain bottles.

Secondly, even if the poison is wrapped in paper, Feng Lanying does not have the habit of throwing away the wrapping paper. Bai Ruozhu likes to popularize environmental protection knowledge to everyone on weekdays. The most common thing he said is not littering, and Feng Lanying would be stupid enough to directly Do you just throw the paper around?

Finally, there was a piece of paper that was fluttering in the wind and disappeared. It was autumn and there was always wind. It was really amazing that she could find it. What’s more, the wind didn’t even remove the medicinal powder on the paper. It's really strange that it's blown out.

"She must have framed you. I will accompany you there so that I can translate for you." Matsuda said angrily.

Bai Ruozhu touched her nose. Facing such an upright young man, she felt a little embarrassed. Huizi's case can't be completely considered a frame-up, after all, she did poison Huizi.

"Okay, thank you very much." Bai Ruozhu said and was about to get up. Feng Lanying and Yi Zi wanted to follow, but they were stopped by Bai Ruozhu.

"Don't you see what Huizi is doing? It's so embarrassing for you unmarried girls to go there. Ah Chun has gone out to do errands, and I won't let him go even if he is here. Just wait for me at home." Bai Ruozhu said with a smile.

Feng Lanying wanted to say that someone dared to frame her, but with Matsuda present, she couldn't talk casually, so she had to agree.

Bai Ruozhu followed Songtian and the official to the Yamen. As soon as he entered, he saw Huizi and Fangzi who had agreed to be called.

Yoshiko was a little girl after all, and was frightened by this formation. As soon as she saw her, she hurriedly looked at her for help.

Bai Ruozhu gave her a reassuring look, and Fangzi didn't know why, but she suddenly became much calmer, as if she had found her backbone.

The superior criminal officer explained the situation in a very polite tone, and then asked Bai Ruozhu what he thought.

Bai Ruozhu glanced at Huizi lightly, then glanced at the evidence presented in the hall, and quickly understood what was going on.

The paper containing the powder was indeed brought by them from the Central Plains. I still remember that their boat parked at the dock was robbed by pirates. Later, General Chisong captured the pirates, but they were not the real Black Boss and they only got back part of it. Stolen items, this paper is included in the stolen items.

Why is this paper special? In fact, it cannot be regarded as common straw paper, but paper with silk added.

However, this kind of paper is thicker than ordinary paper, and the surface is not smooth because of the silk. I believe no one uses it to wrap medicine.

Of course, this also explains why the powder remains on the paper.

"Isn't it a bit far-fetched to blame me just for a piece of paper?" Bai Ruozhu smiled, "Sir, everyone in Kyoto knew before that our official ship was robbed by pirates. Later, both His Majesty and General Chisong I sent people to seize them and finally recovered some of the lost items. I am still worried about where the rest of the lost items went, including this kind of silk paper."

She looked at Huizi with a smile again, "Your Excellency, you can also ask the people who participated in the poetry meeting that day to find out whether I left the venue during the whole process. However, this Miss Huizi left in the middle and even sent a maid to invite Yoshiko to talk in the back garden. Then The maid was sent to the government at that time, but later, for the sake of Huizi’s family, the matter was suppressed. Am I right?”

After hearing this, Keiko hurriedly said: "I wanted to talk to Yoshiko that day, mainly to reconcile with her, but I didn't know that you used a trick to call Mr. Watanabe and use medicine on us!"

"I didn't leave the whole process. I just went to watch you having fun with Mr. Watanabe in broad daylight. There were people on both sides of you. How could you involve me?" Bai Ruozhu said very rudely and deliberately. The bite of "courage" is a bit harsher.

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