Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 2576 Bringing things to order

"No, something happened to Dagu!" Bai Ruozhu said depressedly.

"Otani is not a reckless person. The signal bomb will not be handed over to others. Even if other people in the palace discovered the emperor and reported it to Otani, it would not be too late for him to send out the signal. If something went wrong, the guard was not well-informed enough."

"I'm asking someone to ask." The little guard said nervously, a little uncertain.

Bai Ruozhu was still a little suspicious of him just now, so she didn't mention the third possibility, which was that the guard was fake and was bluffing them with false information.

But looking at the guard's eyes at this moment, she knew that the problem was not with the guard.

The group did not dare to delay and hurriedly searched the palace, but did not find Otani and others for a long time. They found the astrology first, and the astrology was also looking for Da Gu.

"I saw the signal. Did I find His Majesty? Why can't I find His Majesty and Dagu everywhere?" Xingxing asked.

"We can't find anyone either." Jiang Yichun's face was solemn. They might have been tricked by the enemy.

"Let's find someone first. The signal bomb can't be used anymore. Jian Qi doesn't need to find someone yet. Let's make some new ones." Bai Ruozhu said.

"Yes, Master." Jian Qi took the order and left first, while the others continued to look for someone.

Soon I met some guards, and they were all looking for Otani. They were obviously looking for the emperor, but now they were looking for Otani. What the hell is this?

The mood in the team was extremely low. Everyone was unhappy or angry, but everyone suppressed it.

Bai Ruozhu regretted that she shouldn't have given Dagu the flare. If not, they wouldn't have been fooled around.

This group of people searched the palace for more than half an hour, and finally determined that the emperor had not returned, and Otani and his team were missing!

The second prince heard the news and came over. He coughed and asked, "Is it possible that Da Gu was also infected by the worm, so he has defected?"

"I think it's more likely that he was plotted against someone and may have met with misfortune." Bai Ruozhu sighed. In this case, not to mention Otani, even the emperor would not be able to find him.

After searching like this for a day, the news that the emperor was missing spread unstoppably.

Many people came into the palace to ask for news. In the end, the second prince could only temporarily come out to take charge of the overall situation, but at this time a big trouble broke out.

"Come here, catch these treacherous ministers and traitors! In order to save the emperor, I will kill my relatives today!" Princess Masako led people to the place where the second prince and ministers were meeting, pointed at the second prince and cursed loudly.

The second prince showed pain, "Concubine, you are controlled by a bug. I won't blame you, but it's past time and you can't continue to make trouble."

"It was you who imprisoned His Majesty and Otani together with the people from the Central Plains, and you said that everyone was infected by worms. It's just an excuse!" Masako said loudly, and then assigned his guards, "You go and capture the second prince, otherwise we won't know. How will he harm Your Majesty?"

Another minister hurriedly came out to persuade him, but Princess Masako said with red eyes: "The second prince is my biological son. I have poured all my hopes into him. Do you think I feel better now? How can I be slandered as a mother? My own son? But I am also His Majesty’s concubine, and Your Majesty is the master of this palace. I don’t want to see my son continue to make mistakes.”

The words she said were sincere, and she even shed a line of tears. She seemed both determined and extremely painful because of reporting her son. Many ministers actually believed her and instead doubted the words of the second prince.

After all, what the second prince said about Gu worms and how someone controlled the palace was completely unbelievable no matter how you heard it. Most importantly, the second prince had no evidence and had no way to refute Princess Masako.

His face turned red in anxiety, and he suddenly coughed up a mouthful of blood. The attendant beside him hurriedly advised: "Your Highness, please don't get too anxious. We can all prove the poisonous thing for you. Princess Masako is now Targeting you everywhere must be controlled by the Gu."

"What nonsense!" Princess Masako shouted, "In order to plot rebellion, you have made up all kinds of lies, and you don't even feel ashamed! We can no longer listen to them. Now we must imprison the second prince and those Central Plains people so that His Majesty can be rescued as soon as possible. !”

At this time, many people had believed Princess Masako, and a large number of footsteps could be heard outside. General Akamatsu led people into the meeting hall, "I received an urgent letter from Princess Masako, saying that the second prince is plotting to kill your majesty. Is there such a thing?" ?”

Before the second prince could explain, Princess Masako had already started crying, "His Majesty disappeared last night. I wanted to go to your palace to see someone, but it was the second prince and the people from the Central Plains who stopped me outside."

"Concubine, how can you slander me like this?" The second prince said and coughed violently again. He was infected with a poisonous insect. Although it was removed in time, it still had some fundamental injuries. Later, he was beaten by the emperor and suffered internal injuries. It was no longer suitable to be anxious at this time.

"The second prince doesn't need to explain much. You and the people from the Central Plains will be grounded for a while until you find your majesty. I'm sorry!" Chisong waved his hand, and the soldiers below stepped forward and directly held down the second prince and his attendants.

The second prince also had guards around him, but their number was not comparable to Chisong's soldiers. They wanted to take action but were stopped by the second prince.

"Don't risk your life for me. Those who are clean will be cleansed themselves. You will understand when you find your father." The second prince said.

On the other side of the palace, a figure was limping forward. He was not walking slowly, but his feet were lame and it was very difficult.

Finally, he saw the figure in front of him clearly and shouted excitedly: "Master Bai!"

When Bai Ruozhu heard the shouting, she turned around and saw that it was Xinye calling her.

Xinye limped over and ran over. Bai Ruozhu frowned, "Your legs haven't grown properly, why are you running around? Do you want to be a lame in the future?"

She is a doctor and dislikes disobedient patients, so her tone couldn't help but become much more serious.

Shinno looked anxious, "Let's not talk about it for now. Princess Masako just sent someone to deliver a letter to the general, saying that the second prince conspired with you to rebel, and that you imprisoned His Majesty, and asked General Akamatsu to enter the palace to bring order to the chaos. Now the general has gone The second prince has been arrested, and he will come to you soon, so you should avoid him as soon as possible!"

Bai Ruozhu understood that Xinye didn't care about his bone injuries and ran into the palace desperately just to report the news to them, fearing that they would be surrounded by Chisong's army.

"Aren't you afraid that Chisong will find out and think you betrayed him?" Bai Ruozhu looked at him steadily and asked.

"I don't think you will rebel, so I don't want you to be wronged. I stick to my heart and I won't betray anyone." Ninye said with a firm look, "Okay, you should avoid it first. The general has brought a lot of people. You'd better not conflict with him."

"Thank you." Bai Ruozhu said sincerely.

Next to him, Jiang Yichun didn't snort this time. Even if he didn't like Xinye, he couldn't deny that Xinye's move was extremely loyal.

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