Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 2544 Lord Bai is generous

Huiziniang was a little chubby, her face was swollen, and she was out of breath when she cried. She asked worriedly: "Huizi, what's wrong with your head? Why are you here..."

"Mom, what are you doing here?" Huizi interrupted her mother impatiently, "Go back quickly. If you are not feeling well, don't run around."

Huiziniang cried and said, "I don't trust you. Come back with me. Let's not fight with them."

Although she was Hui Zi's mother, her words to Hui Zi always sounded like pleading. Unfortunately, Hui Zi was not moved at all.

Bai Ruozhu looked at it and shook his head secretly. Huizi's mother was in poor health and seemed to take medicine from time to time. This Huizi did not consider her mother's body and mood at all, which was far different from Fangzi.

Yoshiko didn't want to marry Watanabe at that time. In fact, she could have caused trouble by seeking death, but she was worried about her mother's health and did not dare to scare her sick mother.

But Huizi was living a good life and actually caused trouble outside. I guess her mother was worried about her.

Huizi's mother continued to beg, and the onlookers couldn't bear it. Huizi also saw it, hurriedly changed her appearance, and cried: "Mom, if I don't leave, how will the family's face be saved if I leave? How can I How can they be so smeared? I don’t believe in injustice, I must prove my innocence!”

Hey, there is another attitude of righteousness and indignation, which is really off-putting to watch.

Bai Ruozhu curled her lips and said, "Just pretend. This kind of scheming bitch likes to pretend. Let's see how long she can pretend."

Hui Zi will never leave at this moment. As long as the letter comes and the handwriting is different, she can get the young master to slander her in public, which will also prove that Bai Ruozhu bribed him.

This is also her chance to make a comeback.

Huizi sneered in her heart. They must not have thought of her care. How could she write the letter herself and leave the clue in the hands of others?

The handwriting of both parties was submitted, and the criminal officer found someone to check it, and the result was soon available.

Huizi was thinking proudly, but when the results were announced, the smile that was already on her face froze in an instant.

"My lord, the handwriting on both sides is exactly the same."

"Impossible!" Huizi shouted. The letter was written by the maid. How could it be the same as her handwriting?

Fortunately, she had some sense and didn't shout these words out, otherwise wouldn't she have admitted it to herself?

"I don't believe it. I didn't write it at all. Your Excellency is wronged. They framed me!" Huizi panicked, wondering what was going on.

The criminal officer was lifted up by the writings from both sides, "Take a good look at it yourself and let everyone take a look, so as not to say that I am partial to the envoys from the Central Plains again."

When Huizi saw the handwriting on the love letter, her eyes widened. Those were not the maid's handwriting, but her own!

How can this be? She clearly remembered that she had never written it!

By the way, it was handwriting imitation. They faked her handwriting.

"Sir, this is a forgery. They imitated my handwriting. I really didn't write it." Huizi shouted.

The young master's servant couldn't help but say, "Why does my young master want to slander you? You have visited my young master several times before, and I am a witness!"

The young master suddenly slapped his head, "How could I forget that you have a red birthmark on your shoulder? If you didn't do that with me, how would I know your birthmark?"

"Ah..." Hui Ziniang shouted, her body went limp and she passed out.

This was obviously what the young master said, and Hui Ziniang couldn't stand the stimulation and fainted.

Bai Ruozhu couldn't help but sigh. Huiziniang's personality was different from hers, and she obviously didn't know what her daughter was doing. She was going to be greatly irritated this time.

Fortunately, there was a doctor in the yamen, and Huiziniang was quickly revived.

The executioner felt a headache, so he sent Hui Ziniang home directly, and she was not allowed to watch at the Yamen. Hui Ziniang cried very sadly when she left, and her eyes were full of despair.

"I heard that Hui Zi's mother was in poor health. She was the only daughter in the family. The other children in their family were all concubines. We used to sympathize with Hui Zi because of this, but now that we think about it, it's her mother who is pitiful. It's too hard for her to do these things. Mom is disappointed." Yoshiko whispered.

"I don't know what will happen to Hui Zi after today, but Watanabe is still willing to marry her," Bai Ruozhu said.

"That's her fault." Yoshiko said bluntly. After experiencing a lot, she would never be soft-hearted again.

There was a commotion among the people watching outside. Many people pointed at Huizi and scolded her for her indiscretion and slandered others. Huizi yelled like crazy in the hall, saying that the letter was not written by her and that she had been framed. Unfortunately, there was no such thing. No one paid any attention to her.

The executioner couldn't help but looked directly at Bai Ruozhu and asked, "What will Mr. Bai do if he sees this?"

Bai Ruozhu smiled and said, "In the Fusang Code, what should be the punishment for falsely accusing others?"

"Depending on the severity of the case, the lighter case will be beaten twenty times, while the serious case will be exiled to a dry island and work as a coolie on the island for the rest of his life." the criminal replied.

"I am not a stingy person, but the law cannot be abolished. Otherwise, no one will be able to falsely accuse others, and the world will be in chaos. Forget it, let's just give him a light punishment." Bai Ruozhu said.

Matsuda hurriedly translated Bai Ruozhu's words and said them loudly in Fusang language.

Many people onlookers nodded, feeling that what Bai Ruozhu said was reasonable, and many people praised Master Bai Ruozhu for having a large number of people. In other words, they would have simply sent Hui Zi to be exiled as a coolie.

Bai Ruozhu sneered in her heart. Exile can be done temporarily. After she leaves, Huizi's family can quietly bring Huizi back. It would be better to have twenty big boards come directly.

For a young lady like Hui Zi, who is delicate and elegant, her skin and flesh will definitely be torn if she goes down for twenty years, and she will have to stay at home for at least two months.

"Okay, Mr. Bai's magnanimity is really admirable. I will sentence the false accuser Huizi to twenty pieces!" The executioner gave the order, and the officer directly took Huizi into custody for execution.

The first time the board went down, Huizi screamed in pain and shouted: "I was wronged, please save me! Please save me!"

Bai Ruozhu sneered. The "master" in her mouth was Shenzong Yi. Unfortunately, Shenzong Yi would not save her at all. For a waste like her who messed up things, it would be good if Shenzong Yi didn't abolish her.

Fortunately, Hui Zi still had sense and did not call out Shenzong Yi's name, otherwise she would not be able to survive for a few days even if she left the yamen.

By the time twenty big boards were finished, Huizi was already dying and was finally carried into a carriage by his servants.

As soon as the person got on the carriage, there were still many people outside pointing and pointing, some excitedly called her a slut, and some even blocked the carriage to prevent them from leaving.

The servants were so anxious that they were about to cry. One of them begged, "Everyone, please give in. We have to go see the doctor for the young lady. She lost so much blood. What if she dies if she is not treated in time?"

"This kind of slut died cleanly, brought shame to the family, and wanted to frame an envoy from the Central Plains and destroy the relationship between Fusang and the Central Plains. She deserves it!"

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