Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 2612 Footbinding Island

"Haha, with their temperament, how can we not stop them?" The woman's voice was sarcastic, "What if the performance continues? Would you mind? Can you touch a woman?"

"You..." The man said one word angrily, but did not continue. Immediately, the room returned to a strange silence. The woman was still combing her hair in front of the mirror, combing it very carefully. Her hair was shiny and thick. Her hair is indeed beautiful.

This voyage was still carried out with two ships. Bai Ruozhu considered that if they found the dragon-seeking grass but had clues about the Shark Island and were unable to go back in time, they could first arrange for Astrology to take them on one of the ships and take them with them. Xunlongcao went back to treat the Emperor and the others first.

Although the cost is a bit higher, Bai Ruozhu's Tang Feng Restaurant has been doing very well recently, and coupled with the previous rewards from the Emperor and Akamatsu, it can easily support all expenses.

Before departure, Bai Ruozhu considered the problem of fresh water and specially brought twenty water tanks of fresh water into the space. The food stored in her space would not spoil, and the fresh water would naturally not change in taste.

This time it was smooth sailing, and soon they arrived at the first small island in the east.

"I know this place well and have been here once. This island is called Asheng Island. It is said that a group of people fled here many years ago. As a result, there was a big storm. It was a young man named Asheng who saved everyone, so everyone used The island was named after him." Astrology told everyone, "In addition, most Fuso people call this place the Foot-Binding Island."

"Binding feet? Binding small feet?" Bai Ruozhu asked in surprise. She has almost never seen binding of small feet since she traveled here. She is very lucky for this. If her feet are deformed by being bound, The sick little feet made her go crazy.

Xingxing nodded, "Yes, it is to bind the feet, but it is very strange here, and I don't know where the custom comes from. Their women do not bind their feet, only men do."

Pfft, Bai Ruozhu couldn't help but spit out the tea, "A man binds his feet? How much should he bind them? He can't reach a three-inch golden lotus, right? And how can they work with their feet bound?"

"Now the men there no longer work, and I don't know why. There are very few men on the island. Their custom is that giving birth to a boy is particularly noble, and daughters have to work since they were young, but boys are born when they are very young. The feet are bound so tightly that they stagger when walking." Xingxing said and also laughed. The man looked really weird that way.

The more Bai Ruozhu listened, the more she wanted to laugh. It has been a trend caused by men since ancient times. They like three-inch golden lotus, which makes women have their feet bound and become semi-disabled. It is really annoying.

Nowadays, the custom on this island is for men to bind their feet. While making people laugh, Bai Ruozhu also feels a little happy. She doesn't know who first proposed this.

Fuso is now spoken on the islands east of Fuso, so Astrology sent Oda to greet the island manager, who is also the village chief.

When the village chief heard that he was a Fuso official from Kyoto, he immediately brought a group of old men to greet him. They all looked very respectful, but they walked very slowly and staggered. A closer look revealed that they were all old men with small feet!

Bai Ruozhu tried hard to hold it in for a long time before she burst out laughing. This scene was really funny.

She was even a little curious, did the men here bind their toes with their toes underneath?

In her previous life, she saw a photo of an old lady with small feet. In the photo, the old lady took off her shoes and socks, revealing her deformed little feet. The picture at that time made Bai Ruozhu feel palpitated. How could her good feet be like that!

Only the big toe was straight, the other four toes were forced to the sole of the foot and buckled underneath. After a long period of foot binding, they were fixed in that way.

The heels are also very strange, so a pair of feet can fit into shoes with pointed toes, but if you think about it, you will know what kind of pain the owner of the feet has experienced.

Why should you have your feet bound? This is simply a perverted custom.

"Little old man Katsuji pays homage to all the adults. I am the village chief here. I wonder what the adults need?" The village chief Katsuji asked with a respectful salute.

"We went to the island to rest for a day, and we also want to find a kind of herbal medicine." Oda said and showed them a sample picture.

Katsudera called the other old men with small feet to come over. They walked with great difficulty, even though the distance was very close, they walked for a long time.

"I don't think I've seen it before." Shengsi asked everyone and replied, "But there is a hill here with many medicinal herbs in the depths, but because there is a big demon living in it, we don't dare to enter, and we don't know where it is. Do you have."

"Big demon?" Xingxing asked.

"None of us have seen it, but it's been passed down from our ancestors that the big demon is very powerful, but it won't come out to hurt people, but once someone enters its territory, they won't be able to come back. Every family here will take good care of it. Children, they have been taught not to go in since they were young, but they have been fine all these years." Katsudera replied.

Astrology looked at Jiang Yichun and the others and asked if they wanted to explore. Jiang Yichun nodded after thinking for a while. He couldn't miss any opportunity, or the big demon in their mouth was a dragon. Didn't he say that dragon-seeking grass can find dragons? Maybe there's one nearby.

"Let's take a rest for the night and go take a look tomorrow morning." Xingxing said.

Katsudera was a little worried, "Sir, you should think carefully. If you go in, you may not be able to get out."

"We will be careful." Astrology's attitude was very firm. Katsudera and the others did not dare to say any more, and led the group into the village with small steps.

The ship needs fresh water and food supplies. Although I didn’t use much during the trip just now, I have enough supplies to be prepared.

The people on Bianzu Island are very generous. They don’t charge them a penny for fresh water supplies, and even a lot of food is given away.

Bai Ruozhu was a little embarrassed, so he gave them some medicine and cloth, and the people on the island were very happy about it.

They were temporarily arranged to live in the home of the village chief, Katsudera, while Katsudera's family moved to a neighbor's house nearby.

Dinner was also served by Katsudera and the others. Although it was not very delicious, the islanders were very enthusiastic after all.

Soon it was getting dark, and Bai Ruozhu and the others finally felt down to earth. They didn't want to go to bed so early, so they gathered in the yard of Shengdera's house to drink and admire the moon.

After everyone had had a few drinks, they heard the cry of a child coming from the house next door. The cry was not an ordinary cry, it was as if he was about to kill him, which immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Bai Ruozhu hurriedly pricked up his ears to listen. He remembered that it was the family that the Shengsi family was asking for help. Didn't the children of the two families get into a fight?

At this time, a woman's displeased voice sounded, "Why are you crying? Who doesn't come here like this?"

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