Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 2595 Master Jiejie

The "ant" was not in a hurry, so he hid aside and waited. When it was almost dawn, the golden light on the coral dimmed a little, and the "ant"'s eyes suddenly turned redder, and he rushed forward, and then Got into the coral's nostrils.

Coral, who was sleeping, turned over, but soon went back to sleep, completely unaware of what happened to her.

Early the next morning, everything was as usual, except that Coral got up late and didn't have breakfast with everyone.

Bai Ruozhu thought that pregnant women were easily tired and had to sleep longer, so she didn't think much about it.

After the meal, Qiu Zhi quietly went to Bai Ruozhu and said, "Master, help Hualou have an abortion."

"What does she mean?" Bai Ruozhu asked with raised eyebrows.

Qiu Zhi hurriedly shook his head, "She said she couldn't have it, but she couldn't decide, so she said she would think about it again. But I think it's too uncomfortable for her, so I'll help her make the decision."

He said decisively, but there was pain and reluctance in his eyes.

Bai Ruozhu sighed, "You'd better discuss it with her. Don't think it's for her. Don't let her blame you in the end."

She vaguely felt that Coral was reluctant to let go. If the child was aborted like this, wouldn't it be painful for both of them?

"But our identities cannot..." Qiu Zhi couldn't continue.

Bai Ruozhu glared at him, "You just don't know how to adapt. As long as Hualu doesn't have to return to the sect in the near future, it doesn't mean he can't give birth to a child. At worst, you will raise the child in the future. Why don't you dare to raise it?"

Qiu Zhi gritted his teeth, "I dare you. At worst, I can go back and tell the master the truth, and let the child grow up in Longhumen."

After Qiu Zhi left, Bai Ruozhu thought about it. She seemed to be encouraging Qiu Zhi to break the rules step by step, encouraging Qiu Zhi and Huanhuo to violate the sect rules, and slowly get further and further away from the sect?

I don’t know if Taoist Master Qiu from Longhumen will fight her to the death after finding out.

Jiang Yichun saw her thoughts and said with a smile: "They have long wanted to break the habit, they just need someone to encourage them, and you can help them."

"Yes, I am a successful matchmaker, right?" Bai Ruozhu said with a smile.

"Success, if you are free in the future, you can be an iceman." Jiang Yichun said jokingly.

Bingren is the official media, which is perfect for people like Bai Ruozhu who like to be a matchmaker.

Bai Ruozhu and Jiang Yichun talked for a while, and the two of them started working separately.

She went to see Master Puru, and then quietly went to Cang He's house to see Lu Xin. Lu Xin's father didn't let her see Lu Xin, so she had to sneak over the wall.

When Lu Xin saw her, he said, "You have climbed over the wall again. It's not good for people to see you."

"I have to come through the main entrance, and who can see it?" Bai Ruozhu raised her eyebrows, "How have you been lately? I brought you some more ingredients."

Lu Xin didn't want to eat the food sent by his father, so he simply turned on the stove in his yard and cooked for himself. Bai Ruozhu would send a large amount of ingredients every now and then.

Fortunately, the weather is cool now and the ingredients can be preserved.

"There are some more, thank you." Lu Xin said.

Bai Ruozhu sighed worriedly, "We are leaving Fusang soon. What will you do if we leave? Otherwise, come with us and make sure no one stops you from eating fast and chanting Buddha's name."

"No need, this is the test given to me by the Buddha. No matter how difficult it is in the future, I will have to overcome it myself." Lu Xin said.

"We are going to the island to the east of Fuso. There may be a shark island there, or there may be your hometown. The painting that says Fuso is farther east. Your golden body will glow when it touches it. You really don't want to see it. Do you see it?" Bai Ruozhu asked.

There was yearning in Lu Xin's eyes, but he still shook his head and said, "No, those things from the past life have nothing to do with me anymore. If I can't let go, I can't transcend."

"What if we need your help?" Bai Ruozhu asked again.

Lu Xin didn't speak this time, and after a while he said, "I'm just a child now, how can I help you?"

"I don't know if there are any monsters along the way. Wouldn't it be safer to have a senior monk help?" Bai Ruozhu said.

Lu Xin didn't speak for a long time. Just when Bai Ruozhu was impatient with waiting, he said, "I'll think about it and we'll talk about it when you leave."

"Okay." Bai Ruozhu knew his temper, and it would be bad if he pushed her too hard, so just follow him.

Then she went to Yoshiko's house and prescribed a new prescription for Yoshiko's mother. Yoshiko took her hand and asked about Aki's situation.

"She is being raised in the post house. She will be able to return to her home in a few days." Bai Ruozhu replied with a smile.

When Yoshiko heard about it: "Then I will go to the post house with you later to see her. I didn't even thank her properly last time."

"We are all friends, and it would be disrespectful for you to thank me so politely. Also, you'd better not go to the inn recently, safety first." Bai Ruozhu refused.

Fangzi knew that Bai Ruozhu was worried about her safety, so she didn't insist anymore.

After Bai Ruozhu left Fangzi's house and returned to the post house, he suddenly found that the atmosphere in the post house was very strange.

"What's going on?" Bai Ruozhu asked in a low voice without seeing Jiang Yichun. Seeing that he was extremely quiet.

Tang Feng pulled her aside and whispered: "Coral's master is here. It is said that their sect's waistband can trace the owner's location."

Bai Ruozhu was startled, "Is her master going to take her away? How much do you know?"

"I don't think I know yet, but her master is very fierce, just like Master Miejie. Your father-in-law has tried two tricks with her, but he didn't take much advantage. Besides, everyone has to look at the faces of Huanhuo and Qiu Zhi, so he doesn't So I can take action against Master Miejie." Tang Feng lowered his voice a little more.

Bai Ruozhu's mind flashed back to Master Miejie when she was watching the TV series version of "Eternal Dragon Sword" in her previous life, and she couldn't help but shrink her neck.

At this time, a sharp shout came from the coral room: "Tell me, how did you lose half of your cultivation!"

Coral cried loudly, "Master, it's my disciple who is incompetent and fell into the trap of a traitor."

Then Coral briefly talked about what happened to Toyama's family, but she didn't mention that the person with half her cultivation level was Qiu Zhi, so she simply put the blame on Toyama.

Qiu Zhi was wandering around the door anxiously, apparently planning to rush in and "surrender". Bai Ruozhu hurried over and pulled him aside.

"Coral didn't mention you, you must not expose yourself. If you still want to be with her, just stay there." Bai Ruozhu warned in a low voice.

"But I can't let her face it alone." Qiu Zhi said anxiously.

Bai Ruozhu gave him a big roll of her eyes, "The situation is different now. Their sect does not allow marriage. Your appearance at this time will only add fuel to the fire. You may even ask her master to take her away and punish her severely."

Qiu Zhi nodded hurriedly, "I understand, I won't talk nonsense. Master, please help Coral, don't let her master take her away."

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