Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 2579: Solve the poison in public

Seeing Bai Ruozhu agreeing like this, Jiang Yichun was a little worried, but considering that she had always been steady, she must have thought of a way, so just let her go.

But what does this red pine mean? Maybe he would have to keep an eye on Akamatsu later.

Then Akamatsu also relaxed and had the second prince released. The second prince couldn't help but cry for a while when he saw that the emperor was safe and sound.

"Father, you're fine, it's finally over." The second prince said with a choked voice.

The emperor's eyes were also red, "Jiro, I've suffered so much for you. I heard that I even injured you. Are you okay?"

"It's okay, that was not your original intention, father. You will be fine in a few days," the second prince said.

Many ministers were also very emotional, and even wiped away tears. Many people secretly said that the second prince was so filial and he really didn't want to murder the emperor or someone who wanted to rebel.

Akamatsu stood beside him with a face expressionless and said in a disgraceful manner: "The Emperor and the Second Prince can reminisce about old times later. Didn't you say you want to remove the poison from Princess Masako? Don't waste time."

The second prince glared at him fiercely and said, "Thank you so much, General Chisong, for worrying about this."

He almost said this through gritted teeth, and everyone could tell that it was sarcastic, but General Akamatsu was not shameless and could not sit in this position.

He laughed twice and said: "I have been busy all day, and it is what I should do to serve His Majesty."

The second prince snorted and ignored him, and the group went straight to Masako's bedroom.

Bai Ruozhu had thought that Masako would hide before. After all, how could a person controlled by a voodoo stupidly wait for the other party to undo the voodoo?

Soon she had killed two Gu insects. Did the other party know that she had this ability, so they stayed and waited for her to deal with it?

But Princess Masako was indeed in the palace. She did not hide or reject her as she imagined. She just said: "How could I be poisoned? Why didn't I feel it myself?"

"Concubine, if you were not controlled by the Gu, how could you say what I said about murdering my father? Just let Mr. Bai check you out." The second prince said.

Princess Masako's expression changed uncertainly, and after a while she said in a deep voice: "Okay, I hope you are not harming me."

"We are saving you!" the Emperor said.

Then everyone looked at Bai Ruozhu, wanting to see what she would do. Bai Ruozhu said unhurriedly: "To remove the poison, you need to cooperate with the formation. I asked my maid to set up the formation, which can also avoid spies in the process of removing the poison. Suddenly he took action against the imperial concubine."

She winked at Yi Zi and asked Yi Zi to set up a formation, and then she secretly made a gesture to Yi Zi.

This gesture is familiar to both her and Yi Zi. Yi Zi's formation looks like a defensive formation, but she will secretly add some illusory effects. People on the outside will see the inside as a bit hazy and unreal.

Then Bai Ruozhu secretly got some powder out. It was a very mild hallucinogenic powder. Otherwise, if she and Princess Masako disappeared out of thin air, wouldn't everyone present be explosive?

She asked Princess Masako to sit down cross-legged, and she took out a silver needle to inject Princess Masako. This step was not necessary, she was just trying to fool people, and she also made Masako unconscious.

"Why can't you see clearly? What does Master Bai mean?" General Chisong suddenly asked.

"General, if you want to see it, I will let you see it. Please don't say anything casually to influence me to remove the poison for the princess. What if there is any deviation?" Bai Ruozhu said rudely.

"Are you trying to deceive others?" General Chisong said displeased.

Bai Ruozhu stopped what he was doing, "Did I not let you see it or what? To remove the poison, you must cooperate with the formation, otherwise what will happen if the poison bugs come out and hurt the people around you? Do you think your sword can Did you kill the Gu insect?"

Many people hurriedly backed away when they heard that the Gu insects would come out.

"General Chisong interrupted me again and again. Can this bewitching be removed? If you don't want me to remove the bewitching, just stop here, lest any mistakes happen to me again. Don't talk about removing the bewitching, it's just what the doctor usually does to the patient. No one can interrupt acupuncture carelessly." Bai Ruozhu said loudly.

The second prince became anxious upon hearing this and glared at Chisong and said, "Can't you be quiet and not disturb the doctor?"

The emperor also hurriedly said: "It's not like I can't see clearly inside. Why should General Akamatsu hold on to it?"

Chisong's face was ugly, "I'm worried about what she did to the imperial concubine, but you guys don't appreciate it. If she uses evil magic to control the imperial concubine, you will regret it sometimes!"

Many people took a breath. General Akamatsu was so arrogant. He actually spoke in such a tone to the current and future emperor in the palace.

At this time, the astrologer came out and said loudly: "How can I let anyone use witchcraft here? I guarantee my reputation as an astrologer and will not favor anyone, let alone ignore witchcraft."

The word astrology was spoken, and everyone present expressed their belief in it. The astrologer was from the largest onmyoji family in Fuso, and he had vouched for the family's reputation. How could it be false?

At this time, Fuso people still valued family reputation very much.

Chisong snorted coldly and finally became quiet.

Bai Ruozhu glanced at him provocatively, and then continued to remove the poison from Princess Masako.

She released the little fur ball and let it fly to Masako's eyebrows.

"This is a pet I keep, specially designed to control various kinds of poisonous insects." Bai Ruozhu took the initiative to explain, so as not to disturb Chisong again.

Of course, she wouldn't say that the little fur ball is also a voodoo. Not everyone can understand good voodoo.

Sure enough, Chisong muttered beside him: "What kind of pet? I think it looks more like a Gu insect."

Bai Ruozhu sneered, "I wonder if the general has ever seen Gu insects? Most Gu insects look very scary. They are either black or weird colors. How can they be so white?"

Soon the little hair ball sent back feedback, and sure enough, there were poisonous insects in Masako's body.

Bai Ruozhu counted the time, and her previous medicine was about to take effect.

The hand seals hidden in her sleeves quickly formed a faint silhouette, and she pulled Princess Masako into the space.

"Why are the figures faded? What is Bai Ruozhu doing?" General Chisong shouted again.

"General, please be quiet. It's a critical moment for Master Bai to remove the poison, so you can't be distracted!" the second prince said rudely.

Jiang Yichun strode up to him and suddenly grabbed his collar, "Are you done? Are you the one who is looking for trouble with my wife? Don't think that because you are Fuso's general, I won't dare to hit you. !”

None of the group of people expected Jiang Yichun to suddenly take action, but considering that he always had a cold face and was said to have a bad temper, it was possible that he couldn't help it.

The people on Jiang Yichun's side immediately surrounded him, as if they wanted to protect Jiang Yichun. The officials who were watching were a little scared and retreated a little.

"Lord Jiang, calm down. If you fight, won't it distract Lord Bai?" a Fusang official advised in not very fluent Fusang dialect.

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