Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 2559 Let the gods speak

Sure enough, problems soon arose. Many people gathered around the post house and shouted together to tell the Central Plains people to get out. They also threw stones, rotten vegetables, smelly fish, and other things into the post house.

Bai Ruozhu was very indifferent, "If the army can't attack, what's the point of throwing something? Xiao Yuan just needs to be optimistic about the formation."

"Okay, no problem, it's just that this is a bit frustrating." Yuan Licheng muttered.

The others also had a sullen face. Not everyone could be as distressed as Bai Ruozhu. After all, they had helped the Fusang people with a lot of things, but in the end they were chased and scolded. Even now that they are gone, their reputations are not good. He ran away in despair.

"It doesn't matter, Ah Chun is making arrangements." Bai Ruozhu said with a smile, really not in a hurry.

Feng Lanying was extremely curious, so she leaned over and asked, "Ruozhu, what are you going to do? Don't you need my help?"

"You won't be missed if you do bad things." Bai Ruozhu said angrily. It was not her who taught Feng Lanying bad things. Xiao Yuan, please don't cause trouble for her.

Feng Lanying laughed twice, "That's good, that's good."

Later, the news came out that Bai Ruozhu and the others opened the Tang Feng Restaurant. The Fusang people resisted resolutely, and some even went to the restaurant to smash it, causing Li Feng to almost get angry and use sorcery.

"This is too much!" Coral angrily wanted to take action, but luckily Qiu Zhi held him back.

"Master said there is no rush, so don't be angry. My uncle is already making arrangements." Qiu Zhi said.

It was rare for Coral to lose such a temper. She glared at Qiu Zhi and asked, "How long do we have to wait?"

Qiu Zhi scratched his head and said, "It's almost time."

So three days passed like this, and Bai Ruozhu's plan finally began to be implemented.

"Ruozhu, why did it take so long to prepare?" Feng Lanying asked with some complaints. It seemed that there was no need to prepare anything.

"This is just a time lag. When something is at the forefront, the people are too excited, and it is very likely that they will not hear or see any explanation at all. There is a three-day buffer, and they have calmed down a little. At this time, our The plan will be implemented easily." Bai Ruozhu said slowly.

"Okay, okay, everything you said is right, now hurry up and torture people." Feng Lanying urged.

Soon after, a lot of people gathered around the door of Shenzong Yi's house because there were two people tied to the stone lions at the door.

The two people who were tied up were fierce-looking, with dark and dry skin. At first glance, they looked like people who often went to sea.

One of them even wore an eyepatch, and he looked like a pirate no matter how he was dressed.

It's a pity that the two of them can't be fierce now. They were gagged and tied into rice dumplings. They couldn't move and could only keep making whining sounds. Seeing that more and more people were watching, their eyes were filled with confusion. A look of horror appeared.

"Who is this? A pirate? Why are you tied up here?" someone onlookers asked curiously.

"Didn't you see the note posted on it? It says: The pirates will be returned to you. Take care of your men." Someone read loudly.

Someone next to him also laughed and said, "I can't read, but I will understand if you read it, but why is this pirate tied up at the door of the God's Mansion? Master God is a kind man."

"Who knows? Could it be a business rival retaliating?"

"Also a possibility."

At this time, the sky suddenly became clear and thunderous, and rain fell from the sky. However, the onlookers soon discovered that it didn't look like rain. Otherwise, why would it fall here at the entrance of Shenfu and not rain elsewhere?

In the blink of an eye, the rain no longer dripped, but gathered into a few big characters in the air: evildoers, confusing right and wrong.

Many people exclaimed, and then someone shouted: "The gods have appeared, the gods have appeared!"

Many people began to kneel down and kowtow. Bai Ruozhu, who was hiding not far away, said to Feng Lanying: "Don't they believe in their gods? Aren't the royal family the descendants of the gods? Then I'll let the gods speak."

Feng Lanying said with a wicked smile, "It's my turn!"

Her machine puppet was quietly released, and the little mouse-like inconspicuous thing quickly got into the door of the Divine Mansion, and then jumped up on their door plaque. There was only a clang sound, and the door plaque of the Divine Mansion fell, and it was already torn apart before it fell. of.

If the door plaque fell to the ground and fell into pieces, it would not be anything special, but it happened that it suddenly fell into pieces before falling from above.

No one came close to the door plaque, and it fell apart in front of everyone. This must be a warning from the gods.

The steward of the Divine Mansion rushed out with his people and shouted to everyone: "This is someone deliberately framed our Divine Mansion. Don't believe it, please leave!"

At this moment, a few big blood-red characters suddenly appeared on the doorpost of Shenfu Liangbu.

Shenzong raised pirates privately to kill people and sell goods, and framed them to confuse the people.

Where the door plaque fell, four large blood-red characters also appeared: The crime is unpardonable.

If this matter were told directly to the people, they would not believe it at all. Shenzong Yi was the richest businessman in Fusang, and he was also a good man. He often cast spells on the people during festivals. The salt sold by Shen's family was of better quality and the price was very close to the people. Shen Zongyi How could the boss be a pirate leader who kills people and sells goods?

But now the God has appeared. So many large blood-red characters have appeared on the wooden pillars. This is because the God is angry and wants to punish the God's family.

"Hurry up and take a look. Someone has tampered with the pillars. Go and wipe them off!" the steward of the Shen family yelled.

The followers below were scared to death. Those were the words revealed by the gods. Can they rub them randomly?

"What are you doing? These are sorcery done by people from the Central Plains. Are you really fooled?" the steward shouted.

The attendants then carefully wiped the writing on the pillar, but they couldn't wipe it off with their sleeves or a wet rag.

The steward was annoyed, how was he going to explain it to the master?

Thinking of this, he gritted his teeth and pulled out the samurai sword on his body, and slashed at the pillar. He didn't believe that these words couldn't be cut off.

But the next moment, the onlookers screamed again. He cut off a lot of wood on the pillar, but the bright red writing was still exposed underneath.

It was as if the words were growing out of the pillars.

"How is this possible?" The steward himself was shocked. How could he still have the confidence he had just now?

Bai Ruozhu raised the corner of her mouth from a distance, "The fun is yet to come."

Outside the backyard wall of Shenfu, Qiu Zhi and Hualu received the signal. Qiu Zhi took out the prepared talisman and threw it into the air.

If he had done such a "bad thing", he would have been much more calm, but after he had done it, he hurriedly looked at Coral and explained with some embarrassment: "I am using special conveniences to punish the evildoers."

Coral laughed, "If you don't do it, I will call you pedantic."

The talisman flew into the sky and turned into a golden stream of light, which looked like a huge lightning from a distance.

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