Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 2561 Royal Secrets

Soon, the five colors of light representing gold, wood, water, fire, and earth in the array gathered together, and a map was displayed in the sky, with one point marking the location of the astrolabe.

Everyone came closer to watch, and Jiang Yichun suddenly said: "This location seems to be the palace."

Astrology nodded, "The northwest corner of the palace. I remember that location is where the washroom servants live. It's very messy."

"Let's enter the palace now to prevent him from running away again." Bai Ruozhu said.

Astrology was a little worried, "It would be fine in other places, but here we are in the palace. If we rush there with all our troops, I'm afraid it will cause unnecessary misunderstandings."

Bai Ruozhu thought about Princess Masako's fuss, and Shenzong Yi must be holding back her energy to retaliate against them, so she also felt that there might be trouble.

"Wu Yunfeng thought of this and deliberately hid in the palace." Jiang Yichun was very sure that Wu Yunfeng understood him, so why didn't he understand Wu Yunfeng? "I'm even worried that if we chase him and cause trouble, he will find a way to escape, which will end badly for us."

Bai Ruozhu held her chin and thought about it, "It would be nice if we could know his retreat and arrange for someone to guard there earlier."

Everyone looked at Jiang Yichun, but only Jiang Yichun could think of it.

Jiang Yichun pondered for a moment, shook his head and said, "If we were in Danliang, I could make a better guess. I'm really not familiar with Fusang."

He didn't know the escape routes from Fusang Palace, let alone Wu Yunfeng and Song Yi's deployment in Fusang. It was really difficult to guess.

"Why don't I go into the palace and say that I found the scent of monsters? I went there to catch monsters, so of course no one in the palace will stop me. Just disguise yourself as my subordinates and don't let the people in the palace see through." Astrology entered by himself. The palace is convenient, but Wu Yunfeng has a lot of trump cards, and he is not confident that he can catch this person.

"Okay, let's do it like this." Jiang Yichun responded.

Immediately, Xingxing asked his men to take off their clothes and give them to Jiang Yichun and the others. Bai Ruozhu also distributed a pair of small men's clothes. Everyone put on the human skin masks given by Gao Zhan and instantly became ordinary-looking Xingxing's servants.

"Don't talk, otherwise your secrets will be revealed." Astrology reminded.

Everyone responded. If someone really needs to speak, Bai Ruozhu can still speak a few words. The accents of the others are too different, and his identity as a Central Plains person will be revealed as soon as he speaks.

This time Bai Ruozhu arranged for Li Feng to guard the house to prevent Shenzong Yi from doing anything.

The group of people quietly left the post house, walked around the main street, and rushed towards the palace.

"Master Astrologer, why are you entering the palace now?" the guard asked.

"I found a ray of evil spirit. I am afraid that there is a monster in the Cholera Palace, so I have to check it out." Xingxing looked very serious with a straight face. The guard hurriedly let him go and asked: "Master Xingxing, can we send some people to help you?"

"Don't worry about it yet. If it's a powerful monster, you don't know Yin and Yang magic, so you can easily be possessed by it." Xingxing said.

"Okay, I understand."

The group of people entered the palace smoothly and followed the horoscope towards the northwest corner of the palace.

When they arrived, there were still people washing clothes in the courtyard. Bai Ruozhu glanced at them and saw that some people's hands were swollen and even peeled off, but they couldn't rest until they finished their work, so they could only grit their teeth and continue washing.

Those people exclaimed when they saw the zodiac sign, and then stood up and knelt down to worship. The zodiac sign hurriedly asked them to get up and asked: "Have there been any new people here recently? Which one is it?"

A woman who had not washed her clothes and was dressed better came out. She seemed to be in charge here.

"As far as my lord is concerned, no one has come here in the past month," the mother-in-law said.

"You guys are busy with your business, we need to look around." Xingxing gestured to everyone, and everyone divided into groups to search everywhere, and immediately sent out a signal once the target was found.

About a quarter of an hour later, everyone gathered together again, but found nothing. Could it be that the person had escaped?

Astrology thought for a moment and said, "Let's look elsewhere in the palace."

So, everyone searched separately, and Bai Ruozhu released the little fur ball. The little guy woke up after a nap, and his speed was a little faster. It said it was powerful, but to what extent it was, Bai Ruozhu didn't know. .

Bai Ruozhu's location was on the east side of the laundry room. Not long after leaving, he saw Princess Shanzi from a distance.

She didn't rush forward. Now that she was in disguise, she naturally didn't need to say hello to Princess Zhanzi.

Unexpectedly, a person came out on the other side. Bai Ruozhu felt that he looked familiar. After thinking about it carefully, he realized, isn't this Princess Ya'an's fiancé, Prince Wende?

It’s already been ten days since the lights were turned on. Why did the two of them arrange to meet here?

Even if Prince Wende wants to see Princess Zenja, it's also a junior meeting an elder. Can't he go to Princess Zenja's palace to meet him?

Bai Ruozhu felt strange and immediately hid behind a tree.

"What are you looking for me for again?" Princess Zhanzi looked unhappy.

"I, I..." Wen De stuttered, "I just want to see you."

Princess Zhanzi's face darkened, "Didn't we see each other during the day? Why do you need to cause me any more trouble?"

"I just want to see you alone." Wen De looked at Shanzi pitifully, as if he was a little afraid of her.

Bai Ruozhu quickly thought about the relationship between the two. Shanzi was the emperor's sister, and Wende was the son of the emperor and his mother's brother. In other words, Shanzi was Wende's aunt.

"What happened that time was an accident, can't you forget it? Let people know that we don't want to live anymore." Yoshiko was a little angry, "Masako has been trying to harm me for more than a day or two. I am also very embarrassed that I have been harmed by you. But don’t look for me again, otherwise we won’t be able to explain clearly. I just want to live a quiet life and don’t want any messy things."

"But...but we did that kind of thing as a couple, and I can't let you go anymore!" Wende summoned up the courage to say suddenly. He probably wanted to prove his determination, and his voice couldn't help but become a little louder.

Bai Ruozhu was startled. Damn it, the Fusang royal family is really in chaos. The habit of incest is already shocking. There is even an aunt and a nephew having an extramarital affair. Isn't it right? Or is it an aunt and a nephew?

so complicated……

Princess Zenko hurriedly reached out to cover Wende's mouth and said angrily: "It was Masako who drugged me and wanted others to ruin my innocence. You just entered my bedroom by mistake. Can't we just pretend that nothing happened?" ?Don’t say any more, I’m leaving, don’t see me alone in the future.”

She was afraid that Wen De would let her stay, so she ran away as if running for her life. Her maid was watching in the distance. When she saw her running over, she hurriedly held her arm, and the two left quickly.

Wen De stood on the spot, his eyes kept falling on Princess Zhanzi, and he did not move away for a long time, and said to himself: "But I have fallen in love with you, what should I do if I can't let you go?"

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