Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 2602 Nightmare

Just when Hualu was feeling extremely uneasy, Xu Chenzi nodded and said, "Now that you have lost half of your cultivation, it is really difficult to stay in the palace to protect His Majesty. Why not help Bai Ruozhu and the others? You will grow up in Yuchen Palace." He is big and has some knowledge. Even if his cultivation level is not good enough, he can still help them make some suggestions."

"Master..." Coral's voice was choked with sobs. Her master was still worried about her safety, but she deceived him and played tricks with him.

She felt really sorry. She was raised by her master, why did she become like this now?

She touched her belly gently, but she had to protect this child.

Suddenly, Coral's heart skipped a beat, wondering if her child was also Naihe Yao...

Thinking of this, she almost didn't listen to what Xu Chenzi said later. She said goodbye to Xu Chenzi and immediately went to find Bai Ruozhu.

"Ruozhu, do you think what's in my belly is Naihe Yao?" Coral asked anxiously.

Bai Ruozhu was stunned for a moment, then comforted her and said, "Don't think too much. If it's really the Naihe monster, then there's no need to let the poisonous insects harm you."

"Song Yi is so scheming. Who knows if he just faked a shot?" Coral was probably emotionally unstable because of her pregnancy.

Bai Ruozhu hurriedly comforted her and said, "Don't worry, it's no problem for me to check your pulse here. Otherwise, ask an astrologer to help you. Although he is not as knowledgeable as your master, he will be a monster if you are pregnant." He can also detect the evil spells."

Coral then calmed down a bit, nodded and said, "Okay, I'll bother you."

Bai Ruozhu sent someone to an astrologer to ask for an astrologer. After careful inspection, he said there was no problem and it was a normal fetus.

Coral felt relieved and felt a little embarrassed because of her suspicion.

"Now is an extraordinary period, and it is right to be cautious." Xingxing said, and then he paused and said: "As far as I know, Yuchen Palace does not allow marriage and children, right?"

Coral's face turned red. Bai Ruozhu hurriedly looked at the astrologist and said, "Don't ask too many questions, and don't tell anyone about this."

"No, no." Xingxing replied hurriedly.

After Xingxing left, Coral and Qiu Zhi were happy for a while. It was really their child, and it was safe and healthy. It was not some evil magic trick.

The next day, Hualu found an opportunity to thank Bai Ruozhu. Bai Ruozhu smiled and said, "It doesn't matter if you thank me for anything. I can understand your mood. I've been there too."

She said and winked at Coral, she had already given birth to three brats.

"Actually, I didn't understand why Qiu Zhi recognized you as his master before, but now I slowly understand." Coral suddenly blushed and said.

Bai Ruozhu laughed, "I don't dare to let him be my subordinate. His master is very powerful."

Coral laughed, "But you are a very nice person, you care about your friends, and you are very loyal. I feel safe around you."

Bai Ruozhu felt very comfortable and felt better, "You have praised me to the sky, I will be proud."

Coral laughed, "Don't be afraid of being proud, you have the capital to be proud."

The two joked for a while, and Bai Ruozhu asked again: "I found that as soon as your master said her name, they knew that she was the elder of Yuchen Palace. Is she well-known in Fuso?"

"No, she rarely comes to Fusang. She left the sect this time just to look for me. Yuchen Palace has always had a rule. The leader is named Yuchenzi, and the elders are Xuchenzi, Yunchenzi, etc. I became an elder and inherited that title. Master originally wanted me to succeed her as elder, but unfortunately I failed and let her down." Coral said with a sense of sadness. Being plotted by Toyama was a lifelong shame for her.

"Don't think too much. You still have a lot of time. If your cultivation level is lost, just practice again." Bai Ruozhu advised.

Coral nodded vigorously, "You are right, then I will go back to the house to practice."

"Don't be too tired and take good care of the child in your belly." Bai Ruozhu said.

"Okay." Coral responded with a brisk tone. Now that she mentioned the child, she no longer had the initial worries and hesitation. Even though she didn't say it clearly, she had already made up her mind to give birth to the child. .

Bai Ruozhu was happy for such coral. At least she gave it a try and would not regret it in the future.

She was sent back to Axi's house. As soon as she got home, she was surrounded by her parents and looked at her for a long time. Fortunately, Axi's parents didn't notice that her eyes were unfocused all the time.

"My dear daughter, you're fine. Well, you look good and have a little more flesh on your face. It seems that the food at Master Bai's place is very nourishing." Axi Niang said happily.

"No, Master Bai's Central Plains food is so delicious. There is almost no variety every day. There are so many kinds of breakfast. I ate it for free for several days. I gave her a bracelet when I left." Yaxi Somewhat embarrassed to say.

Axi's father hurriedly said: "It should be right. Let your mother take you to visit again later and give you some gifts. Lord Bai and the others are the benefactors of our family."

Yaxi happily agreed. She felt that her parents were very reasonable and knew how to repay kindness. She was proud of her parents.

Afterwards, Aki and her mother talked a lot about each other. Aki's mother even asked what kind of man Aki wanted to marry, but Aki immediately refused.

"Mom, I don't want to marry so early, and I see Master Jiang treating Master Bai so well every day. If I can't find a husband like Master Jiang, I don't want to marry casually," Yaxi said.

When Yaxi's mother heard this, her expression changed drastically, "Axi, you have fallen in love with that Jiang Yichun, right? My mother reminds you that some people must not have delusions."

She spoke very seriously, with a hint of criticism in her tone.

But Axi burst out laughing, "Mom, where are you thinking? I envy them to die together, how can I get along with them? Besides, Mr. Jiang is only good to Sister Ruozhu, and I don't want to ask for trouble."

Seeing her, Yaxi Niang curled her lips playfully, and then she was sure that she was not lying and that she really had no other thoughts about Jiang Yichun.

"It's okay if you don't, but you're still young. It's not too late to wait another year. Your parents won't let you get married." Yaxi's mother breathed a sigh of relief.

"I can't bear to leave my parents either." Yaxi smiled sweetly, but a pair of eyes appeared in his mind. Those seemingly gentle eyes had a hint of sadness hidden in them. He really didn't know how he had been hurt.

Aki and his wife chatted for a while, then went back to their rooms to rest.

In the middle of the night, a black Gu insect slowly crawled into Axi's yard and approached Axi's bed little by little...

In her sleep, Aki suddenly had a very scary dream. What she dreamed about was that a bug had penetrated her eyes. She screamed in fright and sat up from the bed suddenly.

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