Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 2593 Pregnancy

"Do you think Zhulin's daughter Ruru is lying. She gave the things to Inoue, and the child she was pregnant with before was also Inoue's?" Bai Ruozhu shook his head, "Why do I feel that Ruru's expression doesn't look like a lie? And you didn't mean that Inoue Do you like Xizi? Why do you collect and carve walnuts so carefully?"

Jiang Yichun thought for a while and said, "Maybe Song Yi stole the carved walnut, and later gave it to Inoue with Xizi, so Inoue cherished it so much. No matter what the case, Song Yi and Inoue must be related to Ruru. "

"If Song Yi continues to cultivate Gu insects, he must secretly harm those women who have just become pregnant, right?" Bai Ruozhu gritted his teeth, "It's so sinister, I don't know how many innocent little lives have been killed."

"There was another woman who lost her life due to miscarriage, but now that she has been buried, it is still unclear whether it was an accident or related to Song Yi." Jiang Yichun said.

The two of them sighed. Song Yi was hiding in the dark and it was really hard to find him.

During dinner, Bai Ruozhu told everyone about their harvest. Don't expect Jiang Yichun to say more, so she had to do it for her.

"Today's sashimi is really fresh." Bai Ruozhu couldn't help but praise it after eating the extremely thin sashimi.

At this time, most people in the Central Plains did not like to eat raw food, and no one else moved their chopsticks towards the plate of sashimi. Only Tang Feng and Gao Zhan took a few bites.

Bai Ruozhu dipped it in mustard and ate it very happily, and she also took two slices of coral. She was from nearby and was not very averse to sashimi.

She just didn't want to finish eating, so she started retching, got up in a hurry and rushed away.

Qiu Zhi followed her hurriedly and nervously, but after taking two steps he felt it was impolite, so he turned around and said, "I'm going to see her."

Everyone at the table looked at each other, and Feng Lanying said: "Isn't it because you feel uncomfortable eating sashimi? I think you really can't eat raw fish."

But Bai Ruozhu pursed her lips and said nothing. After a while, she suddenly stood up and said, "I'll go check on the coral and give her some medicine. You can continue to take it. You don't have to wait for us."

Jiang Yichun was about to get up, but was stopped by Bai Ruozhu's look. She could just go there alone. It would be inconvenient for Jiang Yichun to go there.

Soon, she found Coral in the backyard. Coral didn't vomit anything, it was just retching and the sound was a bit loud.

Next to him, Qiu Zhi brought hot tea and said, "Would you like to drink some hot tea?"

Coral waved her hands and retched again.

Bai Ruozhu shook her head helplessly, walked over and said, "Don't drink tea randomly for her. It's best to drink warm boiled water if she feels uncomfortable."

She said and pulled Coral's wrist to check for pulse, and it was just as she had guessed before.

"I've eaten sashimi before, and I never vomited. I don't know what happened today, but Ruozhu was fine eating it. It shouldn't be stale." Coral finally stopped vomiting and panted.

Fortunately, she is in good health and her condition is not particularly bad.

Bai Ruozhu sighed and said, "Because you are pregnant, you will feel nauseous and want to vomit due to some pungent smells. It has been more than a month and a half now."

"What!" Coral shouted. She couldn't believe it. She didn't think about pregnancy at all!

Qiu Zhi was also shocked, his eyes widened and he didn't know what to say.

"I took your pulse. It's not wrong. It was at that time." She knew that Coral was very shy about that matter and thought it was a shame in life, so she didn't go out of her way to make it clear.

In fact, Coral felt that the shame was not because she had a relationship with Qiu Zhi, but because she was a great Onmyoji master and was tricked by ordinary people, and therefore lost her ordinary cultivation.

It's not that she can't regain the lost cultivation, but it will take a lot of time, and this itself is a great insult to the Onmyoji.

"Really?" Coral confirmed again. When she saw Bai Ruozhu nodding, her whole body suddenly collapsed. Fortunately, Qiu Zhi next to her supported her.

She was a little disappointed and murmured: "I can't get married, let alone have children. What should I do..."

Before she finished speaking, her body went limp and she fainted.

"Coral, coral!" Qiu Zhi shouted anxiously.

Bai Ruozhu shook his head, "She just fainted due to anxiety. Please help her back to her room to rest. She is pregnant now, so it is not convenient for her to take medicine randomly. She is emotionally unstable now, so it is best to let her sleep for a while."

Qiu Zhi didn't ask any further questions, quickly picked up Coral and hurriedly sent her to her room. Bai Ruozhu thought for a while and followed.

After Qiu Zhi settled the coral, Bai Ruozhu winked at him, and the two of them left the room to talk.

"What are your plans?" Bai Ruozhu asked.

Qiu Zhi's face was a little solemn. He was always a funny person, but he hadn't seen him look so serious in a long time.

"I don't know." Qiu Zhi scratched his head irritably, "Let's ask her what she means when she wakes up."

"You guys can discuss it later. It's hard for others to say anything about your matters." Bai Ruozhu said.

Qiu Zhi nodded and asked, "Did the medicine she took that day have any effect on the child?"

Bai Ruozhu understood what he meant, "You are all people with internal strength and cultivation, so it should not be affected."

Qiu Zhi seemed to be greatly relieved, and his eyes showed joy. Bai Ruozhu could see it clearly. She knew that Qiu Zhi was happy in his heart. He had already fallen in love with this child, but his identity and Coral's identity made him suppress his inner emotions.

When Bai Ruozhu returned to the hall, everyone else had finished eating. Jiang Yichun left some of her favorite dishes and told her to eat more quickly.

Bai Ruozhu glanced at the half-empty plate of sashimi and suddenly lost his appetite.

"I'm full. Let's go back and wash up and rest." She said.

Jiang Yichun glanced at the dining table and frowned slightly. His Ruozhu was a foodie and she never had to lose weight. It was rare to see her lose her appetite.

After returning to the room, Jiang Yichun asked: "Is Hualan pregnant?"

Bai Ruozhu nodded, "Her and Qiu Zhi's situations are very special. When Coral learned that she was pregnant, she muttered that she couldn't get married or have children, and then she fainted. I was really worried. And..."

She lengthened her voice and said, "When I talked about pregnancy, I thought of Song Yi's way of raising Gu. Although I don't think Song Yi dared to provoke us like this, I still felt uneasy."

"Tomorrow you ask Huanhu not to leave the post house. Xiaoyuan's formation is protecting her, and if we pay more attention, nothing will happen. I'm just afraid that she doesn't want this child." Jiang Yichun said.

"Qiu Zhi wants it in his heart, and I think Coral is the same, but the shackles on them are too heavy." Bai Ruozhu couldn't help but sigh again.

"Don't think too much. You should go to bed early. You are exhausted these days." Jiang Yichun said distressedly.

The two of them finished washing and just lay down on the bed when there was a rapid knock on the door.

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